PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 7 pm at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, 7600 Carmel NE, one-half block North and West of Paseo Del Norte and Wyoming. Program by Melissa Drake on New Mexico Transit.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, May 9, 2023, 6:30pm at Village Pizza in Corrales (4266 Corrales Road)
BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday, May 13, 9pm at Dave’s Valley Grill in conjunction with Poco Quatros.
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.
FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is
Our May meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 2nd at 7pm at the North Domingo Baca Mutigenerational Center at 7600 Carmel NE. Our speaker will be Melissa Drake. She is the Administrative Director for New Mexico Transit Association (NMTA). NMTA is a non-profit corporation established in 1987. NMTA represents public transportation providers, transit sector industries, and various non-profit organizations concerned about public transportation issues. NMTA is the most prominent and vocal advocate for all issues related to public transportation in New Mexico. NMTA provides a variety of vital services for tis members and acts as the collective voice for public transportation.
Remember we will also have a raffle and refreshments will be provided by Joe Abbin and Larry Bost.
Tumbleweed Early Ford V-8 Club
Picnic Show and Shine
When: Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2022, 11am-2pm.
Where: The Jackson’s, 8322 Calle Picaflor NW (Near Paseo & Coors)
We’re having a picnic! We will be celebrating our Tumbleweed Group’s 47th birthday. Not to be forgotten, it is the 90th anniversary of the 1933 Fords! Wow!
The festivities begin at 11 am at the Jackson’s home on the west side. We’ll celebrate each other’s cars and we’ll have burgers and our favorite goodies. The club will provide the burgers. Bring a side dish, a salad or anything else you’d like to share with the Ford party animals.
We will have our popular 50-50 raffle with some nice prizes as well as the cash! Please feel free to donate items for the raffle. Bring your flathead! Bring your friends!
Please RSVP to Beth at 505-908-7564 or
President’s Message for May 2023 Chris Joiner
Time sure is flying. The weather is getting warmer where it is more inviting to get our cars out and go places with them. May is going to have several opportunities to do so. There’s the joint breakfast with the Model A club, the Museum Car Show and our club breakfast, and our club picnic. I am hoping we get a good turnout at these events. We’re having a board meeting on Tuesday, May 9 at 6:30pm at Village Pizza in Corrales, combining our meeting with dinner. What I am really looking forward to is our trip to Las Cruces the first weekend of June. It will be here before we know it. We are working on the finishing touches for that trip. The museum down there has requested that we have a list of people to them by May 19 so please let us know if you plan on joining us. It will be a good time.
1957 Dodge Custom
The NMCCC - Albuquerque Museum 37th Annual Car Show will happen on May 21, at the Museum, located at 2000 Mountain Rd. NW. The cost to enter is $10 per car. This year will be a no trophy show, but you will receive a goodie bag, a dash plaque, and tickets to the current Museum displays. Inside the Museum, there will be a Model and Toy Car Show and an Automobile Art Exhibit; there is no cost to enter articles in these displays or to visit them. The theme for the year is "Celebrating Tail Fins," since it is the 75th Anniversary of tail fins on an American production car - the 1948 Cadillac. No, you don't have to put tail fins on your car; the show is open to all makes and models. It will be a day to relax, visit with friends, see lots of nice vehicles, explore Old Town, have a nice lunch, and get reacquainted with old friends and acquaintances. It should be a great show. Drive your V-8 down and try to be there by 8am. Meet up with fellow club members after parking and we’ll go to breakfast together! See you there.
Be aware that Mountain Rd. east of the Museum may be closed; you will be notified ahead of time of the best way to enter the show. With the help of the Museum, we are keeping track of the progress, or the lack thereof, of the construction.
Joyce, Jim & Will for the Car Show Committee
We have been invited to join the Poco Quatros (Model A’s) for breakfast on Saturday May 13th at 9am. The location will be Dave’s Valley Grill at 6601 Fourth Street NW. Be there or be square!
