PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell.  Members are encouraged to bring items to share.

NEXT MEETING: Next meeting is January 2, 2018 at 7pm.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 7pm at the Jacksons’ House

BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday December 16th, 8:30am breakfast at Golden Corral, 5207 San Mateo NE.

CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at   Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.

FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is




December Breakfast

On Saturday, December 16th at 8:30am, club members and friends will be meeting at the Golden Corral at 5207 San Mateo NE.  There’s lot of room and good food.  See you there!

Breakfast 3.jpg
Breakfast 2.jpg
Breakfast 1.jpg


Christmas Party

Our annual Christmas party will be a potluck on Saturday afternoon, December 9th at 1pm.  The party will be at the Jackson’s house (8322 Calle Picaflor NW).  The cost is $3 per person.  The hosts will cook the meat, with side dishes provided by those attending.  Tea, water and coffee will be provided.  Reservations are required and can be made by contacting Beth Jackson before December 4th.   Reservations may also be made by mail to Beth at the above address (zip 87120).  Requested side dishes are salad, vegetable, dessert or bread and can be confirmed when you call or send in your reservation.  Remember there is no club meeting in December.  Last year’s party followed this format and we had a large crowd, delicious food and a very pleasant time. 

Our annual gift exchange will take place during the Christmas Party.  If you wish to participate, bring a wrapped gift labeled male or female.  Gifts should cost less than $20 but something you would like to receive.  We will also be collecting monetary donations for the Roadrunner Food Bank.  Please call Beth at 505-908-7564 if you have any questions or to reserve your spot.


December Birthdays & Anniversaries

                         Corrine Lovato (3)                         Jim & Jeannine Kontny (11)

                         Dee Patterson (4)                         Bob & Joan Quirici (21)

                         Bobbie Benzaquen (11)                   Jeff & Beth Jackson (26)

                         Jan Rothell (14)                           Bob & Nancy Agnew (30)

                         Jackie Abernathy (18)                     Jim & Joyce Clements (30)

                         Bill Verant (19)

                         Dorothy Hammond (27)

                         Joan Quirici (31)                                                


December 2017 President’s Message 

‘Tis the Season to be Merry and Have a Party or Two                                                                           Joe Abbin

It is hard to believe another year has gone by and Christmas is upon us once again. Party time! There will be no regular meeting in December. Instead we will have a potluck Christmas dinner and party graciously hosted by the Jacksons on Saturday, December 9! Details are described elsewhere in this newsletter. Get your reservations in by December 4th for the best party and meal deal of the year. Also meet the new officers listed in this newsletter! Congratulations and thanks to all officers both old and new!

In January, I will be hosting my annual party on New Year’s Day at my house from 1 pm till 5 pm. This will be the 41st annual…..that is a lot of posole!  Details will follow in next month’s newsletter.  We will have a V-8 distributor display and tuning demonstration in the secret cave in my backyard to satisfy the technical junkies at several times during the party!  Now that is efficiency! Bring your display items. Our regular meeting will be on Tuesday, January 2 with refreshments consisting of party leftovers. There will be a board meeting of the officers from last year and the 2018 officers on Tuesday December 12.

Last month one of our former presidents, Kathleen McCaughey, gave us a fascinating history of kitchen toasters featuring some very rare items from her collection. Let us all think about topics both automotive and otherwise for next year and let the officers know.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See you at the parties and bring some new V-8 fans.


Minutes of the November 7, 2017 Meeting

Beth Jackson, Secretary

President Joe called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.  There were 21 members present.  Birthday and anniversary greetings were made. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as written by Joyce.  Treasurer Dave reported that everything is on track.  The budget was updated this week and is on track.

