PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, April 5, 7pm. Program is on V8 Transmissions by Jay Hertz. Refreshments will be provided by Johanne and Max Glover.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, April 12, 7pm at Joe Abbin’s house, 11716 Tivoli Ave. NE
BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday, April 16th, 1pm. Picnic at the Gorenz. See article for details.
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at www.abqfordflatheadv8.com Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.
FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is www.fordv8foundation.org
Jay Hertz will present the April program on rebuilding Ford transmissions. Learn about gears, shafts, the difference between bushings and bearings, and everything else you have always wanted to know (but procrastinated in asking).
Saturday, April 16, 2016 at 1pm, we will be gathering for lunch at Mary and Lou's. Drive your "oldies", visit, eat barbecue sandwiches and see Lou's hideout. A list will be passed around at the April meeting to sign up and select the side dish you want to bring. We will contact members not at the meeting, however if you cannot be at the meeting and plan to come please email us at lmgorenz@comcast.net or call 505 450 6305.
Directions to 11010 Wilshire NE. East on Paseo del Norte, after crossing Eubank the next light is Browning, turn north (left), go 5 blocks to Wilshire, turn west(left) and we are the 3rd house on the left. There is plenty of room to park. Hope to see you on the 16th.
President: Joe Abbin (roadrunnerengr@msn.com)
Vice-President: Lou Gorenz (lmgorenz@comcast.net)
Secretary: Beth Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com)
Treasurer: Frank Corey (frankford4@aol.com)
Director: Jay Hertz (jdhhag1@comcast.net)
Director: R. Jeff Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com)
Director: Bob Mathes (aimlessbob36@gmail.com)
Director: Al Seery (joalseery@aol.com)
April Birthdays and Anniversaries
Birthdays Anniversaries
Marilyn Gigger (1) Lou & Mary Gorenz (18)
Joe Abbin (4) George & Jackie Abernathy (28)
Lou Gorenz (8)
Lorna Azevedo (16)
Johanne Glover (16)
Nancy Agnew (17)
Bob Agnew (18)
Bob Mathes (21)
Mark Williams (29)
President’s Letter
Trucks & Flatheads………………………………………………………………Joe Abbin
As many of you may be aware the US Post Office has released a series of four stamps featuring pickup trucks. Two of them are Fords and one is flathead powered, a 1948 F-1. See photo. Trucks aren’t just for hauling anymore!
We have many 1932-1953 era Ford trucks in the club. There are several similar to the one on the stamp, the Jackson’s 1948 F-1, the Gorenz’s 1949 F-1 (restored by Lou and now owned by Don). There are others, Eli Contreras’ 1951 F-1, Ross Collord’s 1952 F-1, and several pre-war trucks owned by the Leupolds, the Willans, the Azevedos, the Quiricis, the Catchpoles and probably more I haven’t thought of. Past the flathead era, I have a 1956 F100 that is one of my favorite vehicles and my first ground-up restoration.
Antique pickup trucks are great vehicles to own because they are useful, simpler, and more rugged than same year passenger cars, and they are generally manufactured to be repairable for long service. Parts are often available long after the same age passenger car parts are discontinued. On top of all these plusses, the old trucks often cost less both new and used than their passenger car counterparts.
Modern pickup trucks have evolved to be more like cars with respect to complexity and creature comfort features. Likewise they have greatly increased in size and cost. In the flathead era however, they are still a relative bargain and great candidates for restoration, showing, and just plain driving. For young auto people, old pickups are an affordable option and old pickup cabs and parts are the preferred basis for rat rods (ouch).
Keep on truckin’ and bring your truck to this month’s meeting featuring Jay Hertz on transmissions and the picnic at the Gorenz mansion!
Minutes of the March 1, 2016 Meeting
By Secretary Beth Jackson
President Joe called the meeting to order. Joe announced that he qualified with weapons with the Albuquerque Police Department. Congratulations, Joe. There were 18 members present. Birthday and Anniversary greetings were made.
Treasurer Frank gave his report. With memberships, we had a net income of $105 this month. There are 25 paid members to date.
Joyce said the car council is running smoothly. Joyce is in charge of the May 15th Museum Car Show. The theme is “Route 66 Cars of the 30’s and 40’s.” The museum has an exhibit opening on May 16th on Route 66. Cars that would have been driven on Route 66 in its heyday are wanted for the front row of the car show.
