PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell.  Members are encouraged to bring items to share.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, January 4, 7 pm at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, classroom 7 at 7600 Carmel NE, one-half block North and West of Paseo Del Norte and Wyoming.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, January 11, 7pm at Joiner Museum, 3650 Hwy 528, Rio Rancho.

BREAKFAST GROUP:  Not meeting in December

CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at   Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.

FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is

EARLY FORD V8 CLUB OF AMERICA WEBSITE:                                                    


December Birthdays and Anniversaries

                                        Corrine Lovato (3)                   Jim & Jeannine Kontny (11)

                                                Dee Patterson (4)                   Bob & Joan Quirici (21)

                                                Bobbie Benzaquen (11)          Jeff & Beth Jackson (26)

                                                Jackie Abernathy (18)            Jim & Joyce Clements (30)

                                                Joan Quirici (31)


Christmas Party

Our annual Christmas party will be a potluck on Saturday afternoon, December 11th at 1pm.  The party will be at the Jackson’s house (8322 Calle Picaflor NW).  The cost is $3 per person.  The hosts will cook the meat, with side dishes provided by those attending.  Tea, water and coffee will be provided.  Reservations are required and can be made by contacting Beth Jackson before December 8th.   Reservations may also be made by mail to Beth at the above address (zip 87120).  Requested side dishes are salad, vegetable, dessert or bread and can be confirmed when you call or send in your reservation.  Remember there is no club meeting in December.  We have followed this format for several years and have large crowds, delicious food and a very pleasant time.

Our annual gift exchange will take place during the Christmas Party.  If you wish to participate, bring a wrapped gift labeled male or female, and you will go home with a lovely gift.  Please make the gift something you would like to receive and keep the cost under $20.  We also collect for Roadrunner Food Bank; leave your cash donation and we will make a donation from the club.  Please call Beth at 505-908-7564 if you have any questions.


President’s Message for December 2021                                      Joe Abbin

Hard to believe a whole year has gone by! It has been a challenge with Covid restrictions and all, but we have survived!

This month there will be no regular meeting. Even better, we will have our annual Christmas party, graciously hosted by the Jackson’s. Details are elsewhere in this newsletter. Oh boy! The officers for next year will be installed at the party and assume their duties on January 1.

The new officers for 2022 are:

Chris Joiner, President;

Jeff Jackson, Vice-President;

Beth Jackson, Secretary;

Amy Joiner, Treasurer

Board members are: Joe Warren, George Abernathy, Larry Bost, and Roger Wilbur. Joe Abbin will also be a board member as past President.

At our recent board meeting we lined up great meeting topics and activities to start off the new year. For January, we will hear about member Joe Warren’s life and times. See his writeup in January’s newsletter. And in February we will be honored to hear about Albuquerque’s early families from Rosemary Winkler, author of a new book, Stories of Early Albuquerque. We also have some awesome activities planned to be announced in the January Newsletter.

See you at the party! Merry Christmas to all!  


Minutes of the V8 Club Meeting – November 2, 2021

The meeting was called to order by President Joe Abbin.  There were 16 present including former member Neva Coffee.  Birthday and Anniversary greetings were extended.  It was reported that Phil Lovato’s Feed NM Kids Car Show on October 30th was well attended and $1890 was raised.  Everyone reported receiving their newsletter and the minutes of October’s meeting were accepted as printed.  Treasurer George reported that all is good.

Joyce Clements, reporting for the NM Car Club Council, said the last meeting of the year was held recently.  There are numerous upcoming activities including the current SEMA show in Las Vegas, a Veterans Day Parade in Rio Rancho, and a swap meet at the Albuquerque Dragway on November 20th.  The council is still seeking a good location for their fall 2022 swap meet.  The Good Guys SW Nationals is November 19-21 in Scottsdale.  They also hold a swap meet and have a Sale Corral for cars.

The November breakfast will be held Saturday the 13th at Wecks on Osuna with a tour following at Jay Hertz’s garage.  It will be our last look at any of Jay’s cars and remaining collections.

The club will be holding our annual Christmas Party on Saturday, December 11th at the Jackson’s house.  It will be a potluck with the club providing spiral ham and drinks.  We will also hold a gift exchange for interested people. Roger shared that Santa Fe will be holding a car show on Veterans Day at the Plaza. Neva brought a tool she found in Marvin’s garage and Mike Goodrich identified it as a “special wrench”.

Joe announced the slate of officers being presented:  Chris Joiner, President; Jeff Jackson, V-P; Beth Jackson, Sec.; Amy Joiner, Treas.; and for Directors – George Abernathy, Roger Wilbur, Joe Warren, and Larry Bost. No additional nominations were made.  It was moved and seconded to accept the slate as presented and a unanimous vote was taken.

A quick break for refreshments and raffle ticket sales ensued after which we enjoyed an educational presentation by George Abernathy on diseases and physical ailments of our household pets.  George brought several examples to show us of items removed from pet’s intestines.  Good presentation, George.

Secretary, Beth Jackson


Minutes of the November 30th Board Meeting

   President Joe Abbin called the meeting to order.  Present were Joe Abbin, Joe Warren, George Abernathy, Amy Joiner and Chris Joiner.  Joe discussed the “Stories of Albuquerque” book author – thought it was a possible January meeting program, but it was later decided that would be better suited for February so we could invite other clubs to join that meeting to be held at the J & R Museum.