Minutes of the April 4th Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Chris. There were eighteen members in attendance plus our speaker, Montie Avery, and his wife, Billie. Chris welcomed all and made sure everyone had received the newsletter. Treasurer Amy reported that nothing had happened since the last meeting, but that we are still missing dues from a few people. Every member in attendance has (finally) paid! Chris offered several birthday greetings. There were a couple of anniversary greetings also. Thanks to Joe Baird (and Joe Abbin, who was really signed up for May) for providing refreshments. The refreshment signup sheet was then passed around. There were no corrections or additions to the February meeting minutes. Chris announced that donations for the raffle are always welcome. Chris mentioned that this month’s breakfast will be 4/08 at The Owl Café on Eubank. There will be no outing afterwards. Chris also announced that our next club meeting will be on May 2nd, 7pm at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center. Melissa Drake with the NM Transit Association will give a presentation for us that evening. Chris mentioned that the May breakfast will be the morning of the museum car show on 5/21. He also mentioned that we have been invited by the Poco Quatros Model A car club to their May breakfast. More information will be sent out in an email. Chris talked about the trip to Las Cruces and the Globo Rojo Museum in June. Joe provided a crime report and handed out his “Blues” cards to several. As far as new business, Joyce mentioned several dates of upcoming car shows and cruises. We had refreshments and the raffle. Montie Avery then gave a wonderful presentation about the history of Las Vegas, New Mexico. It was extremely interesting and informative.
May Birthdays
Bob Napier (6)
Betty Leupold (21)
President: Chris Joiner ( 505-382-8723
Vice-President: George Abernathy ( 505-771-2113
Secretary: Jackie Abernathy ( 505-269-4010
Treasurer: Amy Joiner ( 505-382-8724
Director: Joe Abbin ( 505-263-1946
Director: Larry Bost ( 505-379-7891
Director: Don Gutierrez 951-241-4959
Director: Jeff Jackson ( 505-908-7565
Director: Bill Joiner ( 505-238-1794
Director: Joe Warren ( 505-554-1387
Director: Roger Wilbur 505-603-5031
Newsletter Note
Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads, and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter. Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads. The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email:
Hotel Information for June Las Cruces Trip
As you know, we will be going to Las Cruces on 6/02 and returning 6/04. We have secured a block of rooms at the SpringHill Suites there for $104 per night. You may use the link in this article to make your reservation or you may call them at #575-541-8887 and reference the dates and "Antique Car Club" to make your reservation.
Please let us know once you have made your reservation.
Book your group rate for Antique Car Club
You will find the information for your online reservation link below. If you have questions or need help with the link, please do not hesitate to ask. We appreciate your business and look forward to a successful event.
Event Summary:
Antique Car Club
Start Date: Friday, June 2, 2023
End Date: Sunday, June 4, 2023
Last Day to Book: Friday, May 12, 2023
Springhill Suites, Las Cruces
Mary Anderson
Windshield Wiper
Born Feb. 19, 1866 - Died June 27, 1953
Mary Anderson, while touring the city of New York in a trolley car on a snowy day 1902, conceived her idea of a windshield wiper blade that could be operated from the inside by the trolley driver. Anderson observed that streetcar drivers often had to open their windows in order to see during inclement weather, sometimes even stopping the streetcar to go outside to clear the window. Her idea consisted of a lever inside the vehicle that controlled a spring-loaded arm with a rubber blade. The lever, with a counterweight to keep the wiper in contact with the window, could move the blade across the windshield, removing rain or snow. On November 10, 1903, the United States Patent Office awarded Anderson patent number 743,801 for her Window Cleaning device. With her patent, Anderson's invention proved to be the first windshield-clearing device to be effective. As driving became more and more common, the windshield wiper was eventually adapted for automotive use. In 1922, Cadillac began installing the wiper as a piece of standard equipment on its cars. However, Anderson never profited from her invention, the patent expiring in 1920. During her lifetime, Anderson established herself as an entrepreneur. In addition to building and managing an apartment building in Birmingham, Alabama, she operated a cattle ranch and vineyard in Fresno, California. She was 87 years old when she died. In 2011 Anderson was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
This article was taken from the 50 Years National Inventors Hall of Fame’s website.
Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2023
Tuesday 2nd – 7pm Club Meeting at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center – Program by Melissa Drake on NM Transit. Refreshments by Joe Abbin and Larry Bost.
Tuesday 9th – 6:30pm Board Meeting and Dinner at Village Pizza in Corrales
Saturday 13th - Breakfast at 9am with Poco Quatros Model A Club at Dave’s Valley Grill
Sunday 21st – NMCCC Museum Car Show
Monday 29th – Club Birthday Party and Picnic at Jackson’s House 11-2
Fri – Sun 2nd-4th – Tour to Las Cruces and Globo Rojo Museum
Tuesday 6th – 7pm Club Meeting at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center – Program on Recycling. Refreshments by the Abernathys
Saturday 10th – Breakfast followed by a visit to the Wheels Museum
Tuesday 4th – Parade in Corrales followed by picnic at Azevedos
Saturday 8th – Collector Car Appreciation Day
Tuesday 11th – 7pm Club Meeting at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center – Program on “Bombing and Blowing Things Up”. Refreshments Don Gutierrez, Gus & Debbie Van de Velde & Anthony Wagner.
