PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell.  Members are encouraged to bring items to share.

NEXT MEETING: Next meeting is March 6, 2018 at 7pm. We will be meeting at Jay’s shop to compare 1933 Fords and Chevys. See directions to his shop below. Refreshments provided by Jay.


BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday, March 17th, 8:30am breakfast at Furr’s Fresh Buffet on Wyoming.

CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at   Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.

FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is




March Breakfast

Saturday, March 17th at 8:30am, club members and friends will be gathering at Furr’s Fresh Buffet, 2004 Wyoming Blvd NE.  Food is plentiful and there is generally lots of room.


March Program

The March 6th meeting will be held at Jay’s shop.  We will be comparing a 1933 Ford to a 1933 Chevrolet.  The Chevy Club has been invited to participate with us.  Jay Hertz’ shop is at 2420 Midtown Place NE, Units I and J.  To get there from the intersection of I-25 and Montgomery/Montano, go south on the I-25 frontage road and make the first right turn onto Midtown Road, then the next right turn onto Midtown Place.  After one block, you will see building 2420. If lost, call Jay at 505-235-8235.


Early Ford V8 Club National Tour

The National Club has unanimously approved our hosting the 2018 national driving tour of southern New Mexico. The advertising for the event should appear in the V8 Times in plenty of time to attract a good number of tourers. We are hoping for at least 25 cars.
The tourers will gather in Socorro on Friday October 5. The first full day of the tour, Saturday October 6, will include a rare visit to the Trinity Site. That Site is open to the public only twice a year. The tour ends five days later with a visit to Carlsbad Caverns and a farewell banquet. In between those events, we will spend the night in Alamogordo, Roswell, and Ruidoso, and visit various historical, artistic, and space-related sites nearby. Planning is underway by the touring committee (the Jacksons, David McLain, Joe Abbin and Jay Hertz).  All members of the Tumbleweed Group are encouraged to participate. We will hold garage work sessions for anyone needing help getting a vehicle ready to tour.


March Birthdays

                                    Larry Azevedo (6)                                Vi Chavez-Cropp (12)

                         Bob Payne (15)                                  George Abernathy (16)




R. Jeff Jackson

Another inevitable event happened recently -the passing of Mr. '53 Frank Corey.  Passings impact each of us with disbelief, sadness, grief being first emotions, then eventual acceptance and reflection.    Often our thoughts, after compassion for the family, turn to a desire for remembrance and an outward show of thoughtfulness.   This is good as it shows our true feelings of inspiration, love, and appreciation for the deceased.    The Early Ford V8 family of the Tumbleweed Club is no different in these sentiments except for the fact we are not individuals but a collective.   As a collective we should express the desires of the club members as well as retain a level of compassion and thoughtfulness for each of our remaining members.
There is no disputing that certain club members may be closer friends to some than others.   The question remains how to differentiate those closer friends without possibly negatively impacting others.  The question continues as to how to prevent immediate reaction to events, such as the passing of a friend, to dominate the collective actions of the club.   And finally, the collective must consider each individual and any collective actions' impact on the individual.    These questions were discussed at length in 2014 and again at the club directors meeting in February 2018.  After much discussion there was no agreed upon distinguishing characteristics, or list of accomplishments, or length of time as a club member, or definition that would fairly and in all circumstances describe a club member as more worthy of recognition than another.  Needless to say everyone had a desire to develop a definition but it was not possible.

The Directors unanimously agreed to recommend a continuance of the 2014 policy with a modification to allow an immediate condolence and recognition letter to the family of the deceased.   The recommendation of the Directors is to sponsor one brick at the Ford Foundation Museum per year in recognition of the deceased members of Tumbleweed Regional Group 79 and to send a letter to the family of the deceased noting the recognition that will be provided with the brick.    The letter will be sent in recognition of any member or spouse of a member of the club at the time of departure.    In addition the club members may request a letter be sent to the family of any person who the club thinks should be memorialized even if that person was not a current club member provided that person was a club member in the past.    This recommendation does not inhibit any individual or group from donating a brick or other remembrance at anytime they so desire.