  It was decided to continue “getting to know club members” with Joe Warren speaking on his career at our January meeting to be held at the North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center.

   Joe Abbin was able to get bank records for 2021, records for 2020 will still need to be obtained so our accounts may be audited as we switch treasurers.  This should allow our new treasurer Amy to have a budget ready for the January meeting.

   There was brainstorming of meeting topics that will be considered for future meetings.

   The following activities were presented and considered.  A tour of Car Crafters at Paseo and Jefferson was chosen for our January 8th breakfast activity.  Joe Abbin will contact them.  Breakfast will be at the Cracker Barrel at 8:30am.  The Commemorative Air Force in Moriarty has hamburgers and drinks for $5 as a fundraiser.  It was suggested that we do this on February 12th and do lunch there instead of breakfast before.  Details will be worked out.  We will keep a list of additional activities suggested and work them into our schedule as we can.

   The following suggestions will be considered by the board:  Meeting as a group to help members on car projects;  more informal meetings with time to hang out;  weekly meeting for breakfast with the same location weekly for more exposure and to get more members involved;

   Several overnight trip suggestions were made and will be considered for scheduling including Globo Rojo Auto & Art Museum in Sunland Park, NM and the Chama or Silverton Train rides.

   Joe Abbin will renew his membership at North Domingo Baca Center so we can continue having meetings there for free.  Joe also mentioned that there are local people who are members of the National V8 Club but not our local club.  We need to consider how to get them to join our club.  Chris suggested we advertise at swap meets or car shows and/or have a club booth.  We’d also get more exposure by driving our old cars more such as to our breakfasts.  Chris suggested also that members could join the Christmas parades in 2022 in Albuquerque and/or Rio Rancho.

   The January board meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 11th at the J&R Museum.

Substitute Secretary, Amy Joiner

                                          2021 OFFICERS & DIRECTORS

President: Joe Abbin (

Vice-President: R. Jeff Jackson (

Secretary: Beth Jackson (

Treasurer: George Abernathy (

Director: Demetrio Lee (

Director: Chris Joiner (

Director: Larry Bost (

Director: Vern Willan (

Director: Roger Wilbur (



President:  Chris Joiner (

Vice-President: R Jeff Jackson (

Secretary: Beth Jackson (

Treasurer: Amy Joiner (

Director: Joe Abbin (

Director: Larry Bost (

Director: Roger Wilbur (

Director: Joe Warren (

Director: George Abernathy (




How much do you really know about early Fords?

1.     What kind of wood was primarily used in construction of Ford Woodies…?

2.     Who was the first in line to purchase the new ‘46 Ford after World War II…?

3.     What year Ford had the last floor shift…?

4.     What model year had the last outside running board…?

5.     What agriculture crop did Henry Ford develop and used extensively in the building of cars…?

6.     What year Ford had the last rumble seat…? 

7.     What year was the V8 60 introduced…?

8.     What year was the last Columbia overdrive available…?

9.     A Columbia overdrive gave you about a _____% overdrive gain…?

10.  What year was it possible to lock the hood with a key?


(Answers later in newsletter)




Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter.  Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads.  The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email:



November Trivia Answers


1.      Maple

2.     Disabled Veterans

3.     1939

4.     1940

5.     Soy Beans

6.     1939

7.     1937

8.     1948

9.     30%

10.  1937




Jokes of the Month


New Rule:  Stop giving me that pop-up ad for!  There’s a reason you don’t talk to people for 25 years.  Because you don’t particularly like them!  Besides, I already know what the captain of the football team is doing these days: mowing my lawn.


New Rule:  Ladies, leave your eyebrows alone.  Here’s how much men care about your eyebrows:  do you have two of them?  Okay, we’re done.


New Rule:  The more complicated the Starbucks order, the bigger the [censored].  If you walk into a Starbucks and order a “decaf grande half-soy, half-low fat, iced vanilla, double-shot, gingerbread cappuccino, extra dry, light ice, with one Sweet-n’-Low and one NutraSweet, “ooh, you’re a huge [censored].


New Rule:  If you’re going to insist on making movies based on crappy, old television shows, then you have to give everyone in the Cineplex a remote so we can see what’s playing on the other screens.  Let’s remember the reason something was a television show in the first place is the idea wasn’t good enough to be a movie.


The Best Headlines of 2006


Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says  [No, really?]


Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers  [Now, that’s taking things a bit far!]


War Dims Hope For Peace  [I can see where it might have that effect!]


If Strike Isn’t Settled Quickly, It May Last Awhile  [You think?]


Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures  [Who would have thought!]


Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges  [You mean there’s something stronger than duct tape?]




Businesses Used by Members

(Send us names of businesses you have used)


1.     Starters and Alternators of New Mexico, 3711 Franciscan St NE, Albuquerque NM 87107, 505-344-5025, Eldon.

2.     Skinners Carburetor & Distributor Service, 300 Aspen Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102, 505-344-3704, Albert & Nic.

3.     McBride’s Springs & Welding, 1010 2nd St NW, Albuquerque NM 87102, 505-242-2174.

4.     Automotive Machine Service Inc., 1645 2nd St. NW, Albuquerque NM 87102, 505-242-3548, Doug/Manny.

5.     Old Car Garage/World Wide Automotive, 3232 Girard Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 505-881-2722, Bob & Desiree.

6.     The Santa Fe Detail, 7512 Avenger Way, Unit 2, Santa Fe NM 87507, 505-204-5120, Luis.