PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 6, 2015, 7 pm. Old Car Garage at 3232 Girard Blvd NE. Program to be Ford Videos. Refreshments by Al Seery and Jan Rothell.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, December 8th, 7pm. Jackson’s house, 8322 Calle Picaflor NW.

BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday, October 17, 2015, meet at 8:30 am, Smiths at Tramway & Central, to travel to Moriarity.

CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at www.abqfordflatheadv8.com   Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.

FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is www.fordv8foundation.org



October Breakfast and Tour

Saturday, October 17th we will be meeting in the Smith’s parking lot at Tramway and Central at 8:30 am.  We will then caravan to Moriarity where we will enjoy breakfast at KC’s Restaurant followed by a tour of Lewis Antique Auto and Toy Museum (assuming schedules fit).  Archie Lewis has quite a collection.  Weather should be delightful for driving our cars.  Hope to see you there.


Wheels Museum –by Jay Hertz

Our activity for October is the tour of the Wheels Transportation Museum, followed by lunch at the Barelas Coffee House. We'll meet at 10:00am on Saturday, October 31 at the museum, which is located in the Santa Fe Railroad yards on South Second Street.   The address is 1100 Second Street SW.  You will love this tour.  The museum has all sorts of relics and memorabilia, primarily from New Mexico, focusing on our transportation history.  The primary emphasis is on railroading, but there are a number of antique motor vehicles and too many other things to describe and surprise you.  The tour will be led by my old friend, Leba Freed, who is not only the museum's founder, but a real history buff who loves New Mexico and its past.  She brings a lot of her own personality to the place, so you will see several whimsical displays and you will hear her views on preserving some of our state's most treasured and quaint objects.  While there, you can get some great views of the rail yard, the repair facilities, and the freight depot, in which the museum sits.  If you like "patina," you will get more than your fill. 

Afterwards, we will make the short trip to the Barelas Coffee House, at 1502 Fourth Street SW.  This place is also historic in the sense that it serves local dishes handed down over many decades.  Last time I was there, they were not taking credit cards, so bring some cash or dishwashing gloves.  You'll be home in plenty of time for Halloween. 




President: R. Jeff Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com)

Vice-President: Lou Gorenz (lmgorenz@comcast.net)

Secretary: Beth Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com)

Treasurer: D.J. MacAlister (spqrdj@netscape.com)

Director: Bob Payne

Director: Joe Abbin (roadrunnerengr@msn.com)

Director: Jay Hertz (jdhhag1@comcast.net)

President’s Letter  by Jeff Jackson

Clearly I did not pick this picture!  Beth was tired of waiting for me to jot a President’s note so she picked the photo and told me to get busy.  Whew, frankly I thought I have been busy and the photo shows a brief respite. Nevertheless we go on.  

I am not going to say October will be another good month for club activities because it will be a GREAT month.  We’ll start with our normal lively club meeting on October 6th –bring popcorn, Joe has videos.  Then breakfast is coupled with a drive on the singing highway and hopefully a tour of Archie Lewis’ museum on Saturday October 17th.   To cap a great month Jay arranged a tour of the Wheels Transportation Museum on Halloween October 31st.   He assures us we will be home to treat the little monsters in the evening.

Further to my claim of a great October, the nominations committee will announce their projected officers for 2016 at the October meeting.  I hope we all look forward to a rip roaring primary contest between the nominees vying for our vote at the November meeting.  So goes October; goblins and contestants, meetings and tours, all brought about by Henry Ford and our special cars.



Minutes of the September 1st Meeting Secretary, Beth Jackson

The meeting was called to order by President Jeff. We had seven guests present: Lori and Jeff Rector, Gail and Clyde Bangiola, Kenny Campbell, Ed Sauer and prospective member Scott Fliegel. The minutes of last meeting were approved.  Treasurer D.J. reported that the club has a balance of $4705.85 with $1396.01 in savings.

Lori Rector, the new President of NM Council of Car Clubs talked to us about her vision for the council; condensed meetings, participation of more car clubs and an updated website (nmcarcouncil.com)and Face book account. She also told us the primary fundraisers for the car council are the spring Museum Car Show and the upcoming Los Lunas Swap Meet.

Old Business:  Thanks for refreshments to Ross Collord and Jay Hertz.  Gary McGlasson provided the recipe of the month for September, a delicious cornbread.  He selected Beth Jackson to do the October recipe and requested her meatloaf recipe.  Jeff reported that the website costs $190/year and is up for renewal in October.  Recent statistics are an average of 7 visits a day and each visitor reviews on average 14 pages. We will vote on the status of the website next meeting.  The group that attended breakfast at Monica’s El Portal reported a good breakfast except for Frank who was somewhat unhappy with his food.  Jay gave a status report on his Club Purpose committee.  They met and came up with several ideas.  They are still looking for ideas from others before they make a recommendation.

