PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.
NEXT MEETING: Next meeting is Tuesday, July 2, 2019 at 7pm. Program will be presented by Demetrio Lee on car insurance. Refreshments will be provided by Johanne and Max Glover.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, August 13th, 7pm at the Jacksons’ house.
BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday, July 20th, 8:30 am at Golden Pride, 1830 Lomas Blvd NE.
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at www.abqfordflatheadv8.com Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.
FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is www.fordv8foundation.org
We all have insurance but do you know if you are covered correctly on your wonderful classic car collection? What are some major differences between classic car policies and regular car policies? When making a decision on protecting your investment what were some of the key elements you were looking for and does your current insurance company meet your needs? Let’s take the time to discuss the world of insurance and give you the opportunity to see if you are covered correctly based on your needs. No sales pitches, just some helpful knowledge. Demetrio Lee
Please meet at a new spot for us – Golden Pride at 1830 Lomas Blvd NE – on Lomas between University and Yale. Their menu includes a variety of breakfast burritos, with or without chile. This spot was suggested by Steven Schultheis, Jay’s friend. Join your friends at 8:30am on Saturday, July 20th for food and conversation.
July 4th Parade and Azevedo BBQ
The 4th of July parade will start at 10 AM, cars are to line up at 9 AM at Corrales Elementary. After the parade, the Azevedo's are hosting a BBQ w/ hot dogs and hamburgers and lemonade. Bring your favorite side dish, salad or dessert! Families welcome, bring your swim suits. Don’t forget your chairs, sunscreen, bottled water and hats. If you try coming north on Corrales Rd after about 9 AM it will be closed around the post office. Use the following back route to the Azevedo's: Turn east on Meadowlark (just before the service station), go to the end and turn left on the dirt road, make sure the ditch is on your left, continue north on the dirt road all the way to Hansen Rd and then turn right to 209 Hansen Rd.
Larry Azevedo
Can you believe it is July? Firecracker time! Well at least in our better days we recall ourselves as firecracker ready, now maybe more for the kids or grandkids, or great grandkids.
Our July program, presented by Demetrio is about auto insurance. Not sure what he’ll talk about but I could use some tricks to cut my insurance bill! Judging from Joe’s auto theft reports, Demetrio may say the best way to cut your auto insurance bill is to live in a place that doesn’t rank number one in the country is auto thefts!
Minutes of the June 4th, 2019 Meeting
By David McLain
Jay Hertz opened the meeting at 7:05pm. Beth and Jeff Jackson are on vacation (must be nice)! There were 20 people in attendance, including guests Art and Jean Sena and Steve Schultheis. Jay provided an opportunity for Joe Abbin to briefly talk about a radio from a 1946 Ford that was set aside from Frank Corey’s collection for George Abernathy. David McLain provided the treasurer’s report and received the receipts from the Memorial Day picnic from Joe. He also commented that there are 29 paid members and Beth had sent out the updated membership roster. Comments on the roster from the members noted that the Polk’s were not included (I believe they paid their dues after Beth had sent the roster), and Dorothy Hammond has a new email address (Joyce Clements has the correct address). Joyce also has updated contact information for Ray Calderon.
Old business: Jay spoke briefly on the previous newsletter article Rosie the Riveter. He tied that in with some medallions and lapel pins earned from war-production excellence during World War II.
Birthdays and anniversaries were recognized by Jay. Jay also thanked the members for supporting the Memorial Day picnic and Joe added that he needs to send a thank you note to the new Mayor for letting us use the facility. Members commented that Demetrio Lee’s car, Larry Bost’s truck, the 1952 car, and Phil Lovato’s car were all prior members’ vehicles, and have remained within the club.
Joyce provided a brief update on the car club council. Jeff, Beth and Phil won trophies in each of their respective classes at the Museum Car Show. The event was well organized and run, and heavily attended with 327 paid entrants. They also had the soap box derby cars on display. Joyce also discussed the annual swap meet, beginning with the envelope stuffing event on the 4th Wednesday of June. The swap meet will be at Isleta Casino the last weekend of September and will have more slots than were available at the Los Lunas location, however the slots will be smaller. More details will be provided at future meetings.
Jay showed a color drawing of his car that he had done for a very reasonable price at the museum show. He has additional details for anyone interested in getting drawings of their own vehicles.
Bob Agnew provided an update on the Spring Thaw. They serviced a record 37 cars and raised over $4700 for Bob’s charity of choice. NAPA provided all the supplies, Bob’s employees provided free labor, and Bob provided the food.
New Business: Bob discussed the all-clubs picnic at Oak Flats and can provide additional information to anyone that is interested.
