Joyce Clements will do a presentation on WWII. See Joyce’s article in this newsletter for details.

PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, July 3, 7:30 p.m., at Old Car Garage.

PROGRAM: WWII by Joyce Clements. See Joyce’s article for details.

REFRESHMENTS WILL BE PROVIDED BY: Neva & Marvin Coffee and Joyce & Jim Clements.

JUNE ACTIVITY: June 29-30, Special Club Activity, two-day tour to Ruidoso for the Classic Car Show.
Please see Joyce’s article in this newsletter for details.

JULY ACTIVITY: July 4 Parade in Corrales and July 14 Ice Cream Cruise to Los Lunas.

BREAKFAST GROUP: The Breakfast Group will meet Saturday, July 7 at 8:30 a.m. at Rich Ford’s Mustang
Café, Wyoming and Lomas.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, July 10, 7:30 p.m., Jay Hertz’ home, 8704 La Sala Del Sur, NE. Jay’s
home phone number is 296.3137. See article in this newsletter for details. All members are welcome.

July Neva & Marvin Coffee / Joyce & Jim Clements October Al & Jo Seery / Bob & Joan Quirici
August ? / ? November Mark & Larry Williams / ?
September Lori & John Shelton / Bob & David Mathes December Holiday Party

Jay Hertz, President
Hello, All. I am excited to report that, after many years of ownership, I am now (finally) starting on the
restoration of my 1935 Ford phaeton. This is a car I had bought through eBay about 6 years ago. It was
located in Austin at the time, and I bought it sight-unseen. That is usually a mistake, and in this case I think
I was only slightly disappointed when I got the car home to Albuquerque. The nicest features were the solid
floor (which is generally rusted out in an open car) and the grille (which was completely free from damage).
Additionally, the mechanical aspects of the car were all correct with the exception of the wheels which were
all wrong. The engine compartment is correct in every detail I can see, as is the entire chassis and running
gear. Locating correct wheels was no problem, and they are now powder coated in an apple green color as
close as I could get to the original color. This ought to harmonize well with the vineyard green body color
which will eventually be used.
The car was missing the entire wooden front seat assembly, which the eBay seller had disclosed.
Fortunately, I was able to locate a fellow Ford Club member in Minnesota who was restoring an identical car,
and was having the front seat assembly built for his car at that time. I was able to get his shop to make me
another one. In this process, I learned the difference between an “early” and a “late” 1935 phaeton. It
seems that the early models, of which mine is an example, had a different curvature to the center door
pillars, necessitating different-shaped wood shoulder supports, when compared to later models. So my wood
assembly came back with wood shoulder panels that are way off. I need to find a way to saw or un-glue
them and retrofit them with ones of the correct shape. None of these parts can be found in catalogues, so
I am on my own in that department. Fortunately, the wood for the rear tub area is reproduced, and I have
obtained that. The door wood, thankfully, is usable as-is.
The car was also missing the top wood bows and header. But these are also reproduced, and I think my top
assembly is now complete, down to a beautiful set of reproduction top irons. I have also bought a complete
upholstery kit and top kit, as I found they were on sale recently at Mac’s. I suspect it will be a full year or
more before I am ready to start the upholstery, so all that will remain in the boxes in the meantime.
As it stands, the rear tub has been removed for sandblasting, and the front half of the body is unbolted,
awaiting arrival of a few more guys to lift it off. Then the fun part begins: the restoration of the chassis and
running gear. I really do enjoy that work, dirty as it is. So much is available in the way of replacement parts
that I am not worried about parts availability. But this is also a very time-consuming part of the restoration,
so I am sure to be on it for many months. If you get the chance, drop by my shop some time and check out
my progress. I’d love to have you stop for a visit. Sharing experiences like this is a big part of belonging to
a club like ours, so I hope you’ll forgive me for rambling on about my project. If there’s anything I can do to
help with your projects, I hope you’ll let me know.

