PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, January 5th, 7pmRoderick Freschette is our speaker.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, January 19th, 7pm. Joe Abbin’s house, 11716 Tivoli Ave NE
BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday, January 16th, 2016, meet at 8:30 am at Milton’s Café, 3351 Candelaria, NE
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at www.abqfordflatheadv8.com Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.
FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is www.fordv8foundation.org
DWI. What you think you know about it is probably based on misinformation. Learn in depth basics and share some laughs with one of the nation’s most experienced DWI trial attorneys. Be amazed with what others may have said about him: “This guy is like a one man Myth Busters.” “ He’s as slick as Gomer Pyle.” “Looks like Brad Pitt as Achilles when the lights are off.” “He sure is smart.” We will look at the ramifications stemming from a DWI arrest and conviction as well as the court process.
Saturday, January 16th at 8:30am, we will meet at Milton’s Café, 3351 Candelaria, NE for breakfast. The board picked the site because this is a great location, with good food and lots of space. Please join us.
We will start the new year with an open house at Joe’s place on New Year’s Day, January 1 from 1-5 pm. The featured dish will be Joe’s posole. Bring goodies if you’d like, but not necessary. The address is 11716 Tivoli Ave. NE. Go east on Comanche past Juan Tabo, take the first right on Holiday, then left on Tivoli. See you there!
There will be a board meeting on Tuesday, January 16th, 7pm at Joe’s house. The address is 11716 Tivoli Ave. NE. We will be planning for 2016.
Now is the time to renew your membership in the Tumbleweed V8 Club. Dues are a mere $25 for a year of friendship, interesting meetings, various activities and a monthly breakfast. The renewal form is included in this newsletter. You may mail it in or bring it to our January meeting.
January Birthdays
Ross Collord (11) Helen Grevey (14) David McClain (31)
President: Joe Abbin (roadrunnerengr@msn.com)
Vice-President: Lou Gorenz (lmgorenz@comcast.net)
Secretary: Beth Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com)
Treasurer: Frank Corey (frankford4@aol.com)
Director: Jay Hertz (jdhhag1@comcast.net)
Director: R. Jeff Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com)
Director: Bob Mathes (aimlessbob36@gmail.com)
Director: Al Seery (joalseery@aol.com)
President’s Letter by Joe Abbin
Déjà vu all over again as Yogi Berra might say. Wow! It seems like I was just president of the club but it has been six years! It is an honor and a privilege that I take seriously.
The club has been blessed to have energetic and willing officers and members. Special thanks to last year’s officers and to those who accepted positions this year.
The new year provides an opportunity for renewal and change if needed. Just like with our Fords we will keep what works and replace what doesn’t. One thing that has worked is having program meetings that are entertaining and/or instructive. This month’s meeting will provide both. Rod Frechette is a local defense lawyer who is a nationally recognized expert in driving while intoxicated (DWI) law. Rod is also quite a showman as you will see, and I guarantee you will be entertained while you learn about a very serious subject. See his write up elsewhere in this newsletter.
..Shortly before that is my New Year’s Open House and posole party. Whee!! Come on over and bring your friends! Again, see details elsewhere in this fine newsletter.
Happy New Year!
Minutes of the December 8th Board Meeting
President Jeff called the meeting to order. There were 7 present and future officers and board members present. Jeff thanked the officers and board members who served in 2015. Beth reported that the Christmas party was successful and returned $30 profit to the club after party expenses were met. There were 34 members and guests present at the party and the food and company was outstanding. $100 was collected for Roadrunner Food Bank and the treasurer made a check for that amount and it will be mailed.
Jeff presented program ideas left from prior years, then turned the meeting over to our President for 2016, Joe Abbin. Joe announced that he had arranged for a speaker for the January meeting, Roderick Frechette, a lawyer who specializes in DWI. Rod has also been president of the Coin Club several times.
Joe is having his annual New Year’s party and Open House on January 1st. An announcement will be in the newsletter.