Likely none of us are completely happy with this recommendation yet I believe each of us can accept it, and I personally believe it is the best policy for the collective.


This policy will again be put to a vote at the April meeting -postponed to April because the March meeting is a joint meeting with the Chevy club.   However, at the March meeting we will have a suggested condolence letter for your comments.


Minutes of the February 6th 2018 Meeting

President Jeff called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.  There were 12 members present.  Ray said he had not received the newsletter and George gave him a paper copy. Treasurer David has been collecting dues and says we are on track. Birthday greetings go out to Bob Quirici, Tom Patterson, Pat Bost and Richard Polk.  Thanks to Beth for refreshments.  The refreshment sign -up sheet for the rest of the year was passed around.  The For Sale/Wanted sheet was also circulated for additions and deletions.

Old Business:  SuperNationals: Chris thought it was a good show.  Jay thought the show attendees were receptive to antique cars.  The club had 4 cars displayed together; Jay Hertz’s ’34 Phaeton, Chris Joiner’s 35 Pickup, Richard Polk’s ’46 Pickup and the Jacksons’ 41 Sedan Coupe. Other club members exhibiting were Bill Verant, Jim Kontny and Philip Lovato.  Awards were won by all. Jay won the J&R Museum award for best restoration.  Jeff told the story of a woman who was standing by his car sobbing.  She explained that the car had been her dad’s and then her brother’s and they had both since passed away.  She had her son take several pictures of her with the car and related more of its history to Jeff and Beth.  The following day she sent her son back with some pictures of the car during restoration.  Members agreed that the club will plan their entries and display earlier next year.  There is a monetary award for best club display that should be worth working towards.

Recipe of the month for February was provided by Mary Gorenz.  As she was absent and unable to pick a person for March, Amy Joiner volunteered.  Jeff asked Chris Joiner if he would consent to being “Featured Member” for the March newsletter and he agreed.

Joyce reported for the NM Car Council.  The theme for this year’s Museum Car Show will be Vintage Imports.  The Los Lunas Swap Meet will be held in the same location as last year and the All Clubs’ Picnic will be held at Oak Flats Picnic Grounds once again on Sunday, August 12th.

Jay reported that the application for the Southern New Mexico National Tour was received by the National director-in-charge and we were promised a quick approval.  Jay will schedule a committee meeting soon.

New Business:  Membership dues of $25 are due by the end of February.  Bill Verant told Jeff there will be a small car show the Friday before the May 20th Museum Car Show at Bear Creek Senior Center.  Contact Bill if you need details.

We received a request for assistance through our website.  A man restoring a ’37, 2 door slant back asked for tips on attaching the felt liner to the window garnish molding using the Bob Drake clips.  Jay said he couldn’t figure it out himself but he would contact the man and talk with him.

The February breakfast will be Saturday the 17th at 8:30am at Vick’s Vittles.  Afterwards Joe will open his shop so members may peruse his library and the club library.  He got many books from Art’s estate and added them to his collection.

Jay suggested Furr’s on Wyoming as the breakfast location in March.

David mentioned that it would be nice for several members to acquire magnetic club signs for their vehicles.  Joe mentioned that the V8 Times was offering free signs at one time.  David offered to check on that.  Jeff said he bought one through a good mail order company and would share that information with anyone interested.

The next meeting is March 6th and will be held in Jay’s shop.  Directions will be printed in the newsletter.  The program will be a comparison of a 1933 Ford and a 1933 Chevrolet, both owned by Jay.  The Chevy Club has also been invited.

Joyce told about a bill being presented in the New Mexico Legislature to require front license plates on vehicles.  She suggested we all write our legislators to give them our opinion.

There will be a board meeting on Tuesday, February 20th at the Jacksons’ house.

There was a discussion on buying bricks from the Ford V8 Foundation in memory of deceased club members.  Jeff read the minutes from 2014 where the board suggested buying one brick a year and the club membership agreed.  There was quite a bit of discussion on buying one a year, or one for each deceased member. If we buy for each member, who decides who is worthy of a brick? Each brick costs $125.  Several members asked that the board consider the question at the upcoming board meeting.  It was agreed that the board would discuss and make a recommendation.