New Business:  The September breakfast will be Saturday, Sept. 19th at Furr’s Fresh Buffet on Wyoming.  Meeting time is 8:30am and this location was chosen by Jay.  The October breakfast will be on Saturday, October 17th and will be held in conjunction with a tour to Archie Lewis’ Museum in Moriarity.  The V-8 Club Day at the State Fair is Sunday, September 13th.  Club members will meet at 7:30am at the Caravan East parking lot to enter the fairgrounds together.

September is the month to select a nominating committee to put together a slate of officers for next year.  President Jeff appointed Max Glover, D.J. McAlister, Vern Willan and Bob Payne to the committee.  They were charged with presenting a slate of officers at the October meeting.

Guest Gail Bangiola, board member of the Ford Foundation, told us the Ford Foundation Museum is being expanded. $150 donation will pay for 1 sq ft of the new building.  Gail and husband Clyde were on the return trip of their drive from Cottonwood, Arizona to Auburn, Indiana in their 1940 coupe.

Lou Mraz of a Colorado V-8 club has sent information to our club concerning a national tour their club is leading around Southern Colorado in September 2016.  More info will follow.

Jay announced that he has contacted the Wheels Museum and arranged for a tour for our club at 10am on Saturday, October 31st. The Museum is located on the grounds of the Old Rail Yard on First Street.  The tour will be led by the President of the Museum, Leba Freed.  The group will eat lunch nearby after the tour.  Thank you, Jay, for making these arrangements.

For Show and Tell, Jeff brought a plate with a picture of the Ford Rotunda on it and a spoon from the Ford Cafeteria.  D.J. brought a Hagerty magazine, Ray brought some pictures and Art brought a “2 spline starter bendix” to talk about.

Refreshments and camaraderie were enjoyed by members and guests followed by a very interesting talk by our own Joe Abbin on Gas Mileage in Early Fords.





Happy Birthday to:                                      Happy Anniversary to:


Eli Contreras (4)                                             Don & Joyce Gorenz (19)

Linda Frazer (9)

Larry Williams (21)

Al Seery (30)






By Beth Jackson

Mom’s Meatloaf


One pound ground beef

One half pound Jimmy Dean sausage, regular

(If you want a larger meat loaf, increase both meats at a 2 to 1 ratio)

One medium onion, chopped

One egg

Add the following ingredients to taste:

Salt, pepper, garlic, Worchestshire sauce, soy sauce, basil, oregano, rosemary, ketchup and mustard.

Mix well and form a loaf in a loaf pan. Squirt ketchup on top.

Bake at 350 for approximately one hour or until done.              




by Joyce Clements

     The Clements drove the 1949 Tudor to Motorfest VI in Auburn. There we joined about 50 other V8's and some modern iron for the event. The trip there was very pleasant, weather-wise – temps in the 80's and low 90's made for nice driving in the V8. The only delay we had was about a 60-mile detour from Yates Center to Iola, Kansas, due to a bridge being out. We got to see parts of Kansas we had not seen before – look on the bright side.

     In Auburn, we were welcomed by many Foundation members and fed cookies and other snacks. Our goodie bag yielded lots of trinkets and plenty of suggestions for things to do. One event was the small swap meet that had few vendors but lots of goodies that you don't find at ordinary swap meets. We bought some paper memorabilia and a promo 1940 Mercury bank.

      Jerry Vincentini, emcee at the welcome party took bids, for places in the buffet line, and he raised a couple hundred dollars for the building fund. It cost our table $22 for sixth place, and we were not the last in line by several tables.

      We toured to Kalamazoo, Michigan, to see the Air Zoo. They have a number of restored and flying biplanes and WWII fighter planes. We got a tour of the restoration shop where they are starting work on a Wildcat fished out of Lake Michigan after 70 or so years on the bottom. And we think we've got problems fixing a Ford. That trip was well worth the visit, as we saw many restored aircraft, mostly of the WWII era.

     We had a show and shine around the city square. The show included a completely original Model T, a really nice original Corvair, several Model A's, and two open Auburns. A wide variety of cars were there, along with our V8 Fords. At the NAPA store while seeking a headlight and a radiator hose, we parked next to an L-29 Cord buying parts.

     We visited the Military Museum, which has lost a lot of its unusual vehicles, due to some poor financial decisions by Kruse Auctions. The Foundation Museum has added vehicles, parts, engines, advertising and general memorabilia. It is bursting at the seams. The current plan is to double the size of the building to hold more stuff. Square feet of the new building are being sold for $150/square foot. A number were sold at the meet, and with the auction of a few items at meals, about $10,000 was raised toward the project. The land is purchased, and the building is on the drawing board. You can find out the details on the Foundation web site.