Saturday 15th – 8:30am Breakfast
Tuesday 1st – 7pm Club Meeting at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center – Program by Warren of McBride Springs & Welding. Refreshments open.
Saturday 12th – 8:30am Breakfast
Sunday 13th – All Clubs’ Picnic
Tuesday 5th – 7pm Club Meeting at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center – Program by the Rattlesnake Museum. Refreshments by Bill Joiner.
Sunday 10th - New Mexico State Fair Car Show
Sunday 24th – NM Car Council Fall Car Show and Cruise
Tour of Northern New Mexico to be planned for September or October.
Tuesday 3rd – 7pm Club Meeting at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center – Program by Lorna Azevedo. Refreshments open
Saturday 14th – 8:30am Breakfast
Tuesday 7th – 7pm Club Meeting at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center – Program by Larry Azevedo speaking on Henry Ford. Refreshments open.
Saturday 11th – 8:30am Breakfast
Saturday 9th – 1 pm Potluck Christmas Gathering
For Sale: Radiator for 1953 Ford P.U. - very good $150. Gary McGlasson 505-250-1586
For Sale: 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Convertible and 1940 Mercury Sedan Coupe, Call for full description. Max Glover 505-792-2011.
For Sale: 1936 Ford Cabriolet, $30,000. Tan exterior, LeBaron-Bonney interior and top. Working radio in box with correct controls is included. Extra parts go with the convertible. Bob Quirici 505-821-1646 or 505-350-2454
For Sale: 1955 Chevrolet BelAire. Gets lots of attention. Runs well. 283/Th350/10-bolt, 2.70 gear/no power/no ac/front disc brakes. $35K OBO. Joe Abbin 505-268-6768 office 505-263-1946 cell.
For Sale: 1947 Ford Super Deluxe Coupe – 100-HP, Stock V8 Flathead. Was acquired from previous owner in 2020, all new parts and work done has been in the last two years/400miles. Straight body, good upholstery, and headliner, all works except clock and radio. Good chrome, believed to be original paint, drives nice. $22,000 OBO, would consider trade. For info call or text 505-259-0300 no later than 6pm MSDT, please.
Storage: Outdoor $25/month, secure yard. Joe Abbin 505-296-7678
For Sale: 1926 Model T, Roadster Project. Jim Clements 505-884-7912
For Sale: 1953 Ford flathead V-8. Partially dis-assembled but complete. Many new and used parts including two transmissions, new water pumps, etc. To be sold as one lot.
Gary Bachman,, 505-850-9026
Services Offered: Vintage engine rebuilding, any make, any model. Stock or modified. Dynamometer testing available. Results guaranteed. References available. Gary McGlasson, 505-250-1586.
Jokes of the Month
As I watch this generation try and rewrite our history, one thing I’m sure of . . . it will be misspelled and have no punctuation.
Sorry I’ve done nothing today. I’ve been in the Produce Department trying to open this stupid plastic bag.
Turns out that being a “senior“ is mostly just googling how to do stuff.
Do you ever get up in the morning, look in the mirror and think, “That can’t be accurate.“
Apparently RSVPing to a wedding invitation with, “Maybe next time,“ isn’t the correct response.
Felt uncomfortable driving into the cemetery. The GPS blurted out, “You have reached your final destination.“
My mind is like an internet browser. At least 19 open tabs, 3 dozen of them are frozen, and I have no clue where the music is coming from.
Hard to believe I once had a phone attached to a wall, and when it rang, I picked it up without knowing who was calling, and I’m still alive.
Businesses Used by Members
(Send us names of businesses you have used)
1. Starters and Alternators of New Mexico, 3711 Franciscan St NE, Albuquerque NM 87107, 505-344-5025, Eldon.
2. Skinners Carburetor & Distributor Service, 300 Aspen Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102, 505-344-3704, Albert & Nic.
3. McBride’s Springs & Welding, 1010 2nd St NW, Albuquerque NM 87102, 505-242-2174.
4. Old Car Garage/World Wide Automotive, 3232 Girard Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 505-881-2722, Bob.
5. The Santa Fe Detail, 7512 Avenger Way, Unit 2, Santa Fe NM 87507, 505-204-5120, Luis.
6. Horizon Auto Glass & Tint, 8201 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 87110, 505-897-9000, Rod Williams. Also at 1560 Deborah Rd SE, Rio Rancho NM 87124, 505-822-1717.
7. Wild Heart Ranch Texas, 3120 FM 1995, Van TX 75790, 505-908-7565