Refreshments were eaten, Joe held the raffle, and the program of car show pictures was enjoyed by all.

Secretary, Beth Jackson




Minutes of the February 20, 2018 Board Meeting

There were 5 board members present. Jay gave a tour committee report.  The locations visited will be Socorro, Roswell, Ruidoso, Carlsbad and Alamogordo.  The committee will continue to meet and do their planning. Everyone is welcome to attend.  Jeff suggested that we plan a Saturday work day in April and ask at the March meeting for volunteers.  Programs suggested for meetings were “car theft prevention”, lubricants by Amsol, “leading” of cars, perhaps by Jasen of the Old Car Garage.  These topics will be pursued.  It was suggested that we plan an old movie day, perhaps after a Saturday breakfast and Jay will look into a tour to Santa Fe and Larry Icerman’s collection of cars.

The memorial brick issue was discussed.  The board agreed on a recommendation to the club. See details in the President’s Letter.    Secretary, Beth Jackson





President: R. Jeff Jackson (

Vice-President: Jay Hertz (

Secretary: Beth Jackson (

Treasurer: David McLain (

Director: George Abernathy (

Director: Phillip Lovato (

Director: Roger Wilbur (

Director: Joe Abbin (





March 26, 1932-February 16, 2018

     Frank Corey, aka Frank Ford, passed away unexpectedly while undergoing surgery. Frank was born the same month and year as the first Ford V8's were sent to dealers to road test. He was born and grew up in Niles, Michigan. He drove his Model A Ford, with no heater and no defroster, back and forth to Notre Dame University. He graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering.

     Frank tried to buy a new green 1953 Ford V8 fordor sedan, but the dealers kept trying to sell him a tudor six. As a result, he bought a new 1953 Pontiac. Frank always called that a "Monday morning car" as it had a lot of problems. After a year fighting with the dealer, he sold the car and bought an almost new 1953 green V8 Ford fordor. He bought Ford products ever after. 

     Frank joined the Navy and was sent to White Sands Missile Range in Alamogordo. When he finished his term in the Navy, he stayed in New Mexico and went to work for Sandia Corporation. After that, he became an instructor in automotive electronics at TVI. Since retiring from that, he was always busy working on his cars.

     Frank joined the Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club in 1980. He served as Director, Newsletter Editor, Vice President, President and Treasurer of the Tumbleweeds at various times during his membership. He was also a long-standing member of the National Early Ford V8 Club. He participated in many activities, shows and tours, helping with the planning and execution on occasion. Frank was especially helpful in organizing the yearly birthday parties for the club. He presented programs at meetings several times; he was especially good on transmissions and electrics. He was the only person I ever knew who would take apart a voltage regulator and get it to working again.

     Frank was well-known for his love of 1953 Fords, especially light green fordors, but he also had a great affection for any Ford or Mercury from the 1950's. He welcomed all car enthusiasts to visit his collection. Often he would help out with solving mechanical issues with the old Fords. A couple of Catholic nuns had an old Pinto that had umpteen thousand miles on it; they would call Frank, and he'd get it going again. He worked on cars for many of us and helped with parts; he would frequently "lend" you a part to use until you could buy a replacement elsewhere.

     At some point in the early 2000's Frank joined the Ford V8 Foundation which had been established to preserve the history of 1932-53 Fords. He donated a 1946 Mercury to their Museum, and it is proudly displayed in Auburn, Indiana, with a tribute to Frank.

     Frank also owned two Model A Fords and was a member in good standing of the Poco Quatros Model A Club. He served as representative to the New Mexico Council of Car Clubs and acted as treasurer for that group for a number of years. He volunteered to help out at their car shows, swap meets and other events.

     About 1983, Frank bought the house next door to us because it had a big garage in the back yard. He rented the house to a family but used the garage for his own cars. When that garage filled up, he built a second garage next to it to house the rest of his collection. Both garages are fully occupied with cars and parts that might be needed some day. He was a good neighbor to have.

     Frank will surely be missed by his many friends in the car hobby. He was a great asset there and a great person all around.

