MEETS FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:00 P.M, North Domingo Baca Mutigenerational Center,
7600 Carmel NE, Albuquerque, NM
PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, November 5th, 2024 at 7 pm at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, 7600 Carmel NE, one-half block North and West of Paseo Del Norte and Wyoming. Program by the Clements on the recent Eastern National Meet they attended.
BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday, November 9th, 8:30 am The Range Café at Cottonwood
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.
FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is
November 5th Club Meeting
Tuesday, November 5th will be the next club meeting held at 7pm at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, 7600 Carmel NE.
At the meeting, the Clements will present a program about their trip to New York in their 1940 Ford Standard Coupe to take part in the Eastern National V8 Meet. Program will consist of pictures, stories and souvenirs from the trip.
Clements’ 40’ coupe overlooking the St. Lawrence River from hotel
As usual, there will be a raffle with lots of goodies, please bring anything you might want to give away. Refreshments will be provided by Rich and Barbara Polk.
Clements with 3rd place in Touring Class & Long Distance Award
Clements’ ‘40 Coupe overlooking the St. Lawrence River from hotel
Make sure you keep a spot open on your calendar for our potluck Christmas Party on Saturday, December 7th, 1PM in Rio Rancho at George Abernathy’s warehouse adjoining Sunrise Veterinary Clinic. The cost this year will be $5/person. You can make your reservations at the November 5th Club Meeting. You may also email Jackie @ or text her at 505-269-4010. More details will be in the December Newsletter.
2024 November President’s Message - Joe Abbin
The Clements will be the speakers at our November meeting at the North Domingo Baca Multi-generational Center. See announcement elsewhere in this newsletter. The Clements made a round trip visit to the Eastern National V-8 Meet in their 1940 Ford coupe. Now that was a true test of endurance for the car and passengers! Should be a good story!
Our November meeting also includes election of 2025 club officers and we have an enthusiastic slate of candidates. See board meeting minutes in October’s newsletter. Additional candidates can be nominated at this month’s meeting. A ballot will be included with the November newsletter and should be submitted at the meeting, or sent by mail. If you support the slate without changes you can respond by return email to the editor or Amy at .
I will not be at this November meeting because I will be attending the Specialty Equipment Market Association’s show (SEMA) in Las Vegas, NV. Over two million square feet of exhibit space and thousands of auto-related industry exhibitors make this one of the biggest trade shows in the country. I’ll report in January.
See you in December……I think that is another song?
Joe Abbin
Minutes of the October Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Joe. There were twenty-four people present. Included in that was one guest – Montie Avery, and our latest new member, Jerry Page. Treasurer Amy reported that we are still doing well and only have a few more bills to pay for the year. Joe mentioned that we have received $700 for the pickup that was donated to the club. Amy will deposit it into our account. We should have the money for the motor soon.
Joe offered birthday and anniversary greetings. Thanks to Larry and Lorna Azevedo for our delicious refreshments. There were no additions or corrections to the September meeting minutes or board minutes. Joe Baird gave a car council report. There are several upcoming events. They are listed on the car council website.
Joe gave a report on the State Fair. We had 12 - 14 cars there and only one casualty. The Jackson’s car decided it did not want to leave the Fair Plaza parking lot, so it had to be hauled home.
Chris and Joe reported on the Chimayo trip we took on 9/28. It was a fun time, with minimal issues. Beautiful scenery and wonderful food were taken in by all at the El Rancho de Chimayo.
There will not be a club breakfast in October, as we have the tour to Durango that weekend.
Amy gave an overview of what we will be doing on the trip to Durango. We will drive up Friday, 10/11, drive the Million Dollar Highway on 10/12, then take the scenic way home on 10/13.
Joe introduced the members who are nominated for office for 2025. They are Joe Abbin – President, Debbie Van de Velde – Vice President, Liz Johnson – Secretary, Amy Joiner – Treasurer, and Director nominees are George Abernathy, Jackie Abernathy, Joe Baird, Larry Bost, Jeff Jackson, Roger Wilbur, and Anthony Wagner. Club elections will be at the next meeting.
