PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, August 2nd, 7 pm at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, 7600 Carmel NE, one-half block North and West of Paseo Del Norte and Wyoming. Program by Max Wade of Galloping Goats. Refreshments open.
BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday, August 13th, 8:30am at The Range Café by Cottonwood Mall.
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.
FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is
Every October, Max Wade, with Galloping Goat, puts on the Pumpkin Patch in Rio Rancho. It is an extremely popular event and brings thousands and thousands of people out each year. Last year was their 15th year. Recently, Max has branched out into using his many goats for weed control and fire prevention. Individuals and even government agencies hire him to bring a load of goats to eat their weeds. Max will be making a presentation at our August 2nd meeting. He will be happy to answer any questions. The meeting will be held at 7pm at the North Domingo Baca Mutigenerational Center, 7600 Carmel NE.
On Saturday, August 13th, club members and friends will be meeting at 8:30am for breakfast at the Range Café Cottonwood, 10019 Coors Blvd NW. Be there or be square.
President’s Message for August 2022 Chris Joiner
I hope everyone is keeping cool in this extreme heat we have been getting. I don't know about you but I have been staying inside as much as I am able. We enjoyed a small but very nice breakfast on July 9. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Range was closed so we went down the street to Weck's. We missed those who could not join. I am looking forward to the club showing our cars again at the State Fair this year. This year, our day is Sunday, September 11. It is a good excuse to eat some yummy junk food. Plus we get free admission.
Minutes of the July 5th, 2022 Meeting
President Chris welcomed members and guest Kristy Copeland. Treasurer Amy reported we are doing well financially. Happy Birthday wishes were extended to Beth Jackson, Kim Goodrich, Max Glover, Diana Bakas, Jim Kontny and Nick Bakas. Thanks to Joe Baird for the delicious refreshments for the meeting.
The June meeting minutes were approved as printed in the newsletter. It was reported that the Azevedos put on a fine picnic with several of our members in attendance. Joyce was not present to give the NM Council of Car Clubs report.
Members were polled on their interest in attending the State Fair Car Show on September 11th and there were at least 10 interested in attending. The State Fair is requesting we have at least 10 cars there or they will give our spot on Main Street to another club.
The July breakfast will be on Saturday July 9th, 8:30 am at the Range Café Cottonwood, on Coors Blvd. Our next club meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 2nd at 7pm at North Domingo Baca Intergenerational Center. Max Wade of Galloping Goat will be giving a presentation on goats and how they can help prevent fires.
Max Glover brought fly wheel turning tool and a valve spring compressor to show, both bought by him in the 40’s.
Refreshments and conversation was enjoyed, followed by the raffle and an interesting presentation on radiators by Kristy, formerly of J & B Radiators and now working at Jackson Compaction. Kristy told us that regular black pepper is the best “stop leak” for emergency situations. She also said radiators should be flushed well every 2 years. Use the “green stuff”, regular Prestone, it is best for our old Fords. One of the only shops left to work on old radiators is Louie Lamb in Los Lunas. The lead in the old radiators is hazardous and the reason J & B Radiators was closed. Thank you for joining us, Kristy.
President: Chris Joiner ( 505-382-8723
Vice-President: R Jeff Jackson ( 505-908-7565
Secretary: Beth Jackson ( 505-908-7564
Treasurer: Amy Joiner ( 505-382-8724
Director: Joe Abbin ( 505-263-1946
Director: Larry Bost ( 505-379-7891
Director: Roger Wilbur 505-603-5031
Director: Joe Warren ( 505-554-1387
Director: George Abernathy ( 505-771-2113
August Birthdays and Anniversaries
Jeannine Kontny (1) Roger Wilbur & Bobbie Benzaquen (15)
Bud Hennessey (3)
Pat Willan (27)
Jim Clements (29)
Breakfast photos from The Range Cafe Cottonwood
August 6 – 23rd Bosque Farms Car Show, 8am-1pm – Soccer Fields, Arena Road and North Loop
August 7 – NMCCC All Clubs Picnic at Oak Flats Picnic Area contingent on reopening of the national forest.
August 20 - Our Lady of Belen Fiestas Car and Motorcycle Show – Parade (pre-registration required), entry fee $20.
August 20 – 8th Annual New Beginnings Church Car and Bike Show, Mesa Verde Park, 8098 Marquette Ave NE, Albuquerque. Free, no registration, 10am-4pm, Pastor Chuck Aragon 505-234-4251
August 26 – Car Show on the Plaza – Santa Fe Plaza 5-9pm, Ed Baca 505-310-0381
Out of State Events
September 16-23, 2022 – The Border Affair Driving Tour – Colorado and New Mexico – Lou Mraz 303-755-4637 or
For Sale: Radiator for 1953 Ford P.U. - very good $150. Gary McGlasson 505-250-1586
For Sale: 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Convertible and 1940 Mercury Sedan Coupe, Call for full description. Max Glover 505-792-2011.
For Sale: 1936 Ford Cabriolet, $30,000. Tan exterior, LeBaron-Bonney interior and top. Working radio in box with correct controls is included. Extra parts go with the convertible. Bob Quirici 505-821-1646 or 505-350-2454.
For Sale: 3 vehicles from the Alan Hart estate: 1955 Ford pickup, Mercury Marauder, 1984 Z28. Widow is moving and can’t take them with her. Truck price is $29,000; other prices unknown. Pictures can be found on FB Marketplace, or call Joni at 505-620-7204 for more information.