by Mark Williams, Secretary
Vice President Jeff Jackson called the meeting to order a little after 7:30 pm (after a key was located).
Larry Williams gave the treasurer’s report. The ending balance in the checking account was $1,141.74.
Joe Abbin reported on the Memorial Day Picnic. Well attended and the weather was great. Good job, Joe,
and thanks to Neva for being the chef.
Expenses came in well under budget and the raffle made $86.00 for the club.
Information from Joyce Clements indicated the Museum car show was very successful with 360 cars filling
all the spaces.
Jim Clements announced that the Car Council was planning an August picnic at Oak Flats.
Sad news was shared for friends of Lois Nichols and Bert Loring. They both passed away recently.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved to reimburse Bob Agnew for 1/3 of his investment in the sound
system. The club will give him $100.00.
4th of July is being planned for the Corrales parade and then a potluck with Larry and Lorna Azevedo.
The tour group will meet at 12 noon on June 29 at Fuddrucker’s on Yale (near Gibson) for lunch. After lunch
they will go to Ruidoso for the Make-A-Wish Car Show.
For show and tell Ray brought a tie rod remover and Jeff brought three hub caps.
Our thanks to Steve Gongara from the House of Covers who gave an excellent presentation on upholstery.

World War II by Joyce Clements
by Joyce Clements
Joyce will have a presentation, “Regulations, Restrictions and Shortages,” about some of the rules that had
to be obeyed during World War II. If any other members have some artifacts or stories from the era that are
pertinent, please bring them along. Joyce and Neva will provide refreshments in keeping with the theme of
the program.

By Jay Hertz
Hello, All. This is to let you know that we will be holding our July directors’/officers’ meeting on Tuesday, July
10, at my house, 8704 La Sala Del Sur, NE (phone 296-3137) beginning at 7:30 p.m. It is near Wyoming
and Candelaria. From that intersection, go east and take the second left-hand turn bay, which is General
Stillwell. Go to the end of General Stillwell, which is only about four blocks. Where it ends, the house on
the right is mine. It is a corner house with a stop sign on the property. The entrance is on General Stillwell
even though the address is on La Sala Del Sur. I will have refreshments. All members are welcome at our
Board meetings.

by Joyce Clements
We will be leaving Albuquerque on Friday, June 29, headed for Ruidoso for the Make-A-Wish Car Show.
If you plan to go, meet at the Fuddrucker’s, 2120 Yale SE (near the airport), at noon for lunch. We will depart
and head south on Hwy 47 as soon as lunch is finished. We’ll go Hwy 47 to Hwy 60, to Corona. Next towns
on the way will be Carrizozo, Capitan, Hondo and Ruidoso. It’s the scenic route, and the drive should be
a pretty one. We plan to arrive in Ruidoso in time for a BBQ dinner, free with your registration. Dinner will
be served from 5:30-7:00.
The show will be on Saturday, June 30, from 7:30am to 3:00pm. The entry fee check should be made out
to Make-A-Wish for $35. An entry form and hotel information are included with this newsletter. There will
be trophies, door prizes, T-shirts, etc. for show entrants. We will leave the show as soon as it is over and
drive back to Albuquerque. We should arrive before dark. The web site is
Larry Williams emailed Terry Williams who is managing the event to ask how many dinners are included.
Her response: “Two complimentary dinners are given with the registration. We ask for a donation (amount
you decide upon) to be given for any additional guests. We would appreciate registrations be sent in
advance. All proceeds will be going directly to Make A Wish. Even if you choose not to register in advance,
we would like to have a number expected to attend, as it helps with our preparations. This year we have a
donor who will match all of our donations collected. If you have further questions, feel free to contact me.”
Terry’s number is 512.848.3044.