Joyce Clements

Frank & Kenny at Picnic.jpg
Frank & Will & Mercury.jpg


Frank and Kenny Campbell                        Frank & Will and ’46 Mercury donated to Early Ford V8 Foundation





Recipe of the Month by Amy Joiner


            Sour Cream Pound Cake

1 cup butter, softened
3 cups sugar
6 egg yolks
3 cups flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
I cup sour cream
2 Tablespoons almond extract
1 teaspoon vanilla
6 egg whites

In a large bowl, cream together sugar and butter. Add egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Sift flour three times. Mix baking soda into sour cream. To butter mixture, add flour and sour cream alternately. Add almond and vanilla. Beat egg whites stiff. Fold into batter. Pour into greased, floured tube pan and bake at 300 degrees for 1 1/2 hours. Cake tester should come out clean.

Chris and Amy.jpg
Amy and Chris.jpg
Amy and Chris wedding.jpg


Chris in hat with Amy.jpg


Featured Member

Chris Joiner

Chris has been interested in cars his entire life.  An Albuquerque native, he is the son of Bill Joiner and the grandson of Gab Joiner, both car people from way back.  He used to work with his grandfather on cars at the J & R Museum.  Chris met Amy in 2009 and they were married January 1, 2011.  They own a ’31 Model A four door sedan that they are getting in shape now.  They also have a gray 1933 Ford Pickup and a red 1935 Ford pickup, both beautifully restored.  Chris says he likes to drive his vehicles and gets them out once or twice a week.  He and his dad, Bill, run an earth moving business in Rio Rancho and they do their own mechanical work on their equipment.  We are fortunate to have Chris and Amy as new members of our club.  Welcome!






Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2018


Tuesday 6th Club Meeting 7pm at Jay’s Garage comparing 1933 Ford and Chevy.  Refreshments by Jay Hertz.

Saturday 17th 8:30am Breakfast at Furrs on Wyoming


Tuesday 3rd Club Meeting 7pm Program by Larry Azevedo on Edsel Ford. Refreshments by George Abernathy.

Saturday 21st Breakfast

Saturday 21st Spring Thaw, Worldwide Automotive


Tuesday 1st Club Meeting 7pm, Car Theft Prevention. Refreshments by Ray Calderon.

Saturday 12th Tour to Santa Fe (Larry Icerman’s) and lunch

Sunday 20th Museum Car Show

Monday 28th Club Birthday Party at Los Ranchos


Tuesday 5th Club Meeting 7pm. Refreshments by Amy & Chris Joiner. 

Saturday 16th Breakfast – Old Movie


Tuesday 3rd Club Meeting 7pm.  Refreshments by Joyce Clements.

Wednesday 4th Parade in Corrales and Hopefully Picnic at Azevedo’s

Saturday 21st Breakfast


Tuesday 7th Club Meeting 7pm 

Sunday 12th All Clubs Picnic

Saturday 18th Breakfast


Tuesday 4th Club Meeting 7pm

Sunday 9th of September State Fair Car Show

Saturday 15th Breakfast

Fri - Sun 28-30 Los Lunas Swap Meet


Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7pm 

5th-10th - National Tour of Southern New Mexico

Saturday 20th Breakfast


Tuesday 6th Club Meeting 7pm Officer Election.  Refreshments by Bob Payne.

Saturday 17th Breakfast


Saturday 8th Club Christmas Party (tentatively pot luck)

Tuesday 11th (tentative Board meeting with new and old officers and directors plan for 2019)

Saturday 15th Breakfast






Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter.  Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads (for sale items will continue to be updated at the meetings).  The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email:


Pictures from the SuperNationals




Philip Lovato’s T-Bird                                    



Bill Verant with his ’64 Galaxie   



Jim Kontny and his ’57 Fairlane                            



Jacksons’ ’41 Sedan Coupe



Richard Polk’s ‘46 Pickup                                  


Kenny Campbell’s Divco



Jay Hertz’s ’34 Phaeton                                     



Chris & Amy Joiner’s ’33 Pickup


Upcoming Events


March 1-3 – Havasu Deuces – Rotary Park, Lake Havasu, AZ – Open to pre-'58 – Dick Raczuk (928)854-6319 or

