PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.
NEXT MEETING: NO DECEMBER MEETING (Christmas Party 1pm on December 10th.) Next meeting is Tuesday January 3, 7pm.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday January 10th, 7pm at Joe’s house, 11716 Tivoli Ave NE.
BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday, December 17th, 8:30 am at Kap’s, located at 5801 Central NE, see article below.
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.
FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is
Christmas Party
Our annual Christmas party will be a potluck on Saturday afternoon, December 10th at 1pm. The party will be at the Jackson’s house (8322 Calle Picaflor NW). The cost is $3 per person. The hosts will cook the meat, with side dishes provided by those attending. Tea, water and coffee will be provided. Reservations are required and can be made by contacting Beth Jackson at 505-908-7564 before December 5th. Requested side dishes are salad, vegetable, dessert or bread and can be confirmed when you call or send in your reservation. The deadline for reservations is December 5th to help in the planning. Remember there is no club meeting in December. Last year’s party followed this format and we had a large crowd, delicious food and a very pleasant time.
Our annual gift exchange will take place during the Christmas Party. If you wish to participate, bring a wrapped gift labeled male or female, and you will go home with a lovely gift. Please make the gift something you would like to receive and keep the cost under $20. Please call Beth at 505-908-7564 if you have any questions.
December Breakfast
We will be meeting for breakfast at 8:30am on Saturday, December 17th at Kap’s Coffee Shop & Diner, 5801 Central Ave NE. This is located on the north side of Central a few blocks east of San Mateo. Take a break from your holiday preparations and join us for conversation and food.
President: Joe Abbin (
Vice-President: Lou Gorenz (
Secretary: Beth Jackson (
Treasurer: Frank Corey (
Director: Jay Hertz (
Director: R. Jeff Jackson (
Director: Bob Mathes (
Director: Al Seery (
President’s Message December 2016 - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Joe Abbin
It is hard to believe that Christmas is less than a month away, but it is, and it is time for me to change gears. It is time to reflect on what has gone before and refocus on what we expect this season and in the year to come. For the club, I am excited about our slate of officers and a whole new round of activities in the coming year. For me, the club new year really starts with our Christmas meeting/party on December 10th. We will have the opportunity to renew our friendships and share a good meal without any formal business or other obligations. We have a lot of interesting people in the group and I am always entertained and educated whenever we get together. New friends are always a plus. I love the gift exchange as much as I liked opening presents under the tree when I was a kid. Bring an old Ford, a side dish, a gift, and a guest if you can, but be there in any case! More particulars like times and location are elsewhere in this newsletter.
And if one party is not enough, I will be hosting my annual New Year’s party on January 1. More on this will be in the January newsletter.
The new officers elected in November for 2017 will take over January 1 and are as follows: President- Joe Abbin, Vice president- Bob Quirici, Secretary- Beth Jackson, Treasurer- Dave McLain, Directors- Jeff Jackson, George Abernathy, Jay Hertz, and Bob Payne. Congratulations!
Minutes of the November 1st, 2016 Meeting
By Secretary Beth Jackson
Jeff called the meeting to order in the absence of President Joe and Vice-President Lou. He welcomed 10 members and visitor Art. The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as printed in the newsletter. The For Sale-Wanted ads were passed around for revisions and additions. Treasurer Frank reported the club is still solvent. The program tonight will be table top models and car art.
Old Business: No one present attended the October 15th breakfast at Sopa’s.
Bob Agnew reported for the car council. He stated that the Los Lunas swap meet was highly successful and made a large profit for the car council and the car council has a substantial treasury. At the last car council meeting Bob suggested that the council provide the city of Los Lunas with more compensation for their efforts but he said the council refused to consider it. Bob stated his position and rationale for it and said he was considering discussing this matter with the several car clubs of which he is a member. After a short discussion, Jeff suggested we delay further discussion until our January meeting and asked that it be recorded in the minutes so as to not be forgotten.
Thanks go to Bob Payne for providing refreshments for us.
New Business: There will be no regular December meeting.
The November breakfast will be at 8:30 am on November 19th at Casa de Benavediz on 4th Street with a group shopping tour of several 4th street area antique shops following.
The December breakfast is on December 17th at 8:30am at Kap’s on Central.
The Christmas Party will be Saturday, December 10th at 1pm. The Jacksons will host again this year. Spiral ham and drinks will be provided and the cost will be $3 a person. Attendees are asked to bring a salad, vegetable, dessert or bread. Sign up sheets are available and the deadline for reservations is December 5th. The club was reminded that this date was picked so as to not conflict with the Old Car Club’s party which we were told was always on the first Saturday in December.