Jay reminded everyone of the club breakfast at Golden Corral on 15th of June. Steve offered that the July breakfast should be at Golden Pride on Lomas near the University at 8:30 on 20th of July.
A recipe of the month was not provided for June, so Joyce volunteered to submit one for the July newsletter.
Jay talked about the 4th of July parade in Corrales followed by a visit to Larry & Lorna Azevedo’s place for a picnic, a Ford exposition and his great garage display.
Jay had a JRW tool catalogue that he passed around and discussed the different automotive and machine tools that used to be available. Members also mentioned that you can find JRW tools on E-Bay if you know what to look for.
September 8 will be our club day at the State Fair.
September 14 is the Chama Cumbres Toltec railroad tour. Jay read an email provided by Jeff highlighting the national recognition of the railroad tour. There will be an update and reminder in the next newsletter provided by Jay.
Joe provided an update to Frank’s garage sale, with the next one being Saturday 8 June at the Muriel address.
Joyce announced that June is the official national “Drive your early Ford V-8” month.
Jay closed out the new business by discussing an email flyer from “Workshop Hero” he had received promoting a variety of car care and metal restoration products. He had a few free samples to provide to members with the expectation they would provide feedback at the next meeting on their experience with the products.
At the break, we all enjoyed refreshments provided by George and Jackie. The 50/50 drawing was won by George. Coincidence? Hmmmm…..
Guest Presentation: Art Sena gave an entertaining and informative presentation with a slide show on the early history of car clubs in Albuquerque. The first organized club was the Road Pilots, which started shortly after World War II. Other clubs that followed included the State Liners from Anthony, New Mexico on the Texas-New Mexico border, which is also the oldest, continuously active club in New Mexico; the Rickshaws, started in 1954; the Nomads, which eventually merged with the Rickshaws; the Swanks in 1965; the 2nd Gear Club in the late 1940s, which was also a charter member of the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA), complete with a certificate of authenticity signed by the late Wally Parks; and the Rebels of the South Valley, of which our own Joe Abbin was a member. The theme of all the early clubs was to work together in supporting local hot rodding, and promoting safe racing and driving.
July Birthdays and Anniversaries
Beth Jackson (12) Jay Hertz & Helen Grevey (2)
Max Glover (15)
Larry Bost (20)
Jim Kontny (26)
Hey man, have you seen Feeeedel today? David McLain got this question a lot when traveling the world with the Air Force and after his crew discovered he grew up in Cuba.
David McLain was actually born in Albuquerque, New Mexico and spent a few “early years” in Las Vegas, NV before the family settled in Cuba. His dad owned an auto repair shop and David learned a lot about wrenches by handing them to his father while his father worked on cars. He actually must have learned a lot about cars also because when his dad decided to go into the cement business David took over the mechanic shop and ran it for several years before joining the Air Force. David notes, “Yes, it was an interesting experience running the mechanic shop. I liked working on cars but the customers—ah, not so much.”
Running the mechanic shop convinced him he needed something different and he joined the Air Force. “The Air Force allowed me, a kid from Cuba, to travel the world." I asked, “Did you like it?” David said, “I must have, I stayed with them for 27 years.” During that time and at various colleges David earned several associate degrees and a BS degree in Technical Management.
David retired from the Air Force then took a civilian job with (guess who) the Air Force at Kirtland in Albuquerque.
David is thoughtful. I asked “What is your best car experience?” He quickly responded that he spent about 4 years assembling his red 1950 Ford. He was in Wyoming with the Air Force during this period. He said the sense of accomplishment and pride of driving his car the first time was his best experience.
David joined many car clubs as he traveled. He liked the club atmosphere. Most of the clubs were multi car groups like street rod clubs. The Tumbleweed Club is his first club devoted to a specific car gender. He likes our club but notes that we don’t do as many community activities as he would like to see.
David met a young lass about 14 months ago, we know her as Debbie. On an early date, they went to a Dinner Detective Show at the Marriott Hotel and enjoyed it so much they decided to make it their special events date. David is a sly fox. For Debbie’s birthday in June of this year he took her to the Marriott to see a show. Little did she know that David had conspired with the actors to write him into the script. When he pulled Debbie onto the stage during the play, and asked for her hand in marriage she must have been surprised. Fortunately for David she was not too surprised to remember to answer “Yes”. Beth asked David, “When is the date?” He said, “I did all the work to set up the proposal so now it’s her job to plan the wedding.” I’m thinking to myself, this is starting well. Congratulations, David and Debbie.