     The mayor of Auburn was a guest speaker at the farewell dinner at the local country club. After the meal, there were more speeches and auctions of goodies to raise money. We saved money here by being outbid on a couple of neat items. After lots of farewells and good wishes, we headed home. The car gave us no trouble except to burn out a headlight in Illinois and develop a slight leak around a lower radiator hose. Strangely enough, while on the way home through Missouri last year, the front end of the speedometer cable snapped. We replaced it, and this time on the way home through Missouri, the rear end of the speedometer cable snapped. Moral – stay out of Missouri.


Sunday, September 13th, was a lovely day for the State Fair. We had eleven cars participate and several members did an excellent job talking with the crowd and inviting new interested people to visit our club meetings.  We departed the Caravan East gathering location right on time despite taking a few minutes to “push off” Ron and his ’34.  Joe and Beth both submitted pictures and we will include several in this newsletter. In one of the pictures below you’ll see The Tin Lizzies had a group of women assembling a Model T.  Our member Larry Azevedo is on the ladder directing and explaining the ongoing to the crowd while his wife Lorna is helping assemble.  At the end of the show the police and security did a fine job of clearing the streets and moving us all out safely.  It was decided all the cars looked so fine that no internal awards were given.  Everyone received a participation ribbon.

















There is a proposed National Tour for September 2016.  It will tour southern Colorado and Eastern Utah.  It is proposed for 5 days with distances between 50 and 225 miles per day.  We will discuss locations in more detail at the meeting.  They are looking for feedback from us.


Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter.  Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads (for sale items will continue to be updated at the meetings).  The deadline for submissions is the 24th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email: JBJaxun@gmail.com


Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2015


Tuesday 6th Club Meeting 7pmProgram is Ford Videos. Refreshments by Al Seery & Jan Rothell.

Saturday 17th Breakfast and tour of Archie Lewis’ in Moriarity with a drive on the singing highway.

Saturday 31st Tour of the Wheels Museum and lunch following.


Tuesday 3rd Club Meeting 7pm Officer Election and Table Top Model Display. Refreshments Ray Calderon and Leupolds.

Saturday 21st Breakfast 8:30am with a tour of Dave Dawn’s garage following.


Saturday 5th 1pm Club Christmas Party at the Jacksons.

Saturday 19th Breakfast 8:30am


Jokes of the Month

Hospital Regulations                                                                                                                         Hospital rules state that patients checking out must have a wheelchair.  One day a newly graduated nurse assistant came into the room to find an elderly man fully dressed. He was sitting on the bedside chair, with a piece of packed luggage at his side, all ready to go.  When he was shown the wheelchair, he was adamant that he was fully capable of walking himself to the parking lot.  But the assistant told him rules were rules, so he relented and let her wheel him out.  In the elevator, the assistant asked the elderly man if his wife was coming to meet him.  “I don’t think so,” he replied. “It takes her awhile to change her clothes, so she’s probably still upstairs in the bathroom taking off of her hospital gown and getting dressed.”

Write it Down                                                                                                                                                 A couple in their nineties are both having some short term memory loss.  While in for a checkup, the physician says that physically they’re okay, but since they’re having trouble remembering things, they might want to start writing things down.  Later that evening they’re sitting and reading, when the husband gets up.  “Would you like anything from the kitchen?” he asks.  “Some vanilla ice cream,” his wife replies.  “Okay.”  “Shouldn’t you write it down so you don’t forget it?” she asks.  “Don’t worry, I won’t forget.”  “Well,” she says. “A few raspberries on top would be great. You want to write that down?  “I’ve got it, honey. A bowl of vanilla ice cream with raspberries on top.”  “And chocolate sauce, too. Maybe you’ll forget that. Want me to write it down for you?”  A little miffed, he replies, “I’ve got it! Ice cream, raspberries and chocolate sauce. I don’t need it written down, for gosh sakes!”  He waddles out to the the kitchen. A half hour later, he comes back with a plate of ham and scrambled eggs, and gives it to his wife.  She stares at the plate a few seconds, then says, “You forgot my toast.”