Joyce reported for the Car Council that the Los Lunas Swap Meet made a little less money than usual, due to the reduced area.  The Council will not meet again until January.  Next year’s dates have been set for the council’s annual events: The Museum Car Show on May 20th, July 13th is Car Collector Day, Sunday, August 12th will be the All Club’s Picnic, and the Los Lunas Swap Meet will be held September 28-30 and hopefully held in Los Lunas.  No decisions will be made until January. The mayor of Los Lunas was presented with a check and the Los Lunas Police were a positive presence at the swap meet. Joyce will not be chairing the meet next year; she will be turning over records to a committee.

Old Business:  Jay won an award from the State Fair Chairman for Outstanding Vehicle.  Joe presented him with a plaque.  The slate of officers as printed in the newsletter was presented, there were no additional nominations and the slate was approved unanimously.  Roger Wilbur, newly elected board member, said he’s in Santa Fe and may not be dependable for board meetings.  Joe pointed out that we need representation from Santa Fe.

New Business:  Breakfast will be held at Vick’s Vittles on Saturday November 18th at 8:30 am.  Joe offered a raffle ticket to anyone who could name all three restaurants occupying that building in the past.  Jim got 2 of the 3 correct.

The Christmas party will be a potluck at the Jacksons on Saturday, December 9th at 1 pm.  Signups are requested at a cost of $3 a person.  We will have a gift exchange and will be collecting donations for the Roadrunner Food Bank.

For Sale/Wanted ads were passed around for additions and corrections.  Joe recommended the ads in our newsletter, he sold a windshield frame in one hour.

Joe brought some hardware from Roy Nacewicz for show and tell.  He makes neat kits.  Joe also brought a birthday card signed by Henry & Edsel Ford in 1941 and a children’s book featuring 1950 Ford and Alligators.

Rods and Rides magazine had an article on Pajarito Thunderbird Club.  Joe suggested our club might offer an article to the magazine on our club.

Thanks to Dave McLain for refreshments.  Joe sold raffle tickets at the break.

Kathleen McCaughey gave us a fascinating program on antique toasters.  First commercial toasters came out around 1932 when electricity was only available for short periods each day.  The small appliance industry, particularly the iron manufacturers, encouraged the electricity industry to supply homes 24 hours a day and to install wall plugs. Previously people had to remove their light bulb from the socket to plug in an appliance.  Kathleen displayed several toasters from her collection and demonstrated how they worked.  Thank you, Kathleen.




Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter.  Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads (for sale items will continue to be updated at the meetings).  The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email:


Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2017


Saturday 9th Christmas Party, 1pm at the Jacksons

Tuesday 12th Board Meeting at the Jacksons – 7pm

Saturday 16th 8:30am - Breakfast at Golden Corral on San Mateo

January 2018

Tuesday 2nd  Club Meeting – 7pm  Planning for 2018

Saturday 20th Breakfast



President: Joe Abbin (

Vice-President: Bob Quirici (

Secretary: Beth Jackson (

Treasurer: David McLain (

Director: Jay Hertz (

Director: R. Jeff Jackson (

Director: George Abernathy (

Director: Bob Payne



President: R. Jeff Jackson (

Vice-President: Jay Hertz (

Secretary: Beth Jackson (

Treasurer: David McLain (

Director: George Abernathy (

Director: Phillip Lovato (

Director: Roger Wilbur (

Director: Joe Abbin (












2017 December Auto Tech News……..Joe Abbin


Flathead Rebuilding Videos

In case you haven’t visited, go to the Blown Flathead You Tube Channel at  .

The popularity of this channel and the videos listed has exceeded all expectations with over 300,000 views. A good part of these views are of a series of engine building videos by Gary McGlasson and Joe Abbin. Gary and Joe had a mutual customer Dr. Royal Lankford of Broken Arrow, OK. Gary built the engine and Joe provided much of the hardware including the core and the supercharger kit. Check out the videos and share your comments and any suggestions for future subjects.


