PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.
NEXT MEETING: No October Meeting
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, October 13th, 7pm at Joe’s shop.
BREAKFAST GROUP: No October Breakfast
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at www.abqfordflatheadv8.com Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.
FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is www.fordv8foundation.org
President: Joe Abbin (roadrunnerengr@msn.com)
Vice-President: tbd
Secretary: Beth Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com)
Treasurer: George Abernathy (gabernathy@sunriseveterinary.com)
Director: R. Jeff Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com)
Director: Demetrio Lee (Dmost_1@yahoo.com)
Director: Roger Wilbur (rogerwilbur88@gmail.com)
Director: Chris Joiner (Amy2001tweety@hotmail.com)
Director: Larry Bost (LBost11@gmail.com)
President’s Message for October 2020
Joe Abbin
I checked and the state Covid rules still limit “mass gatherings” to 10 people or less, unless outdoors. Thus we are still in the same shape as previous months and there is still too much uncertainty as to what we should do as far as public gatherings. Therefore, there will be no regular club meetings until further notice. It appears we could meet for indoor breakfast or other meals with no limits except that no more than 6 people per table. Meeting at a restaurant? Consistency is missing in the rules.
We will have a board meeting to discuss possible activities going forward, such as meals, cruises, tours, movies, etc. at my shop at 7 pm on Tuesday, October 13. My shop is at 9800 Acoma Rd SE (corner of Acoma & Altez). The board and I are open to suggestions for activities.
Since we have been so restricted in our activities this year, I propose we suspend 2020 dues. If you have already paid we could credit to next year. The board will vote on this at the meeting above. New members could join for free for the rest of the year!
We have had some nominations for our GOAT (Greatest of all time) Ford contest. Since I have received promises of more entries, I am extending the entry deadline. Send Beth Jackson or I your nominee for flathead GOAT ASAP. As noted before, pictures would be nice but not necessary and our editor will publish entries and we will vote on winner(s) or declare a winner by number of entries for a particular vehicle if apparent consensus. The winner will receive “The Key”, a priceless new top secret product from Roadrunner Engineering. Stay well and stay tuned!
October Birthdays and Anniversaries
Mary Dierschke (9) Bud Hennessey & Linda Frazer (9)
Linda Frazer (9) Gus & Debbie Van de Velde (30)
Amy Joiner (25)
Al Seery (30)
What’s New for 2021
Joe Abbin
In the automotive world, there is a revolution going on! Consider the following.
1) Cars are disappearing. Trucks and SUVs have taken over. Ford will halt sedan type vehicle production this year. No more Fusions, Fiestas, or Continentals. The Bronco is coming back.
2) Manual transmissions are disappearing. Few cars can be so equipped.
3) Automatic transmissions are available with up to ten (10) speeds. Minimum seems to be six speeds.
4) Turbos and Direct Gas Injection (DGI) equipped engines are available in most lines.
5) Internal combustion engines may be illegal by 2035 in many countries.
6) About one third of new vehicles are leased.
7) The average used car is almost twelve years old.
8) Tesla will have an autonomous semi-truck on the road in 2021.
Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter. Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads (for sale items will continue to be updated at the meetings). The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email: JBJaxun@gmail.com
Halloween is said to have come from the ancient Celts and was celebrated with a festival for “summer’s end,” a day to say good-bye to warmth and light. They believed that the veil between the living and the dead was at its thinnest at this time, thus making it easier to communicate with the dead and foretell the future. The Romans continued to celebrate the day, calling it All Hallows’ Day or Allhallowmas, hallow meaning to sanctify. The Roman Catholics named November 1 as All Saints’ Day and celebrated with mass, bonfires, and people parading, dressed as angels and saints. November 2 became a holy day, All Souls’ Day, honoring the departed. Thus October 31 became All Hallows’ Eve, later shortened to Halloween.
In ancient Ireland, Jack O’Lanterns were originally carved from large turnips (or potatoes or beets), lighted with a candle, and placed in doorways and windows to scare off evil spirits. When the Irish came to the New World, they found pumpkins plentiful and easier to carve.
During their festivals, the Celts would disguise themselves in costumes and ugly masks to scare off evil spirits and/or to convince the spirits they were one of them.
During the Middle Ages, women who were labelled as witches, would curl up next to their fireplaces and practice divination, using chants or hallucinogenic drugs to put them in a trancelike state. Superstitious people believed these women then flew out of their chimneys to terrorize the countryside with magic and evil deeds.
Apple peels to the Romans held the secret to true love. By peeling an apple in one long thin piece and throwing it over one’s shoulder while being spun around, the peel would land in the shape the first initial of the peeler’s true love. Also, the first person bobbing for an apple and catching it in his or her teeth would be the first to marry in the new year.
Trick-or-Treating began with the practice of placing food outside the door to feed bothersome spirits. Otherwise, the spirits would play tricks on the house dwellers, such as tipping over milk jugs.
Joyce Clements
A man called home to his wife and said, “Honey, I have been asked to go with my boss and several of his friends to work on his ‘36 coupe for next month’s Dearborn tour. We'll be gone for a long weekend. This is a good opportunity for me to get that promotion I've been wanting, so could you please pack enough clothes for a 3-day weekend. And also, would you get out my tool box from the garage? We're leaving at 4:30 from the office, and I will swing by the house to pick up my things...Oh! And please pack my new navy blue silk pajamas.”