October 2-3 – 28th Run to Ruidoso Downs – Ruidoso Downs Race Track, Ruidoso – Pre-'78 – Ron Duscha (915)598-0621 or www.zianet.com/rtrd

October 2-4 – 23rd Lone Star Nationals – Texas Motor Speedway, Ft. Worth, TX – Pre'73 – Goodguys –

(925)838-9876 or www.good-guys.com

October 3 – Rocky Mountain Ramble Car Show – Magee Park, Farmington – Richard (505)327-7614

Oct 3 – 21st Annual Summer Car Show Series at Hooters West – Alameda – “Balloon Show”   7am-10am – Show 10am-4pm, Open to all years makes and models, Entry $20 – 30 classes – 25 Special Awards, 50/50 drawing and raffle supporting the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.  Music by: Steve's Cruisin with the Oldies – 505-269-0496 or 505-332-9222 for info

October 4 – 2nd Wounded Warrior Car Show – 141 Roadrunner Pkwy, Las Cruces – Open to all – Jr. Adams (575)644-5774

October 4 – Bombardiers 4th Annual Car Show – Rock & Brews, 4800 Montgomery Blvd. NE – Pre-1974 classes & customs 1975 & up – Registration $15, setup 10am-12 noon, show 12-5pm – Benefit to Wounded Warriors – Classes for customs, lowriders, bombs, trucks, motorcycles, pedal cars, bikes, slammed, imports, classics, hot rods, special interest, under construction, special interest, muscle cars, and special awards – Music by Cowboys and Indians, face painting – Gabe buela56@yahoo.com

October 7-10 – AACA Eastern Fall Swap Meet – Hershey, PA – www.aaca.org

October 9-10 – 17th Annual Southeast New Mexico Regional Swap Meet & Car Corral – W. Hwy 82, 1802 W. Main St., Artesia – Sponsored by Artesia Car Enthusiasts and Roswell Valley Vintage Car Club

 – 8am to dark – 15'x30' spaces $15 reserved or $20 at gate – Frank or Dorothy Hammond (575)746-9477 or Kenny or Nancy Forrest (575)622-4350 – Entry form from dorothy@tberryweb.com

October 9-10 – 28th Cars in the Park – Veterans' Memorial Park, Sierra Vista, AZ – Open to all – Gary

Skogheim (520)803-1678 or www.sierravistacarclub.org

October 10 – 12th Annual Los Leones Car Show – Town Hall, 2231 Avenida de Mesilla, Mesilla – Open to all – Setup and registration 8-10am, awards at 2pm – Pre-registration $25, day of show $35 – Benefit

Community of Mesilla Lions' projects – Brian Crawford (575)644-0534

October 11 – Mopar Challenge Series Race – ABQ Dragway – Race for points and money – Sunday,  11am – Info at nmmopars@gmail.com

October 14-18 – 38th Run to the Sun – London Bridge Golf Resort, Lake Havasu, AZ – Pre-'73 (928)855-0933 or www.relicsandrods.com

October 16-18 – Rio Grande Valley Regional Rendezvous – Las Cruces – Open to British cars – Sponsored by British Auto Owners Association – Andrea or Kevin Kittle (505)345-4207 or mmssrry@gmail.com for more information

October 17 – Test N Tune– Arroyo Seco Race Track, Arroyo Seco – Open – Roger (575)494-4794 or www.arroyosecoraceway.com

October 17 – 9th Annual Classics Car Show – St. Gregory Prep School, Tucson, AZ – Open to all – Rotary Club (520)440-4503 or www.tucsonclassicscarshow.com

October 17-18 – SW MotorSport October Race – Sandia Speedway – Website:  http://http://www.swms.org/  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SouthWestMotorSport

October 18 – ASR Drags – Arroyo Seco Race Track, Arroyo Seco – Open – Roger (575)494-4794 or


October 21-25 – 38th Run to the Sun – London Bridge Golf Resort, Lake Havasu, AZ – Pre-'73 –       

(928)855-0933 or www.relicsandrods.com

October 24 – 10th Annual Pancho's Car Show – Pancho Villa State Park, Columbus – (575)531-2711

October 25 – Driving Divas Ghouls Gathering Halloween Show – Fastino's, 2600 Juan Tabo NE – 5-9 PM, yes on aMonday – Open to women-driven cars only

October 30-31 – Golden Gears Annual Last Chance Fun Run – Friday Pre-party, White Sands Mall, Alamogordo – 6pm – Saturday Fun Run, 9am starting at the mall, remainder of event at Alameda Park until 3 pm – call Jack Harris for details. (575)491-9804 or e-mail brebiz@yahoo.com

Oct 31 – 21st Annual “Spooktacular Halloween Show” at Hooters East – San Mateo – Setup 6am-10am –

Show 10am-5pm, Open to all spooky and creepy makes and models, Entry $20 – 40 classes – 50 Special Haunted Awards, Creeper Races, Costume Contest for Cars, Kids and Adults, 50/50 drawing and raffle supporting the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.  Music by: Steve's Cruisin with the Oldies – 505-269-0496 or 505-332-9222 for info