Jeff reported he is working on learning the video program he purchased to use in making the club video. Please turn in sheets on your cars as you finish.
Frank reported that the club has planned a trip to Santa Fe on the Rail Runner on March 19th in lieu of breakfast. Please meet at the Los Ranchos Station (on Paseo del Norte frontage road near 2nd St.) in time for the 9:13am departure.
Joe said he will be attending the Scottsdale Good Guys Car Show this coming weekend.
Joe stated he did not need the scheduled board meeting this month. It will be discussed at break as to whether a meeting is needed.
Max brought a valve stem holder for show and tell. Joe brought information on the Tulsa National Meet in June and a 1964 El Paso Oil Co. Automotive Service Guide.
Joyce said that Lou Mraz of the Colorado regional group had asked her to advertise their national tour being held in September. An article was included in our March newsletter.
Jeff announced that Gary McGlasson won first place in the Super Stocks at the NHRA national meet in Phoenix this past weekend. Congratulations, Gary.
Joe shared an article about Google’s Robotic car hitting a bus in California. Google is reprogramming.
The meeting was adjourned. Thanks for refreshments to Jackie and George Abernathy.
Joyce Clements gave a very enjoyable program on The Foundations of Fabric: A Brief History of Lingerie and had many interesting advertisements and pictures to pass around and several garments on display. Thank you, Joyce.
Removing Stuck and Frozen Bolts from Art Leupold
To remove rusted or frozen bolts, heat the bolt or stud, and the block, or whatever and then hold plain candlewax on the heated area. The melted wax will seep down the threads and lubricate them so the frozen stud can now be removed.
Cleaning Radiators from Frank Hammond
Use: 1 cup salt, ¼ cup cream of tartar, 1 cup baking soda. Use ¼ cup of mixture at a time in the radiator, followed with 2 cups boiling water. Drain and repeat as needed.
These tips came from Ford and Flathead Formulas, a book created by the Tumbleweed Regional Group in 2000.
The Quickest Flathead Ford Powered Street Rod Ever?
The Motorhead Mart Special
By Joe Abbin
Motorhead Mart Special 276 cu.in. Blown Flathead. It produces 335 HP at 5000 rpm.
Most people have noted the recent resurgence of flathead Ford powered vehicles at car shows and auto events across the country. Most of this resurgence results from a rediscovery of the timeless good looks and sound of the classic flathead Ford. However, even diehard flathead Ford fans concede that the flathead is obsolete as a performance engine by today’s standards. But is it? What about a street driven 1934 Ford Tudor sedan with a 276 cu.in. flathead that accelerates from 0-60 mph in 3.5 seconds? Compare this with 3.8 seconds for a Dodge Viper or 4.1 seconds for a Z06 Corvette. This article will describe the Motorhead Mart Special, a flathead that runs with the big dogs.
The Beginning
In 1991, I acquired a “project” 1934 Ford sedan. This car would not have been a candidate for a stock restoration since it had been crudely chopped and channeled with welded-on, bobbed fenders. The car had sat in a barn for approximately 30 years after being campaigned as a Chevy-powered drag car in the Midwest. Quite a mess, but a perfect candidate for a guilt-free hot rod! Henry and Edsel would be proud!
My friends and I completely rebuilt the car from the ground up and put it on the street in 1994 with a 1949 Mercury flathead utilizing a prototype Roadrunner Engineering flathead supercharger kit. In that configuration the car ran at drag strips in NM, AZ, CO and CA and showed at numerous events, garnering many trophies and awards. During that time, the car now called the Motorhead Mart Special, accumulated 300+ drag strip runs and almost 2000 street miles with no problems. A high point in this period was at the 1998 Goodguys’ March Meet in Bakersfield, CA where the car turned 100 mph in the quarter mile for the first time. The experience gained in building and running the Special was documented in my first book, Blown Flathead. This book provides guidance on building a high performance flathead and describes the engine and the car as it existed in 2000.
In 2003 the engine was removed from the 1934 and placed in my 1950 Mercury where it continues to provide exceptional performance on the street with over 5000 street miles and requiring no maintenance except routine oil changes and tuneups. The flathead Ford is one tough cookie!