2 lbs ground beef 2 Tbsp chopped onion
12 saltine crackers 1 tsp salt
½ cup milk (approx.) ¼ tsp pepper
¼ cup catsup More catsup
½ tsp Worcestershire sauce Sesame seed
Crush crackers into mixing bowl and pour in enough
milk to make crackers mushy. Let set a few minutes.
Add ¼ cup catsup, the Worcestershire sauce and chopped
onion. Mix well. Add the beef, salt and pepper. Using
your hands, mix all together well. Form into a loaf
and place in a greased 2” deep pan. Coat top of loaf
with more catsup, mixed with a few drops
Worcestershire sauce, and sprinkle well with sesame
seed. Bake at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes (until the
drippings in the pan are beginning to evaporate and
turn brown). Serve with mashed potatoes, green
beans and applesauce.
Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter. Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads (for sale items will continue to be updated at the meetings). The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email: JBJaxun@gmail.com
September Tour and Train Ride
The weekend trip to Chama is scheduled for September 14 and 15, a Saturday and Sunday.
The trip promises great views from a historic steam railroad including travel under a full moon, plus excellent food and a live musical performance. At last count in mid-June, we had sign-ups from the following eight members, plus an ninth sign-up from Charles Brown: The Bosts, Agnews, Jacksons, Abernathys, Joiners, Demetrio, Wilburs and Hertz.
There may still be time for additional registrations. When making reservations, name the Early Ford V-8 Club to secure favorable motel rates and seating in the train car we reserved.
Vista Del Rio Motel: 800 939-9943; Cumbres & Toltec Railroaded: 888 286-2737
Or call Jay Hertz at 505 235-8235 for more details.
Bob Agnew underwent open heart surgery last week. Joyce spoke with him and he is recuperating and up walking. He intends to get back to driving his cars to events as soon as possible.
Richard Polk had triple bypass surgery on May 30th. According to wife Barbara, he is doing a little better each day and can’t drive until the end of July.
Keep Bob and Richard in your thoughts and prayers. We wish a speedy recovery to them both.
Frank Corey was a unique man. He was a professor of electronics at Albuquerque Technical-Vocational Institute and a collector of Fords and Mercurys, when he joined the Tumbleweed RG in 1979. It was at this time that we got to know Frank. He loved old Fords and Mercurys, especially 1953 Fords. He had an aversion to some Pontiacs, many Chevrolets, hot rods and radial tires, but he liked mid-50’s Oldsmobile’s. He always owned and admired original cars.
Frank bought the house next door to us to use the garages for storing cars and parts. We got to be good friends and enjoyed visiting with him. He was helpful with our projects and offered to lend parts, tools and advice. We miss Frank.
After Frank’s passing, while helping sort out his estate, more facets of his life became apparent. By count, he owned 126 car radios, mostly for 1950’s Fords; he tinkered with and checked many of them and carefully marked their condition. He had had some of them repaired by Jim Steuber, a radio repairman of repute. He also had dozens of hubcaps, flathead heads, air cleaners, and three garages full of cars, parts and tools.
Frank was a lover of music and owned hundreds of vinyl records, reel-to-reel tapes, and CD’s. He carefully boxed and stored family treasures, old books and furniture, including several eclectic lamps and console radios. His extensive book collection included car books, mostly for repair and parts; technical manuals for electronics and radios; computer books and software; books of scenic photography, mostly of the Southwest; memorabilia from Notre Dame; car magazines and some with philosophical views. Frank also owned several real estate parcels, including rental property. As a landlord, he kept the buildings repaired; he left lots of household parts and materials for repair behind. He fed homeless cats and took them to the vet when they needed care, but he disclaimed ownership. He spent many hours keeping an ancient Pinto alive for some Catholic nuns. He drove 1970’s LTD’s for daily transportation, making a point of selling the cars for what he had paid for them, after driving them thousands of miles. It could be said that he was “frugal.” As Frank grew older, he reverted to driving new white Ford F-150’s. The garages and houses that Frank left behind show that Frank rarely threw anything away; the items might be useful down the road.
Frank liked socializing with car people and could be found at meals, tours, events and shows. He did not want trophies, disliked meeting programs, unless he was presenting, and would depart early because he had work to do. He was a storehouse of knowledge about Ford transmissions, overdrives and 6-volt electric components.
Frank’s generosity surfaced as he willed 13 cars to the Model A and Early Ford V8 Museums. Frank also willed money and property to charities, as well as to the museums. The V8 museum has named a gallery of cars for Frank and dedicated it to him, for his generous donations. His name will be well remembered all through the V8 Ford community and by his many friends. Frank was quite a guy.