The wife thought this sounded a bit odd, but, being a good wife, she did exactly what her husband asked.
Following the long weekend, he came home a little tired, but otherwise looking good. The wife welcomed him home and asked if they got the car fixed? He said, “Yes! Got the overdrive installed and tune-up done, but why didn't you pack my new blue silk pajamas like I asked you to?
The wife replied, “I did. They're in your tool box.”
GOAT Nominees
For me, it is the ’40 Ford coupe! Sorry, no photos or essay - I just like the look. When I see one, I smile.
Larry Bost
What's the greatest flathead Ford of all time?
You may not be surprised to hear that my vote would go to the Model 68 Type 710 1936 Deluxe roadster.
Although there have been a few mechanical hiccups along the way, mostly due to a combination of woeful neglect by previous owners and many years of storage, ours has been a delight to own and drive. It's definitely been a lot more fun than my old Retirement Savings Plan used to be.
Bob Koto's facelifted revamp of the 1935 Ford passenger cars produced what is in my opinion a timeless design. Although only slight changes were made for 1936 to the fenders and hood and grill and wheels, the end result was a much more streamlined art deco appearance especially when the accessory 68-1130C spider wheel covers are installed. And the disappearance of external horns makes a big difference too.
1936 Deluxe Roadster
Sadly, 1936 was the last year for the distinctive roadster (and phaeton) chrome windshield stanchions with matching windshield frame. Very
different from 1937!
V8 Times editor Mike Pruitt published a 1936 roadster article written by Spencer Murray in the November December 1972 issue called "Roadster Owners, Rally". In it, Spencer calls the 68-710 "the Queen of the early V8 fleet".
I agree, and the '36 roadster gets my flathead fanatic vote for Greatest Of All Time. Spence's car was ultimately hot rodded. Ours remains almost entirely unmolested, other than 1939 hydraulic brakes with a dual reservoir master cylinder, a 1939 transmission, and a Columbia two-speed rear end.
Grant's 1936
Thanks for allowing me to cast a GOAT Vote.
Grant Fleming
1949 Ford
I vote for the 1949 Ford. I just like the way it looks. I also remember it well from my childhood.
Beth Jackson
Sometimes you just need to smile when things go wrong. In only a few races I am piling up a list of things not to do. Simple things like remember to tighten u joint nuts or don’t shift from fourth to third at 7000 rpm. So rather than cry I decided to smile and make my busted parts into a large paper weight. Please see photo below and the note describing the paper weight.
Jeff Jackson
Once a gear head always a gear head
My head was fine until it cracked
RPM too high bent the valve – don’t shift 4 to 3
Always a pinion, now oPINIONated
Just didn’t seal the deal
Once a shim, but ashimed no more
The intake was fine but left exhausted
Old sparky got crushed
Bearing no weight
Not a Nickel and Dime outfit -Nickels and Quarter
Was not blue to start but then got drive shafted
Not a yoke anymore
Summary ---eyes nuts!
Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2020
Tuesday 6th Club Meeting 7pm Cancelled
Tuesday 13th Board Meeting 7pm at Joe’s shop
Saturday 17th Breakfast Cancelled
Tuesday 3rd Club Meeting 7pm Officer Election
Saturday 21st Breakfast
Saturday 12th Club Christmas Party (tentatively pot luck)
Tuesday 8th (tentative Board meeting with new and old officers and directors to plan for 2021)
Saturday 19th Breakfast
October 1st-30th – Cars for Kids Virtual Car Show – Entry $20 – Funds go to Children’s Miracle Network, supporting UNM Children’s Hospital – Cars will be showcased on State ECU social media channels throughout October, public voting during last week determines “Best of Show” – Register by September 30 at www.stateecu.com/childrens-miracle-network-2020 or contact Al Padilla AlbertPadilla@secunm.org or (505)954-3444 or Dawn Romero DawnR@secunm.org or (505)954-3424
October 3 – LOE GTO Club Benefit Car Show – Brew Lab 101, 3301 Southern Blvd, Rio Rancho – Proceeds benefit Albuquerque Christian Children’s Home – Arrive 8-9:30am, show 10am-2pm – Entry $15 – Awards, raffle, food trucks, Hot Wheels track, Valve Cover track
October 17 – 2nd Annual Benefit Car Show “Kids Science Café” – Route 60 Trading Post, Magdalena – As seen on Ch 4-Pay It Forward – James (505)507-7022 route60tradingpost@yahoo.com
October 30 – Red Ribbon Parade & Car Show – Dona Ana Elementary, Las Cruces – Madeline (575)527-9506
November 8 – NMCCC-Albuquerque Museum Old Town Cruise & Scavenger Hunt – 2000 Mountain Rd. NW – Plans are underway for a cruise and scavenger hunt/trivia quiz with prizes – Details TBD
November 14 – Feed NM Kids Food Drive & Classic Car Show – Philip & Sons Hot Rod Shop, 4101 4th St. NW – Entry $25 includes lunch of homemade chile dogs and frito pie, and raffle tickets – Register 9-11am, lunch 11:30am – All proceeds go to Feed NM Kids Thanksgiving Family Meal Drive – Raffles & prizes 2pm – Flyer with full information available at joyce@nmcarcouncil.com – Phil Lovato (505)264-9081