The Special at the 1997 Goodguys March Meet in Bakersfield, CA. At the 2006
NHRA CA Hot Rod Reunion the car ran a 12.41 second elapsed time and 107.6 mph.
As good as the Special ran, and as reliable as it was, several areas for improvement were identified. I decided to build a new engine utilizing gradually accumulated knowledge from my own testing and computer modeling, and the operating experience of over two hundred Roadrunner customers.
The new engine was completed and began dynamometer testing in December 2005. After approximately two months of testing and approximately 80 “pulls” on the dyno, the results were in. The new engine, nicknamed “Killer”, demonstrated over 215 hp normally aspirated with three 2-barrel carburetors. Supercharged, it demonstrated over 365 ft-lbs of torque @ 4000 rpm and 335 hp @ 5000 rpm! The test rpm was limited to save wear and tear on the engine, so these numbers may not represent the maximum potential of the engine. Nevertheless, they may represent the highest documented numbers for a street driven flathead on gasoline.
In May 2006 the Killer was installed in the Motorhead Mart Special. In June the Special ran at the High Altitude Flathead and Inline Nationals in Denver (track elevation 5800 feet). There the Special turned a best of 101 mph with a 13.3 second ET in the standing start quarter mile. After winning the class final, the Special was awarded the 2006 “Top Rod” eliminator title.
Following the win at Denver the Special was invited to be an exhibition car at the NHRA Hot Rod Reunion in Bakersfield, CA. During track runs at the Fomoso Dragstrip on October 4 and 5, 2006 the Special did not disappoint with all elapsed times less than 12.5 seconds in the quarter mile. The weekend’s bests included a top speed of 107.6 mph and an elapsed time of 12.41 seconds. Again, these may be the quickest documented times for a flathead-powered street car. In contrast with Denver, Bakersfield’s elevation is less than 400 feet. Even supercharged cars like low altitude! Short movies of the Denver and Bakersfield runs can be seen at www.roadrunnerengineering.com. Skeptics can note the Bakersfield finish line times in the movie (12.49 seconds, 106.7 mph).
The Third Generation and the Future
The Motorhead Mart Special has always been a dual-purpose car, capable of cruising the street as well as competing at the track. To further demonstrate this dual capability, a full set of fenders, running boards, etc. were installed on the Special in February 2007. The car in this configuration made exhibition runs at the Standard 1320 Club meet at Speedworld in Phoenix on April 20, 2007. There the car, about 200 lbs heavier, still blasted the drag strip with a top speed of 103 mph and an elapsed time of 12.8 seconds. The altitude in Phoenix is about 1200 ft. See the Roadrunner website above for a movie of a run at this meet.
Although not a show car, in 2009 the Special won first in class at the Grand National Roadster Show, Best Engine at the Custom Automotive Supernationals, and Best of the Best in the Model 40 Car Corral at the LA Roadster Show.
Who says the flathead should no longer be considered a performance engine? You can’t beat good looks, great sound and performance too. Flatheads Forever!
Jokes of the Month
Grandpa is the smartest man on earth! He teaches me good things, but I don’t get to see him enough to get as smart as him!
After putting her grandchildren to bed, a grandmother changed into old slacks and a droopy blouse and proceeded to wash her hair. As she heard the children getting more and more rambunctious, her patience grew thin. Finally, she threw a towel around her head and stormed into their room, putting them back to bed with stern warnings. As she left the room, she heard the three-year-old say with a trembling voice, “Who was THAT?”
Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter. Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads (for sale items will continue to be updated at the meetings). The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email: JBJaxun@gmail.com
Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2016
Tuesday 5th Club Meeting – 7pmV-8 Transmissions, Jay Hertz. Refreshments by Max & Johanne Glover
Saturday 16th Picnic at Lou and Mary Gorenz’s Hacienda - 1pm
Saturday 23rd Spring Thaw at The Old Car Garage
Tuesday 3rd Club Meeting – 7pmTouring NM, Steve Ausherman. Refreshments by Joyce Clements
Sunday 15th Museum Car Show
Saturday 21st Breakfast – 8:30am
Monday 30th Club Birthday Party and Picnic/Car Show
Tuesday 7th Club Meeting – 7pmV-8 Tune-ups.