By Joyce Clements
July 4 – Independence Day. We are invited to participate in the Corrales parade and a great BBQ afterward.
Meet at the Old Church in Corrales at 9:00 am; parade starts at 10:00 am. After the parade, Larry and Lorna
Azevedo will host a BBQ picnic lunch at their home on Hansen Rd. in Corrales. Larry says, “ V8'ers are
asked to bring a salad, dessert or side dish for the BBQ at our house. We provide hamburgers, hot dogs,
lemonade. See you there!”
July 14 is an easy evening cruise to Los Lunas. We will meet at the Pit parking lot area at 5:00pm and drive
to Los Lunas to join their monthly cruise. It is supposed to be an “Ice Cream Cruise.” Cruise starts at 6:00.

by Joyce Clements
Below are the names of people that are known to have helped with the car show. If your name is on the list,
you are invited to the free pizza lunch. The date is July 15. The time is 11:30am till you leave. The place
is Village Pizza in Corrales at 4266 Corrales Road. Lunch will be salad, soup, pizza, and soft drinks served
buffet style. Look for Joyce on the front patio to check in. Other members are invited, but their lunch will be
$10. Drive your V8 and decorate their parking lot. Call or e-mail Joyce if you plan to attend. It will be a fun
event, and a thank you for helping. If you volunteered, and I missed your name, please remind me. I do
sometimes err. The names I have are Bob Agnew, Ray Calderon, Jim & Joyce Clements, Frank Corey and
Dee Patterson.

Lois Nichols, widow of Nick Nichols, passed away May 25 in Hawaii. Nick and Lois were longtime members
of the Tumbleweed V8 Club. They were always ready for touring with their 1935 Ford coupe or their 1936
Ford sedan. They retired to Hawaii a while back to be with their kids and grandkids. Nick passed away there
several years ago. Later, there may be services in Belen, where Nick and Lois lived for many years. Their
door was always open, and many of us visited them there over the years.
Bert Loring passed away June 3 in Rio Rancho, after a long illness. He is survived by his wife of many
years, Jo. Bert and Jo were long-time members of the Tumbleweeds, and always ready for a tour in their
1950 Ford coupe. Jo was his constant companion. Bert always had wonderful stories, and was great fun
to be around. Jo’s address is 405 Cerro de Ortega Dr. SE, Rio Rancho 87124 if you wish to send a card.

President: Jay Hertz (jdhhag@comcast.net)
Vice-President: R. Jeff Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com)
Secretary: Mark Williams (mwdomesticengineer34@gmail.com)
Treasurer: Larry Williams (l-m-williams@comcast.net)
Director of Club Purpose: Neva Coffee (marvin.coffee@comcast.net)
Director of Education: Joe Abbin (roadrunnerengr@msn.com)
Director of Touring: Frank Corey (frankford4@aol.com)
Happy Birthday to:
12 Beth Jackson
15 Max Glover
26 Jim Kontny
Happy Anniversary to:
3 Jay & Helen Hertz
21 Harvey & Marka Catchpole
25 Mark & Kara Williams
Members are encouraged to submit articles and ads for inclusion in the newsletter, but please remember
we have space limitations. Article submissions may be reformatted for newsletter purposes, but they will not
be edited without the author’s approval. The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Please
contact Micki Hughes, newsletter editor, 505.359.3227, or email: tumbleweednewsletter@gmail.com.

7/3 WWII: Joyce Clements Clements 7/7 Breakfast group will meet Saturday at 8:30 a.m., Rich Ford’s Mustang Café.
7/10 Board Meeting, 7:30, Jay Hertz’ house
7/4 4th of July Parade & Picnic. Line up 9:00, parade at 10:00, then BBQ potluck at the Azevedos’.
7/14 Los Lunas Ice Cream Cruise. Meet at the Pit parking lot at 5pm. Info: Bill Schofield (505)565-2105. Clements
8/7 Transmissions: Steve Koburi, United Transmission Jackson