Tuesday, November 5th will be our next meeting. Joe will not be present so he will not do the presentation, as previously planned. The club was given a few choices for that evening, and it was decided that the Clements will tell us about their recent trip to New York.
Don Gutierrez announced that there will be a car show in Chilili on 10/26 and gave directions on how to get to it.
Amy announced that she got two quotes for magnetic car signs for those interested. Larry showed an example to the club. Amy will send out an email to see if there is more interest, as only one person showed interest.
Larry Bost brought a socket tool for show and tell, that he inherited in a box of tools.
Roger Wilbur gave a great presentation about his jewelry-making. He talked about how he got started and mentioned that he has been in this business for fifty years. He showed posters of his pieces, showed some magazines, and passed around lots of examples. He was interesting, and members were quite intrigued. Thank you, Roger!
Amy Joiner
Roger Wilbur
Roger’s Display
More of Roger’s Displays
Newsletter Note
Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads, and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter. Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads. The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email:
President: Joe Abbin ( 505-263-1946
Vice-President: Chris Joiner (amy2001tweety@hotmailcom) 505-382-8723
Secretary: Jackie Abernathy ( 505-269-4010
Treasurer: Amy Joiner ( 505-382-8724
Director: George Abernathy ( 505-771-2113
Director: Joe Baird ( 505-263-5329
Director: Larry Bost ( 505-379-7891
Director: Jeff Jackson ( 505-908-7565
Liz Johnson ( 505-281-5747
Director: Bill Joiner ( 505-238-1794
Director: Roger Wilbur 505-603-5031
Jokes of the Month
The Sunday School teacher was teaching a class of children about creation. “Now, children,” she said, “Who can tell us what makes the flowers spring from the seed?” “God does it,” answered one little girl, “but fertilizer helps.”
“Dad. I want to ask you a question,” said little Josh after his first day of Sunday School. “Of course,” said his dad. “The teacher was reading the Bible, about the Children of Israel building the Temple, the Children of Israel crossing the Red Sea, the Children of Israel making the sacrifices,” said Josh. “So what’s your question?” his dad asked. “Well, didn’t the grown-ups do anything?”
A Sunday School teacher challenged her children to take some time on Sunday afternoon to write a letter to God. They were to bring their letter back the following Sunday. One little boy wrote, “Dear God, We had a good time at church today. Wish you could have been there.”
The Sunday School teacher was describing that when Lot’s wife looked back at Sodom she turned into a pillar of salt. Bobby interrupted, “My mommy looked back once while she was driving, and she turned into a telephone pole.”
November Birthdays & Anniversaries
Roger Wilbur (11) Vern and Pat Willan (7)
Ray Calderon (30) David and Debbie McLain (10)
Philip and Corrine Lovato (14)
The suits pictured are from a special catalog, "Made to Order Clothes for Men and Young Men: Styles for Spring and Summer, 1932." They were custom-made, using fabric of the customer's choice. Cost was $24.50 for a 3-piece suit, and less for individual pieces. The catalog came with a tape measure, instructions on how to measure and 53 fabric samples. Fit was guaranteed. Suit on the left was named "The Catalina", "a breezy style for both resort and office;" the jacket could be made plain or belted. The suit on the right was named "The Gulfport", "a two-button easy-fitting model."
From Joyce Clements
For Sale: Radiator for 1953 Ford P.U. - very good $150. Gary McGlasson 505-250-1586
For Sale: 1936 Ford Cabriolet, $30,000. Tan exterior, LeBaron-Bonney interior and top. Working radio in box with correct controls is included. Extra parts go with the convertible. Bob Quirici 505-821-1646 or 505-350-2454
For Sale: Three disassembled 1940 Ford Trucks, with two titles and one flat head V-8 engine and transmission. Items sold as a package and not individually. $9500 or OBO. Contact Nick at 505-980-0841 or
For Sale: 1940 Mercury Sedan Coupe. Call Max Glover for more information. 505-249-7344 Cell or 505-792-2011 Home.