1955 Ford Pickup has a 292 Y block with 6 Holley 94 Carbs and big valve T-Bird heads backed by a T-5 transmission out of a Mustang. This truck is ready to drive and/or show. It’s been all over New Mexico, southern Colorado and has driven to Tennessee and back. Very good running truck. Asking $29,000, call for appointment. Joni 505-620-7204.
55 Pickup Engine
Storage: Outdoor $25/month, secure yard. Joe Abbin 505-296-7678
Wanted: 1926 Model T Engine and Misc. parts. Jim Clements 505-884-7912
Wanted: Set (4) hubcaps for a 1956 Ford pickup. Looks like 10.5” so it’s on the center cap only. I have the outer beauty rings. Don Gorenz 505-401-4636
Services Offered: Vintage engine rebuilding, any make, any model. Stock or modified. Dynamometer testing available. Results guaranteed. References available. Gary McGlasson, 505-250-1586.
Businesses Used by Members
(Send us names of businesses you have used)
1. Starters and Alternators of New Mexico, 3711 Franciscan St NE, Albuquerque NM 87107, 505-344-5025, Eldon.
2. Skinners Carburetor & Distributor Service, 300 Aspen Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102, 505-344-3704, Albert & Nic.
3. McBride’s Springs & Welding, 1010 2nd St NW, Albuquerque NM 87102, 505-242-2174.
4. Old Car Garage/World Wide Automotive, 3232 Girard Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 505-881-2722, Bob.
5. The Santa Fe Detail, 7512 Avenger Way, Unit 2, Santa Fe NM 87507, 505-204-5120, Luis.
6. Horizon Auto Glass & Tint, 8201 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 87110, 505-897-9000, Rod Williams. Also at 1560 Deborah Rd SE, Rio Rancho NM 87124, 505-822-1717.
Newsletter Note
Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter. Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads. The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email:
Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2022
Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7pm – Program – Max Wade on goats, Refreshments open
Sunday 7th - All Clubs Picnic at Oak Flats Picnic Area (contingent on National Forest opening)
Saturday 13th Breakfast 8:30am - The Range Café Cottonwood,10019 Coors Blvd NW
Tuesday 6th Club Meeting 7pm – Program – NE Auto Electric, Refreshments Abernathys
Sunday 11th State Fair Car Show
Friday – Sunday 23rd – 25th - Annual NMCCC Auto Swap Meet - Cancelled
Tuesday 4th Club Meeting 7pm – Program – Skinner’s Carburetors, Refreshments open
Friday 7th-Sunday 9th -Trip to Globo Rojo Museum, Las Cruces and Ruidoso
Tuesday 1st Club Meeting 7pm Officer Election – Program – Women’s Interests, Refreshments open
November 12th Breakfast 8:30am
Saturday 10th Club Christmas Party (tentatively pot luck)
Tuesday 13th (tentative Board meeting with new and old officers and directors plan for 2023)
Why did the snail paint a big “S” on his car’s hood? Because he wanted people to shout, “Look at that S-car go!” when he drove past.
When Jimi Hendrix was 16, he was in a car crash. Luckily it was just a Fender bender.
What happens when Kermit the Frog’s car breaks down? It gets toad.
Why is Miss Piggy such a bad driver? Because all she does is hog the road.
What kind of vehicle does a chicken drive? A coop.
Why can’t motorcycles do push-ups? Because they’re always two-tired.
Kids, I bought the cat a new car. It’s a Cat-illac.
What type of car does the dog hate? A Cor-Vet.
If Yoda owned a business, I bet it’d be a…Toy Yoda Dealership.
Did you know that Teslas come with a unique “new car” smell? They call it “Elon Musk.”
I heard Gordon Ramsey drives a cool car. Must be a Chef-rolet.
What’s got four wheels and flies? A garbage truck.
I accidentally drove my Subaru Outback into the river. Now it’s a Scuba-ru.
What did the traffic light say to the car? “Turn your head while I’m changing!”
Uncle Buck lost his left arm and leg in a terrible car accident. He’s all right now.
Where do canines park their cars? In the barking lot.
My wife said I’d never be able to afford a car by selling Chef Boyardee. You should have seen her expression when I drove pasta.
What has 10 letters and starts with G-A-S? Automobile.
What kind of vehicle does Skeletor drive? A Zam-bone-i.
Two French cheese trucks just crashed! Looks like there’s da’ brie everywhere.
My car’s favorite meal of the day is…Brake-fast.
Why did the washing machine schedule a test drive? Because he wanted to go for a spin.
What’s worse than raining cats and dogs? Hailing taxis.
Did you know all cars have snakes? They’re called windshield vipers.
When is a vehicle not a vehicle? Once it turns into a driveway.
Did you read about the scientist who bred a Mustang with an elephant? Now he’s got a convertible with a giant trunk.
Did you hear what Sir Mix-A-Lot named his car? Anna Honda.
Did you hear the University of Phoenix offers a program for used car salespeople? Now you can major in car-deal-ology.
I had a nightmare last night that someone hit me with a car muffler. I woke up absolutely exhausted.
What do you call a vampire who has the power to lift a car? Count Jackula
An ice cream truck almost crushed me today. I was udderly terrified.
Rumor has it that Dyson is going to develop an electric car by 2025. I bet it’ll really suck.
What happens to cars when they turn 13 years old? They have a car-mitzvah.
I really need to get my car fixed. What body shop to you wreck-amend?
An electric car hit a cyclist the other day. It got arrested for assault with a battery.
What kind of vehicle does an egg drive? A Yolks-wagen.
You know what really grinds my gears? Clutch failure.