8/4 Breakfast group will meet Saturday at 8:30 a.m., Rich Ford’s Mustang Café.
8/12 All Clubs Picnic Alt: Tour Madrid/Cerrillos Turquoise Trail NMCCC Abbin, Marco
9/4 Ladies’ Night Beth & Jeff Jackson, Clements, Coffee
9/1 Breakfast group will meet Saturday at 8:30 a.m., Rich Ford’s Mustang Café.
9/11 Board Meeting, 7:30, Jay Hertz’ house
9/?? State Fair Jackson
9/28-30 Swap Meet Clements
10/2 Air Cleaners: Joe Abbin & Will Clements Abbin, Clements
10/6 Breakfast group will meet Saturday at 8:30 a.m., Rich Ford’s Mustang Café.
10/?? Tour to Chimayo Abbin
11/6 Elections & Tabletop Show;
Overdrives: Frank Corey Board, Corey
11/3 Breakfast group will meet Saturday at 8:30 a.m., Rich Ford’s Mustang Café.
11/13 Board Meeting, 7:30, Jay Hertz’ house
11/17 Festival of the Cranes, Bosque del Apache Tour ??
12/4 Holiday Party Board 12/1 Breakfast group will meet Saturday at 8:30 a.m., Rich Ford’s Mustang Café.

June 29 – Celebrando con Alegria Car Show – National Hispanic Cultural Center, 1701 4th St. SW – Entry
$15 pre-registration, $20 day of event – Benefit to Women Battling Gynecological Cancers in NM – Setup
7:00-9:00am, Show 10:00am-3:00pm – Entrants get raffle tickets for prizes – 400-8191 or
July 4 – 37th Annual Plaza Car/Craft Show – Downtown Plaza, Santa Fe – Buddy Roybal, (505)473-5333.
July 14 – 2012 MOPAR Challenge Series #3 – ABQ Dragway – Race for points and money – For info,
July 14 – Camaro Club New Mexico Poker Run – Starts James McGrane Sub Station/Fire Station 40 off
Hwy 217 South in East Mountains – Entry $20/person, cash only – Proceeds go to Deputy James McGrane
Officer Street Survival Training Program – Forms at cc-nm.org.
July 21 – Neon Cruise – Starts Washington & Copper – 1pm – Music, dance, food, vendors, drive-in movie,
Enchanted Trails – $10 fee at event – bcougar67@msn.com or www.oldrt66.com/rt66summerfest.
For more information and event flyers, visit www.nmcarcouncil.org or call Joyce at 884-7912.

August 20-23, 2012 in Branson, MO. See www.earlyfordv8.org for information and registration form.
September 11-14 “Round Up at Redmond” in Redmond, OR. See www.earlyfordv8.org for information and
registration form.