Joe suggested that we think about making the Supernationals a club activity, it is scheduled for January 29th, 30th and 31st.
Jay suggested that the club purpose activity needs to be planned and started early and that a committee needs to be formed. A discussion followed on whether or not the club can make the video without professional help. Joe suggested we make a prototype and see if we need more help after that. Joe volunteered a camera and tripod that the club could use and said a friend has a 65 inch flat screen TV he will donate to the club. Joe asked Jeff and Jay to be co-chairmen of the committee. Jay stated he would be a member of the committee and Jeff agreed to be Head of the Implementation Committee. DJ volunteered to help with write-ups. She suggested creating a form for car owners to fill out with information about their cars, including any special information. We also want to show a group of cars on tour. Jeff volunteered to present an outline of the video at the January meeting.
The board chose the January 16th breakfast spot, Milton’s Café.
Lou said he and Mary would like to have a club picnic at their house and it was decided that April would fit into the club calendar.
Jay was asked to be Director of Education and agreed to the title and job.
The board looked over program and tour ideas and marked many that they would like to try to include this year. The next board meeting will be Tuesday, January 16th at Joe’s house. At this time the new board will work at filling out the club calendar for 2016.
Recipe of the Month
Brown Rice by Joe Abbin
1 cup rice (Uncle Ben's Brown Rice good)
1 can consommé
1/2 large onion
Fry rice in margarine until brown along with the onion.
Add consommé and 1/2 can water.
Put in casserole dish and bake at 350F for one hour.
Can also add mushrooms, etc.
Christmas Party
The Christmas Party at the Jackson’s house was a rousing success. The food was great, the company pleasant and everyone was able to circulate and visit with everyone present. Joe and Beth have provided the pictures following.
Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter. Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads (for sale items will continue to be updated at the meetings). The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email: JBJaxun@gmail.com
Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2016
Tuesday 5th Club Meeting – 7pmProgram is Roderick Freschette, on DWI
Saturday 16th Breakfast – 8:30am – Milton’s Café, 3351 Candelaria NE
Tuesday 19th Board Meeting – 7pm – Joe’s house, 11716 Tivoli Ave. NE
Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting – 7pm
Saturday 20th Breakfast – 8:30am
National Dates in 2016
June 12-16, 2016 - “Together Again in Tulsa” 2016 Central National Meet in Tulsa, OKwww.tulsaearlyfordv8.com
July 11-15, 2016 – “Fording around the Finger Lakes” National Driving Tour in New York statewww.wnyrg.org
August 8-11, 2016 – “Come back for some fun, with the Ford forty-one” 2016 Eastern National Meet in Gettysburg, PA www.NCR36.com or V8ford51@gmail.com
September, 2016 – National Driving Tour sponsored by Hi Country RG in Colorado.
Hello, Tumbleweed V-8’ers,
It’s membership renewal time. Please send in your annual dues and renewal form by February 28, 2016, so you don’t miss out on any newsletters or activities. Please make your $25.00 check payable to Tumbleweed RG and hand to or mail to:
Tumbleweed Regional Group
c/o Frank Corey
PO Box 21538
Albuquerque, NM 87154-1538
Don’t forget to also pay your National dues. The cost is $35.00 per year, which includes the V-8 Times, worldwide roster of members, umbrella liability insurance for club activities, and ballots to vote for directors and changes. If you choose not to receive the magazine, you may send in $10.00 for your membership without the V-8 Times. You will receive all membership benefits except for the magazine.
We look forward to your participation in the coming year! Happy V-8-ing.
Please let us know any changes you’ve made so we can update the Club roster. If there are no changes, all we need is your name.
Name: __________________________________ Spouse: ____________________________
Birthday: ____________Spouse’s Birthday ____________ Anniversary __________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________
Telephone number(s): ____________________________ Email: _______________________
(Use reverse side for additional vehicles)