The slate of officers provided by the nominating committee were introduced, Joe Abbin, Pres.; Bob Quirici, VP; David McLain, Treas.; and Beth Jackson, Sec. Board members nominated are Jay Hertz, George Abernathy, Bob Payne and Jeff Jackson. Additional nominations were then solicited from the floor and there were none. Jay moved that the slate be elected by acclamation, Vi seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Jay asked that the club purchase a brick at the Ford Foundation in memory of our deceased member, Marvin Coffee. Jeff reminded everyone that this was approved as a yearly purchase and is budgeted. Jeff asked the membership to confirm that there were no other members to be recognized this year. Jay volunteered to do the ordering of the brick for the club.
Show and Tell: Max brought a Dallas area auction program that contained a 1937 Ford Pickup like the one he has always wanted. However he is not bidding on it. Max also shared his trouble renewing a Horseless Carriage plate. Apparently New Mexico is upgrading their computer system and couldn’t handle it at the Rio Rancho MVD office. Bob Payne reported that he renewed a horseless carriage plate with no problem at the Moriarity DMV office two weeks ago.
Frank related the story of his trip with the Model A’s to the War Eagles Air Museum in Santa Teresa. The museum contains lots of old planes and 30-35 cars which have been donated. Several members showed interest and suggested this would make a very good overnight tour for our club in a cool weather month next year.
A refreshment break was taken.
Program: Jay brought a collection of Tootsietoys and gave a very interesting talk on toy cars vs. model cars. Model cars are much more detailed while toy cars are stylized and meant to be played with. Jay enjoys collecting toy cars and can imagine the joy they brought to the children who played with them.
Bob Agnew then related several interesting stories about cars that had been restored in his shop and showed us pictures of them that are mounted on his shop wall.
Jeff and Beth had taken an original oil painting of a Mustang off their wall but Jeff said that Beth forgot to bring it.
After the presentations the meeting was adjourned.
Many of us are familiar with the name, Dave Cole. His son, Richard, notified club officers that Dave had passed away November 11. Dave has been a major contributor to The V8 Times for many years, especially about 1932 Fords. His photographs of National meets appeared in many issues. Dave attended meets for Fords and Lincolns, including here in Albuquerque, and was an expert on original details about these cars and trucks. He will be missed by his many friends and admirers. His son will be using his literature and notes to finish an article on European Fords for a future issue of the Times. May Dave rest in peace. He was a great guy and a true asset to the V8 Club.
Also from out of our past, we got into contact with Grant Fleming via e-bay. Some of you will remember Grant and his friend were through Albuquerque in a 1936 Ford roadster a while back. They were on their way home to Canada from a national meet, and we entertained them with a picnic at Bob Payne's home in the East Mountains. Grant says to tell all that he really appreciates the hospitality shown him on that occasion. He says, "Thank you again for a great time." Grant has recently attended the Western National Meet in California, and will be sending a disc of photos, with descriptions, that he wishes us to share with the Tumbleweeds. We can make a program out of this at a future meeting.
December Birthdays and Anniversaries
Dee Patterson (4) Jim & Jeannine Kontny (11)
Jan Rothell (14) Ray & Danice Calderon (19)
Jackie Abernathy (18) Art & Betty Leupold (21)
Bill Verant (19) Bob & Joan Quirici (21)
Dorothy Hammond (27) Jeff & Beth Jackson (26)
Joan Quirici (31) Bob & Nancy Agnew (30)
Jim & Joyce Clements (30)
Jokes of the Month
From the Jackson grandchildren
Why did the bird go to the hospital? It needed “tweet”ment.
What do you call a sleeping bull? A bull dozer.
Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t “peeling” well.
Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2016
Saturday 10th Club Christmas Party Potluck, 1pm
Saturday 17th Breakfast – 8:30am Kap’s at 5801 Central NE
Pictures from 2016
Breakfasts with the group, Jay and Helen with one of their many cars, and another breakfast with friends. Joyce with her lingerie giving the club a presentation, cars and Dee at the May birthday picnic. Sam’s museum and the NM State Fair annual show.
Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter. Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads (for sale items will continue to be updated at the meetings). The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email:
November 30 – Rerouting Route 66 Through Tijeras Canyon – Zimmerman Library, UNM Campus – Lecture Nancy Brown Martinez – or 277-6451
December 4 – Pomona Swap Meet & Car Show – LA County Fairgrounds, Pomona, CA – (714)538-7091 or
December 6 – Cruise at Freddy's Frozen Custard – Freddy's Frozen Custard & Steak Burgers, 10201 Central NE – Starts 5:30pm – Get a free frozen custard – Joe Mascarenas 235-5900
December 7 – Native Americans on Route 66 – Zimmerman Library, UNM Campus – Lecture Nancy Brown Martinez – or 277-6451
December 17 – Driving Divas Going to the Dogs Christmas Benefit Show – Fastino's, 2600 Juan Tabo NE – 1-4pm– Open to all, but only women drivers eat free – Melinda Otzenberger 401-2994
December 20 – Cruise at Freddy's Frozen Custard – Freddy's Frozen Custard & Steak Burgers, 10201 Central NE – Starts 5:30pm – Get a free frozen custard – Joe Mascarenas 235-5900
December 21 – Daniel's Under the Hood Crew Cruise – Twisters, Hwys 550 & 313, Bernalillo – Priscilla 771-1881 or 250-7990
April 6-9 – "Join the Hill Country Scene in '17" – 44th Annual Texas Tour hosted by Southern Texas RG #71 in Kerrville, TX. Call Terry Baxter (210)666-5643 or e-mail
June 7-11 – 2017 Eastern National Meet – Chantilly, Virginia hosted by Northern Virginia RG #96. Call Bill Simons or e-mail
September 11-14 – "A Capitol V8 Affair" Western National Meet sponsored by Columbia River RG #10 in Salem, Oregon. Call Steve Lemmons (360)430-3285 or e-mail
For Sale: 1940 Ford Sedan. Ground up restoration. $17,500. Call Neil Farhotz for info at 505-315-2291.
For Sale: 1971 XR7 Cougar. Been in Jim Phillips family 40 years. Good condition, 96,375 miles, no rust, runs good, landau top, PS, AC, no accidents, clean. 2017 NADA = $13,687 average. Asking $9000 OBO. Ken and Judy Chapman 505-291-0929
For Sale: 1957 Ford Fairlane 500 Skyliner convertible. Car is red and white, is a good runner with lots of new and rebuilt parts. $33,000 invested, will sell for $20,000. Car is in Albuquerque. Bob McDonnell (865)254-8231
For Sale: 1957 Ford Fairlane 500 4-dr, 3-speed w/OD (OD not hooked up). No PS, PB. 292 V8. $15,000 OBO. Ed 298-6166
For Sale: 1952 Teardrop Trailer Project, not quite finished. Has VIN#. 4’x9’. Lots of pictures. Asking $3,125.00. Wayne Mikosz
For Sale: 1967 Ford F100 short bed pickup. Julie Wellman (505)286-4106
For Sale: 1970 Ford F250 Pickup Camper Special. Arizona truck; Rust Free, 1975 Merc 460 V8 with C6 tranny. Built for towing. Good power train; you start the body. Body solid, no evidence of damage. $4000.00. Call Joe, 715-533-3614. (cell)
For Sale: 1937 Ford V-8 60 engine. Has motorcycle transmission adapted, alternator, custom headers and single Stromberg carburetor. $1500. Also 1950's sprint car. Raced in Albuquerque till 1980. Remodeled in 1971 to 365-inch Chevy (bored 350). Car built by McCluskey of AZ. Parked since 1980 except for some vintage races. Must be sold within 30 days. Ken 401-5259.
Services Offered: Vintage engine rebuilding, any make, any model. Stock or modified. Dynamometer testing available. Results guaranteed. References available. Gary McGlasson, 505-250-1586.
Services Offered: Frank Corey, who has made a meeting presentation about the mechanical aspects of Ford overdrives, is available to consult on the electrical aspects as well. Frank has a supply of overdrive parts for sale, for those who may be interested. Frank can be contacted at 505-299-5168 or (
Hello, Tumbleweed V-8’ers, 2017
It’s membership renewal time. Please send in your annual dues and renewal form by February 28, 2017, so you don’t miss out on any newsletters or activities. Please make your $25.00 check payable to Tumbleweed RG and hand to or mail to:
Tumbleweed Regional Group
c/o David McLain
PO Box 21538
Albuquerque, NM 87154-1538
Don’t forget to also pay your National dues. The cost is $35.00 per year, which includes the V-8 Times, worldwide roster of members, umbrella liability insurance for club activities, and ballots to vote for directors and changes. If you choose not to receive the magazine, you may send in $10.00 for your membership without the V-8 Times. You will receive all membership benefits except for the magazine.
We look forward to your participation in the coming year! Happy V-8-ing.
Please let us know any changes you’ve made so we can update the Club roster. If there are no changes, all we need is your name.
Name: __________________________________ Spouse: ____________________________
Birthday: ____________Spouse’s Birthday ____________ Anniversary __________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________
Telephone number(s): ____________________________ Email: _______________________
(Use reverse side for additional vehicles)
PO BOX 21538
ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87154-1538