From the Cascade RG Newsletter. A 1937 V-8 drove in the other day, and the driver explained, “My car cuts
out, sometimes at low speed and sometimes at high speed. It works good in the morning until I drive about
5 miles.” I gave it a road test. Sure enough – fuel pump.
I replaced it and got the same results. I cleaned the carburetor and gave it the once over from battery to
radiator, but still – not any better.
Carefully, I rechecked everything again and again. Finally, I decided it just had to be the fuel pump.
I again replaced the fuel pump and gave it another road test. I drove just over five miles, and it was still
going good. “Ah, that was it after all!!” I said to Jack, another mechanic who had decided to go along for the
Just then she cut out entirely. Jack shouted, “Out of gas!” The gas gauge stood at 3/4 full. I stepped out
to make sure and removed the gas tank cap. Wham! The air rushed into the tank. Then it finally hit us. The
gas vent was plugged! Sometimes it really is just that simple!
From “The Rumble Sheet” newsletter of the Badger State RG #35, author unknown
Dedicated to: “all you who are afraid to drive your old car around the block”
2009 was the 100th anniversary of the Ocean to Ocean (O 2 O) race across the country that a Model T Ford
won. Fifty-four Model T’s took part in the re-enactment of this race. The route was from NYC to Seattle,
Washington. Friends of ours, Gary and Kathleen Ebbert, of Port Orchard, Washington, took part in this race.
Their plan was to purchase a vehicle to transport them to our home. We would take them to NYC, and then
sell their truck and trailer for them here. They bought this temporary vehicle two years before the reenactment.
It was a 1991 Ford Explorer, V-6 with 169,000 miles on it. It sat at their place without being used
for the two years before they left. Gary put less than 100 miles on it before he set out towing the Model T
across country. Everyone knows I am a hundred percent Ford person. But even I had my doubts about him
actually making it with this set-up. Well he did make it without any problems. It used one and a half quarts
of oil and averaged seventeen miles to the gallon. By the time he got here it had over 170,000 miles on it.
The Model T that they were using in the re-enactment of the cross country race was a 1915 Touring car.
They made it from NYC to Seattle with only a tire blow out, no problem with the Model T itself. Some of the
other T’s did have some problems. These problems were due to after-market products that supposedly
“improve your Model T.” Some sounded pretty good, but you have to get up early in the morning to beat old
Henry at his game.
Before Gary and Kathleen left here for the 2009 O 2 O re-enactment, they asked me if I had room to store
their Explorer and trailer. Seems they liked the Explorer so much they wanted to drive their 15 T back across
the country to get it the following summer. We had the room, so they drove the T back in June. On their way
back to Hannibal, NY, they encountered a blinding snowstorm going over the Chinook Pass, plus they skirted
a couple tornados. They arrived here in two weeks, after a leisurely drive of about two hundred miles a day.
If you push it, you can drive four hundred miles a day in a T. What a difference from 1909.
Well, they made it again without a problem with the T or the tires. Total mileage for both cross country trips
in their Model T was just shy of 8,000 miles. Gary and Kathleen stayed with us for a week; while here they
drove their 15 (and we drove our 20 T) an additional 500 miles. They loaded their T on the trailer behind the
Explorer (which had now sat for another year), and headed back to Washington. They put forty miles on the
Explorer before they left here, and yes this Explorer made it across country again with no problems.
On their way back home they attended two different National Model T tours. On these tours you end up
driving about six hundred miles in your T. So that was about another twelve hundred miles they put on their
Model T. AGAIN TROUBLE FREE. I think both of these vehicles have earned the title BUILT FORD

For Sale: V-8 Times Magazines. Issues from the '80s to date. $1 each or 6 for $5. Several year sets in
hard binders. Half the proceeds to our club. Joe Abbin, 505.296.7678.
For Sale: Auto road test and auto related magazines from the 1950's thru the 1980's. Find out how your
1956 Mercury performed “in the day” from Motor Trend or how Consumer’s Guide rated it! “Time capsule”
assortments of 3-6 magazines for various years for $10 each or individual magazines for $3. Various titles,
Motor Trend, Popular Science, Mechanix Illustrated, Consumers Guide, etc. Joe Abbin, 505.296.7678.
Services Offered: Vintage engine rebuilding, any make, any model. Stock or modified. Dynamometer
testing available. Results guaranteed. References available. Gary McGlasson, 505.250.1586.
For Sale: Rebuilt generators, starters, carburetors, distributors, water pumps, clutches, etc. for your
flathead. Best deal in town. Also parts. What do you need? Art Leupold, 505.299.7154.
For Sale: For information on the following, email Tom Stacy at tombird@wildblue.net or call 575.894.7137:
Flathead V8 engine '49-50. This is a truck engine since it has a floor shift transmission behind it. It
won’t turn but is fairly complete lacking only the starter and generator. $200.
Two '51 transmissions. Standard $20. Overdrive $50.
For Sale: 1973 Ford LTD 4-door for parts. Many good body parts. No engine or trans. Frank Corey,
Wanted: V-8 Times Magazines. Need May-June 2007 issue, and any issues from the '60s and '70s for my
own set. Joe Abbin, 505.296.7678.