For Sale: 1936 Ford Phaeton, $40,000. Call Chris Joiner 505-382-8723.
For Sale: 1940 Willys. Former gasser. All steel. 468 BBC, TH350 transmission, Ford 9” rear end, disc brakes all around, straight axle, Mustang steering box, Custom grey ultra leather interior, Kenwood stereo, alarm. No A/C, PS, or PB. $79,000. Joe Abbin,, 505-263-1946. NM
Storage: Outdoor $25/month, secure yard. Joe Abbin 505-296-7678
Wanted: 1957 Ford ½ Ton Truck, Don Gutierrez 951-241-4959
Services Offered: Vintage engine rebuilding, any make, any model. Stock or modified. Dynamometer testing available. Results guaranteed. References available. Gary McGlasson, 505-250-1586.
Tour to Chimayo
Cars cruising to Chimayo
Santurio de Chimayo
Chris and Amy’s Car
Amy and Chris
Helen and Joe
Chimayo Tour September 28th
September 28, Joe planned for the club to take a drive up to Chimayo to see the fall colors and eat at the wonderful restaurant up there. The plan was to meet in Bernalillo at our former museum at 8:30am and leave from there. We brought some of our church small group. We had two vehicles. Then there were three people from the model A club in another car. We were all there by 8:30. We waited for Joe (and Helen) for at least ten minutes before hearing from him that we should head on out and he would meet us along Highway 550. He caught up to us and we had a nice caravan through San Ysidro, Jemez Springs, and then on to Los Alamos. Although sometimes it was hard to see if Joe was coming, as he was so far behind the last of our cars. When entering Los Alamos from that direction, cars must stop at guard shacks and the drivers are asked where they are headed, and they must show their driver's license. The first three cars of our caravan got through without a problem. We pulled over down the way a bit and waited for Joe. When we saw other cars come through that weren't Joe, we got a little worried. Chris walked back up the road a little to see if he could see what was happening. We joked and thought maybe the guards overheard the stuff that was being said over the walkie talkies. That wasn't it, though. When Chris could finally see what was happening, he could see Joe and Helen out of the car and Joe talking to the guard. After what seemed like forever, they finally came up to where we were, and Helen was driving. It turns out, Joe accidentally left his wallet at home. Helen drove most of the way through Los Alamos. That was quite a feat since she hadn't driven a standard in many years. They switched back to having Joe drive, probably too soon, before we made it all the way out of town. Before we knew it, Joe was pulling into a gas station. At this point, we were already going to be running somewhat late for our lunch reservation. We found out Joe was running on empty, basically, by that point. If he didn't stop, someone would have ended up pushing the car. When we finally got to Chimayo, there was a total of 15 of us for lunch. Roger and Bobbie drove from Santa Fe and Gary and Laurel also met us there. We were only about ten minutes late for our reservation. Roger said they wouldn't seat them without the rest of us. We had a wonderful table on the patio of Rancho de Chimayo, and we enjoyed a very tasty lunch. After lunch, some departed and headed for home. Others went and explored El Santuario de Chimayo before heading for home. On our way home, we stopped at a nice coffee shop in Los Alamos and walked around exploring some Oppenheimer history and then we stopped in Jemez Springs for a quick bite before continuing home. Our 1940 Mercury made it all the way to 550 and 528 before it decided to blow a fuse and lose headlights and taillights. Thank goodness, we were almost back to the museum. Joe also had an issue with his car once he got back to town. It wouldn't be a car tour without little things like that happening. All in all, a great time was had by all.
Chris & Amy Joiner
Next month Amy & Chris will report on the cruise to Durango.
President – Joe Abbin ______________ Write-In Candidate _________________________
Vice-President – Debbie VandeVelde _________ Write-In Candidate ___________________
Secretary – Liz Johnson _________ Write-In Candidate __________________________
Treasurer – Amy Joiner ______________ Write-In Candidate _________________________
Directors: Vote for seven or write one in.