Saturday 18th Charity Car Show at Senior Living Facility
Monday 4th Picnic at the Azevedo’s
Tuesday 5th Club Meeting – 7pm1936 Fords. Refreshments by Jay Hertz
Saturday 16th Breakfast – 8:30am
Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting – 7pmV-8 Rebuilding, Abbin & McGlasson
Sunday 14th All Clubs Picnic
Saturday 20th Breakfast – 8:30am w/ Rt 85 Museum/SW Garage Tour
Tuesday 6th Club Meeting – 7pm1941/1951 Fords.
Sunday 11th State Fair
Saturday 17th Breakfast – 8:30am
Friday, Sat., Sun. 23rd, 24th, 25thLos Lunas Swap Meet
Saturday/Sunday 1st & 2nd - Northern New Mexico tour
Tuesday 4th Club Meeting – 7pmAuto Art, Perry & McLaughlin. Refreshments by Mary & Lou Gorenz.
Saturday 15th – Tour of Tome Hill with lunch
Tuesday 1st Club Meeting – 7pmElections, Table Top Show. Refreshments by Bob Payne and Bob Mathes.
Saturday 26th Breakfast and Antique Shopping Tour and Lunch
Saturday 10th Club Christmas Party Potluck
Saturday 17th Breakfast – 8:30am
If you go to www.earlyfordv8.org, you can download all the information and registration materials for these meets, or find contact information.
June 12-16, 2016 – Central National Meet – Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Tulsa, Oklahoma
July 11-15, 2016 – Western New York RG Golden Anniversary National Driving Tour, New York
August 8-11, 2016 – Eastern National Meet, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
September 13-19, 2016 – Great Southwestern National Driving Tour, Colorado and Eastern Utah
September 18-22, 2016 – Blue Ridge Parkway National Driving Tour, North Carolina
April 2 – Smokin' Oldies Show & Shine – Courthouse Park, Deming – Pre-'85 – Karrollee (575)546-9617
April 9 – Duke City Gladiators 1st Annual Car Show – Tingley Coliseum, Albuquerque – Hosted by Land of Enchantment GTO Club to benefit Albuquerque Christian Children's Home – Meet Gladiators
(professional indoor football) and Cheerleaders – 10am-4pm – Awards, raffles, valve cover races, live music & DJ, Car Club Battle, free tickets to game starting at 6pm with car show entry – e-mail president@loegtos.com
April 9 – Golden Gears Swap Meet – White Sands Mall, Alamogordo – 8am-2pm – Space $10 – Jack Harris (575)491-9804
April 17 – 10th Annual Spring Cruise & Schmoose – Sonic, 5000 San Mateo NE, Albuquerque – 10am-3pm – Open to all– Free entry, celebrating 10th Anniversary – Dash Plaques to first 100 – Bring donations for Goodwill – Ron & Su Rymarz and Sheila Gibbs
April 22-24 – Northern New Mexico Street Rodders 34th Trade & Car Show – Magee Park Convention
Center (by Sun Ray Casino), Farmington – Free public admission – D. Wheeler (505)419-7336 orwww.Northernnewmexicostreetrodders.com
April 23 – Park 'n the Park Car Show – Cabezon Park, Rio Rancho – Sponsored by Rio Rancho Parks & Rec– 10am-3pm – Free public admission – Open to 1982 and earlier – Food & Craft vendors, raffles,
trophies & prizes, fun jumps, great music – www.ci.rio-rancho.nm.us or 891-5015
We would like to invite you to join us and share in the fun!
8:00AM to 4:00PM
1. Your Collector Car will be checked for Safe Touring.
2. Fluid levels and mechanical systems will be inspected.
3. Oil will be changed. Chassis will be lubricated.
All labor is free, however, donations will be accepted for
CLNKids(Cuidando los Ninos).
YOU MUST MAKE AN APPOINTMENT for Oil Change service.
Call Desiree at 881-2722 to schedule
(Beginning March 1st)
Coffee, Goodies & a BBQ Lunch will be provided!
Come see friends, kick tires, get under cars, look at all
Bob’s Neat Stuff, and SUPPORT A WORTHY CAUSE!
Sponsored by Worldwide Automotive & Old Car Garage, NAPA, OCCA & VMCCA