March 3 – Veterans' Car Show – Borman Motors, Las Cruces – Rich Lewis (575)525-4556

March 3 – NSRA Appreciation Day – Adult Toy Factory, Las Cruces – Bob Nall (575)382-5742

March 3-4 – Toy Swap Meet – Convention Center, Tucson, AZ

March 9-11 – 8th Spring Lone Star Nationals – Texas Motor Speedway, Fort Worth, TX – Open to Pre-'88 – Goodguys (925)838—9876 or

March 10 – Rich Ford Car Show – Lomas & Wyoming NE – Open to all – Free entry, entertainment, food – Big Foot demos – 9am-3pm – Enter on Wyoming side of dealership –

March 11 – 20th Annual Buff & Shine Show – Shangri La Nudist Resort, New River, AZ – Patty (623)465-5959 or

March 16-17 – 28th Chickasha Pre-War Swap Meet – Chickasha, OK – Mike or Susie Ersland (405)224-9090 or

March 16-18 – 9th Spring Nationals – Westworld, Scottsdale, AZ – Open to Pre-'88 – Goodguys (925)838-9876 or

March 16-18 – Lone Star Nationals – Convention Center, McAllen, TX – Open to Fords – (956)897-0117 or

March 17 – Wheels of Dreams 2018 – Field of Dreams, 2501 Tashiro Rd., Las Cruces – Swap Meet/Car Corral 7am-3pm – Goodie bags for 1st 100, trophies, raffles, music, 50/50 cash drawing, food, music – Benefitting youth of Las Cruces – Entry $30, February 15 to March 5, $35 after – Fred Myers

(575)288-5770 or 

March 17 – 34th Annual St. Patrick's Day Rallye & Car Show – Eagle Park, Belen (west on Delgado to Belen HS gate, north on Eagle Park, follow signs) – Balloons launch at 8am, car show starts 11am and goes till crowd disperses – Food, music, beer garden – No entry fee, people's choice award, door prizes – Rhona (505)864-8091

March 17-18 – Thunder Vette Set Spring Break 2018 – Windemere Hotel, 2047 So. Hwy 92, Sierra Vista, AZ – Natl Council of Corvette Clubs sanctioned – Rallye, car show, autocross – Bill Scott (571)276-0841or

March 24 – 5th Annual Outreach Day Show n' Shine – Netherwood Church of Christ, 5101 Indian School Rd. NE – Donations benefit Albuquerque Christian Children's Home – 11am-2pm – Sponsored by LOE  GTO's – Hot dogs & drinks for show participants, music by Rockin' Rob, free entry and show admission

March 25 – Cesar Chavez Car Show – Lincoln Park, El Paso, TX (915)204-1584

March 31 – Annual Cruise-In Patient Appreciation Day – Worth Hearing Center, 7520 Montgomery NE – Open to pre-'72 stock, hot rods, customs – Bring non-perishable items for donation to Silver Horizons (benefits needy seniors) for free BBQ & entry for door prize drawings – 10am-2pm – Adrea 872-4327


May 21-25 – Pennsylvania Dutch Country Spring Time Tour – Hosted by Hawk Mountain RG – Tour Amish country, headquartered in Myerstown, PA – Lois Dries (610)966-5127 or or Rick Slegel (610)926-3061 or

June 11-15 Grand National Meet, Dearborn, Michigan – "Dearborn's the Scene in 2018" – 55th Anniversary Homecoming – Phill Hall (805)573-8077 or Michael Driscoll (615)293-9985. to register or for more information.

August 26-31 – Montana National V8 Tour – Sponsored by Big Sky V-8 RG – Starts & ends in Billings, MT – 1300 mile tor includes Pompey's Pillar, mining towns Neihart & Monarch, Giant Springs, Great Falls, Glacier NP, Going to the Sun Highway, Flathead Lake, Flathead Museum, Nine Pipes, boat trips, and more – Norm Clark (406)259-6154 or

October 17-21 – Lincoln & Continental Owner’s Club Western National Meet in Albuquerque. Go to  for more information.