Roger Wilbur

September 2018

     For this interview, we caught Roger having breakfast and he politely agreed to a quick interview.  When asked where he was born he said Minnesota then, I suspect his wife sitting across the breakfast table reminded him, he said he was born in Little Falls, New York.  Sculptor, jewelry maker, entrepreneur and car enthusiast, he is self-employed as an artist in Santa Fe.   He has a degree in Fine Arts with a minor in Business Administration from the University of Minnesota.  His major was sculpture.
     Roger traveled through New Mexico in 1968 on a motorcycle with “everything I owned”.   He continued down the west coast of Mexico and back up the east coast on his motorcycle before settling in New Mexico.  He officially moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico 45 years ago.  He considers Santa Fe one of the top art locations in the world.   His work is displayed in several top galleries in Santa Fe.

     He met another club member, Gary McGlasson, in 1971 when he went to get parts for his international tractor in Cuba.

     How does your wife Bobbie like cars?  “Well, it keeps you out of the bars,” I heard her say in the

background.  Actually, Bobbie fondly remembers her first car -  a 1969 Mustang Convertible.   Roger has been a car person since getting his first car, a 1946 Ford, at age 13.
     A family man, Roger and Bobbie have a daughter and granddaughter.   The granddaughter is already taking an interest in cars, Roger says.  Good for her!   
     Roger recently participated in a picture shoot featuring his 1954 Buick.  Look for it in Cowboys and Indians Magazine.

     Roger will be our featured speaker presenting a program on jewelry in October.  He says he has lots of stories for us as well as some good information about his artistic talents.