Joyce Clements
Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2019
Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7pm – Program - Car Insurance by Demetrio Lee, Refreshments - Glovers
Thursday 4th Parade in Corrales 10am and Picnic at Azevedo’s after
Saturday 20th Breakfast 8:30am at Golden Pride, 1830 Lomas NE
Tuesday 6th Club Meeting 7pm Program – Comparison of the ’32 and ’33, Jeff and Jay, Refreshments - Jacksons
Sunday 4th All Clubs Picnic – Oak Flat Picnic Ground
Tuesday 13th Board Meeting 7pm
Saturday 17th Breakfast
Tuesday 3rd Club Meeting 7pm – Program - George Abernathy on Pets, Refreshments open
Sunday 8th State Fair Car Show
September 14th Moonlight ride on the Cumbres Toltec Railway, overnight tour
Saturday 21st Breakfast
Thursday-Sunday 26-29 Annual NMCCC Auto Swap Meet @ Isleta Casino
Tuesday 1st Club Meeting 7pm, Refreshments Amy & Chris Joiner
Saturday 19th Breakfast
Tuesday 5th Club Meeting 7pm Officer Election, Refreshments Bob Payne
Saturday 16th Breakfast
Saturday 14th Club Christmas Party (tentatively pot luck)
Tuesday 17th (tentative Board meeting with new and old officers and directors plan for 2020)
Saturday 21st Breakfast
President: R. Jeff Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com)
Vice-President: Jay Hertz (jdhhag1@comcast.net)
Secretary: Beth Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com)
Treasurer: David McLain (dwmclain5153@gmail.com)
Director: George Abernathy (gabernathy@sunriseveterinary.com)
Director: Demetrio Lee (Dmost_1@yahoo.com)
Director: Roger Wilbur (rogerwilbur88@gmail.com)
Director: Joe Abbin (roadrunnerengr@msn.com)
Upcoming Events
July 4 – 44th Plaza Vintage Car Show – Downtown Plaza, Santa Fe – Chris Harris (505)470-0534 or www.pancakesontheplaza.com
July 4 – Annual Rods & Brews Car Show – Hwy 344 & Dinkle Rd, Edgewood – Tony – (505)459-2358
July 4-6 – Cache Valley Cruise In – Logan, UT
July 6 – Car Show – East Carbon City, UT
July 13 – Annual Collector Car Appreciation Day – Hub City Brewing Co, 202 DeSoto Ave (at Railrunner Stn), Belen – Group leaves PIT 10am promptly, drive Hwy 47 to Belen – Event 11am-3pm – Food truck, live music, large paved secure parking lot – Tom (303)358-1851 or joyce@nmcarcouncil.com
July 13 – Steve Keech Motors Collector Car Show – Cortez, CO
July 14-21 – Syracuse Nats Road Tour #2 – Syracuse. NY Area – Tour Hotline 1-800-664-1362 or www.streetrodderweb.com
July 20 – Old Route 66 Car Show – Central Ave, Albuquerque – (505)923-0759 or www.cabq.gov
July 26-28 – Rte. 66 Car Show – Gurley Motor Co, Gallup – Open to all – (505)870-7405
July 26-27 – 2019 Show n’ Shine – Stateline Bar & Grill, Dove Cree, CO – Door prizes, food, drinks, trophies, games, live music by Bubba & the Red Rock Outlaws plus DJ – Friday early registration $3 & Light Show (decorate your vehicle & compete for prize) – Saturday show & shine, registration 9am-1pm $5 – Camping available or free shuttle Dove Creek-Monticello – Info at 970)677-2649, www.thestatelinebarandgrill.com or on Facebook
July 26-28 – 32nd Pacific NW Nationals – Washington State Fairgrounds, Puyallup, WA – Open to pre-’88 – Goodguys (925)838-9876 or www.good-guys.com
July 26-August 4 – Speedway Motors Tour #3 – Lincoln, NE-Louisville, KY – Tour Hotline 1-800-664-1362 or www.streetrodderweb.com
Go to Early Ford V-8 Web Site for More Information.
July 15-19 – Driving the Driftless National V-8 Driving Tour – Winona, MN, Wisconsin, Iowa – Sponsored by Twin Cities RG
August 24-27 – Central National Meet – Auburn, IN – Sponsored by Ohio, Indianapolis & Auburn Blue Oval RGs – See new additions to V-8 Museum: new Ford Rotunda, 18 1936 Fords, and Frank Corey cars
September 14-20 – National Parks V-8 Driving Tour – Grand Junction, CO, Western Colorado and Eastern Utah – Sponsored by Hi Country RG