Electric Retrofit Vehicles

All electric and hybrid vehicles have generated a lot of interest and shown a lot of promise for years, but the economics are not favorable when compared to. The entry of Tesla into the market has particularly created a lot of “buzz”. Tesla has recently developed new manufacturing techniques for Lithium batteries that has slashed costs of these batteries by 30%. This could make electric vehicles much more competitive cost-wise with conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) powered vehicles. In addition to Tesla and the other major manufacturer of electrics and hybrids, there are other smaller companies doing electric conversions of existing ICE powered autos. Zelectric is such a company specializing in electric conversions of Porsche and VW products. Utilizing Tesla battery technology they have gone from modest power VW electric vehicle conversions with a range of 80 miles to a current Porsche project with double the horsepower and a 180 mile range. On the drawing board is an electric 1000 horsepower VW with a 250 mile range! All this has occurred in about five years. Repowering other classic vehicles is a definite possibility. My 1940 Ford coupe would be a candidate with lots of trunk space for batteries! See more at .


Texting More Dangerous Than Drunk Driving

Texting while driving is unlawful in NM and other states. The National Safety Council reports that texting while driving is six times more likely to cause an accident than driving while drunk resulting in 330,000 injuries last year. “No texts, no wrecks” and “Arrive alive, don’t text and drive”. Also consider no reading, reaching, grooming or eating!


Edsel Automobile Inducted into the Museum of Failure

The Museum of Failure in Helsingborg, Sweden has added the Edsel automobile to a list of other commercial failures including the New Coke, the ‘Bic for Her’ ballpoint pen, the Segway personal vehicle, and Harley Davidson Perfume. One reason offered for the Edsel’s failure was the name, which didn’t mean much to most people, unlike say Mercury which conjured up an image of speed and godlike virtue. Other names considered, but rejected by Ford for the Mercury were the Utopian Turtletop and the Silver Sword. Maybe Corvair would have worked since the name wasn’t taken yet in 1957.


The Early Ford V-8 Clubbers Golden Book of Nursery Rhymes



Little Jack Horner

Sat in a corner,

His engine lay there at his feet.

His wrench slipped and buckled

The skin on his knuckles.

What he said then

I dare not repeat.


Jack be nimble

Jack be quick

Jack spilled some oil

And the floor is slick.


Little Miss Muffet

Sat on a tuffet

With her paint gun and her blender,

She just sat there gawking

As a spider came walking

Across her new painted fender.



Jack Spratt could eat no fat

So his wife just had a ball

Till Jack restored a V8 Ford

Now, they don’t eat at all.










75 YEARS AGO – 1942


Japanese planes bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. This quiet Sunday morning attack started a significant chain of events that changed the world. On December 8, President Franklin Roosevelt declared war on Japan. On December 11, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. On January 1, 1942, a Declaration by 26 countries united against the Axis powers to support the war effort to end their effort to rule the world; this group later became the United Nations. On January 1, new car sales were banned in the US, in order to preserve steel for war machinery. Also in January, the War Production Board was established to organize businesses to produce the weapons needed for war. Ford Motor Co. was one of many businesses converted to produce war materials, including the famous B-24's that helped to win the war. On January 26, the first American troops in Europe landed in northern Ireland; the fat was in the fire. By the end of January, food rationing had begun. On February 2, FDR opened the interment camps for Japanese citizens and seized their property. Gallup, NM refused to inter their Japanese families and became the only city in the US to do so.

The Japanese took over island after island in the Pacific, and the Germans were overrunning Europe. Germany had started rounding up and executing Jews at Auschwitz. On May 6, the Philippines surrendered to the Japanese, and the forced "Bataan Death March" claimed the lives of many US soldiers. It wasn't until June and the Battle of Midway that the tide began to turn in favor of Allied troops. Units were also sent to Alaska and the Aleutian Islands to protect our northern and western shores. On October 28, the Alaska Highway (AlCan) was completed in order to transport troops and materials. On December 1, gas rationing began. By now many food items were also rationed. On December 2, Enrico Fermi's team of scientists achieved the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction under the bleachers of the ball field in Chicago. Thus was the beginning of the building of the atom bomb that would later end the war.