George Abernathy ___________
Joe Baird __________________
Larry Bost __________________ Write-In Candidate __________________________
Jeff Jackson ________________
Jackie Abernathy _________________ Write-In Candidate __________________________
Anthony Wagner ___________________
Roger Wilbur ________________
All of the Above _______________
When your ballot is completed, you may email to Beth or Amy @ or mail to
Tumbleweed Regional Group Early Ford V-8 Club of America, PO Box 21538, ABQ NM 87154-1538
Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2024
Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7pm North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center - Program Ford Service Manuals & Info by Joe Abbin, Refreshments Amy & Chris Joiner and Joe Abbin.
Saturday 13th Breakfast 8:30am Dave’s High Desert Grill.
Tuesday 6th Club Meeting 7pm North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center – Program by Jay Melin who will present a brief history of NM License plates. Refreshments by the Clements.
Saturday 10th Breakfast 8:30am at Golden Corral
Tuesday 5th Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center - Program – Liz Johnson on the 1937 Ford. Refreshments Jeff & Beth Jackson
Saturday 8th 8:30am, Breakfast at Sopa’s with a Tour of Frank Brown’s Collection following at 10am.
Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center - Program – Joe Baird on Ford Specials. Refreshments Joe Warren
Saturday 13th Breakfast 8:30am at Golden Corral
Sunday 28th Cruise & Schmooze at Sonic on San Mateo
Tuesday 7th Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center - Program – Joe Abbin on Grand National Roadster Show Slide Presentation & Rust Prevention Demo, Refreshments Liz Johnson
Sunday 19th Museum Car Show, 7:30am – 3pm - “The Roarin’20’s”, breakfast following set-up
Monday 27th 11 – 2, Club Birthday Party
Tuesday 4th Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center – Meeting was cancelled due to building maintenance.
Saturday 8th Breakfast 8:30am, Vick’s Vittles on Central –
Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center – Program by Gus and Deborah Van de Velde on Sheep Farming in Corrales, Refreshments Don Gutierrez
Thursday 4th Parade in Corrales and Picnic at Azevedo’s
Saturday 13th Breakfast 8:30am at Range Café 10019 Coors Blvd NW
Tuesday 6th Club Meeting 7pm – Program by Joyce Clements on Flathead Era Fashion, Refreshments Gary & Laurel McGlasson
Sunday 11th All Clubs Picnic at Oak Flats
Tuesday 3rd Club Meeting 7pm – Program by John Taylor on USS New Mexico Battleship.
Refreshments Max & Johanne Glover
Sunday 8th State Fair Car Show includes breakfast.
Tuesday 1st Club Meeting 7pm – Program by Roger Wilbur on Jewelry Making, Refreshments Larry & Lorna Azevedo
Friday – Sunday 11th – 13th - Trip to Durango to view the Aspens. Joint trip with the Model A’s.
Tuesday 5th Club Meeting 7pm Officer Election – Program by the Clements on attending the Eastern National Meet in Clayton, NY. Refreshments Rich & Barbara Polk
Saturday 9th Breakfast 8:30am Range Café at Cottonwood
Saturday 7th Club Christmas Party 1pm Potluck at George’s Warehouse
Tuesday 3rd (tentative Board meeting with new and old officers and directors plan for 2025
Businesses Used by Members
(Send us names of businesses you have used)
1. Starters and Alternators of New Mexico, 3711 Franciscan St NE, Albuquerque NM 87107, 505-344-5025, Eldon.
2. Skinners Carburetor & Distributor Service, 3100 Pan American Fwy NE, Unit 6, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505-344-3704, Albert & Nic.
3. McBride’s Springs & Welding, 1010 2nd St NW, Albuquerque NM 87102, 505-242-2174.
4. Old Car Garage/World Wide Automotive, 3232 Girard Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 505-881-2722, Bob.
5. The Santa Fe Detail, 7512 Avenger Way, Unit 2, Santa Fe NM 87507, 505-204-5120, Luis.
6. Auto Glass Now, 8201 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 87110, 505-897-9000. Also at 8301 San Pedro NE, Albuquerque NM 87113, 505-445-7022
7. Wild Heart Ranch Texas, 3120 FM 1995, Van TX 75790, 505-908-7565