On the home front, morale’s were boosted as civilians organized to produce war materials, gather scrap, feed and entertain troops on the move, and do jobs for Civil Defense. Movies and music gave all a break from war news. Big Band leaders as Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, Tommy & Jimmy Dorsey provided great music at home and abroad. Movies were a popular escape; James Cagney won an Oscar for his role in "Yankee Doodle Dandy" which also featured the song "That Old Black Magic. "Mrs. Miniver" got 6 Oscars, including Best Picture and Greer Garson as Best Actress. "Casablanca" starring Humphrey Bogart featured the melody "As Time Goes By". In "Holiday Inn" Bing Crosby crooned "White Christmas" which became one of the most recorded songs ever. Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and the Sons of the Pioneers, sang and chased bandits across the screen. Disney got in on the movie scene with "Bambi" an animated film about a young fawn growing up. Hollywood stepped up; many stars entertained the troops overseas with laughter, song and dance. A suggestion was entertained to cancel professional sports, but that was overruled as a poor idea; people needed to keep some normalcy in their lives. There was no Superbowl, but St. Louis won the World Series.

1942 marked the beginning of the eventual defeat of the tyrannical forces that tried to rule the world. The US, her people and her businesses met the challenge and won!


Submitted by Joyce Clements







December 2 – 3rd Annual Toys for Tots Car Show and Shine – Snap Fitness, Tramway and Indian School – Supporting Toys for Tots and the Albuquerque Rescue Mission - Setup 7am-10am – Show 10am-4pm, Open to all years makes and models, No entry, no awards, Toys, Food and $$ accepted, all for charity – 505-269-0496 or 505-332-9222 for info

December 2 – Fill-a-Trunk for Charity Food Drive – Meet at Cars n' Coffee, Starbucks parking lot, 7600 Jefferson NE, 10am – Caravan to Storehouse West – Food items for low income residents of Sandoval County – Request frozen turkeys and pie shells, canned pumpkin, vegetables, fruits, juices, dried foods, children's clothing, toiletries

December 2 – Town of Bernalillo 33rd Annual Nighttime Christmas Parade – Entry $25 (Car clubs can enter as one entry) – Judging at 5:30pm, Parade at 6:00pm, Cider, cookies, bonfire, music at Rotary Park after parade – Maria Santillan or 771-7114

December 6 – Boy Scouts of America Police Explorer Post 911 Annual Toy Drive – Rock & Brews, 4800 Montgomery NE – Unwrapped toys accepted up to December 6 – For other donation drop-off locations, see

December 9 – High Rollers Truck Club Winter Ball – Belen Recreation Center, Belen – 8-11:30pm – Dinner & non-formal ball – Mexican-style dinner $10 for adults, $5 for children – Line-dancing with DJ Emoney – Bring can goods and pantry items for Belen families in need Christmas dinner – Money raised goes to community projects in Belen – For info & tickets Eugene Wroten





May 21-25 – Pennsylvania Dutch Country Spring Time Tour – Hosted by Hawk Mountain RG – Tour Amish country, headquartered in Myerstown, PA – Lois Dries (610)966-5127 or or Rick Slegel (610)926-3061 or

June 11-15 Grand National Meet, Dearborn, Michigan – "Dearborn's the Scene in 2018" – 55th Anniversary Homecoming – Phill Hall (805)573-8077 or Michael Driscoll (615)293-9985. to register or for more information.

August 26-31 – Montana National V8 Tour – Sponsored by Big Sky V-8 RG – Starts & ends in Billings, MT – 1300 mile tor includes Pompey's Pillar, mining towns Neihart & Monarch, Giant Springs, Great Falls, Glacier NP, Going to the Sun Highway, Flathead Lake, Flathead Museum, Nine Pipes, boat trips, and more – Norm Clark (406)259-6154 or