PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, November 3, 2015, 7 pm. Old Car Garage at 3232 Girard Blvd NE. Table Top Model Display and Officer Elections. Refreshments by Ray Calderon and the Leupolds.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, December 8th, 7pm. Jackson’s house, 8322 Calle Picaflor NW.
BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday, November 21st, 2015, meet at 8:30 am at Miltons Family Restaurant, 3351 Candelaria NE, site chosen by Art.
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.
FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is
November Breakfast
Saturday, November 21st we will be meeting at Milton’s Family Restaurant at 3351 Candelaria NE, just west of Carlisle. Art suggested this location. Hope to see you there.
November Meeting Program
We are having a tabletop model display for the November meeting. Please bring a favorite model and share a story with your fellow club members. We will be having officer elections. The nominees are as follows: President, Joe Abbin; VP, Lou Gorenz; Secretary, Beth Jackson; Treasurer, Frank Corey; Directors; Jay Hertz, Bob Mathes, Al Seery and Jeff Jackson. There is a ballot included in this newsletter for use by members not able to attend the meeting. We will also be voting on the proposal by the Club Purpose Committee which Jay Hertz explained at the October meeting.
Wheels Museum –by Jay Hertz
Our activity for October is the tour of the Wheels Transportation Museum, followed by lunch at the Barelas Coffee House. We'll meet at 10:00am on Saturday, October 31 at the museum, which is located in the Santa Fe Railroad yards on South Second Street. The address is 1100 Second Street SW. You will love this tour. The museum has all sorts of relics and memorabilia, primarily from New Mexico, focusing on our transportation history. The primary emphasis is on railroading, but there are a number of antique motor vehicles and too many other things to describe and surprise you. The tour will be led by my old friend, Leba Freed, who is not only the museum's founder, but a real history buff who loves New Mexico and its past. She brings a lot of her own personality to the place, so you will see several whimsical displays and you will hear her views on preserving some of our state's most treasured and quaint objects. While there, you can get some great views of the rail yard, the repair facilities, and the freight depot, in which the museum sits. If you like "patina," you will get more than your fill.
Afterwards, we will make the short trip to the Barelas Coffee House, at 1502 Fourth Street SW. This place is also historic in the sense that it serves local dishes handed down over many decades. Last time I was there, they were not taking credit cards, so bring some cash or dishwashing gloves. You'll be home in plenty of time for Halloween.
Christmas Party
President: R. Jeff Jackson (
Vice-President: Lou Gorenz (
Secretary: Beth Jackson (
Treasurer: D.J. MacAlister (
Director: Bob Payne
Director: Joe Abbin (
Director: Jay Hertz (
President’s Letter by Jeff Jackson
Beth says my best President’s letters start off in left field and wind there way to club news. I don’t know if that is true but this month I have one question. Where is your red button hidden? Last night we went to watch TV and the Direct TV box came on and the TV came on but no picture. I tried everything including off/on like the help desk tells you to do when you have problems with your computer – just reboot it! Tiring of putzing with the Direct TV box I called them and a nice fellow asked me questions then said “on the right side of your cable box is a small door (kind of hidden) and behind that door is the red “reboot” button. Gees, I had never searched behind the hidden door for the red button. Anyway, following instructions I found and opened the small door, accessed and pushed the red button and after a long reboot our TV started working.
Clearly, if each of us had a hidden red reboot button we might be better off. For example, I get up on the wrong side of the bed and become unpleasant. Beth just pushes the red reboot button and I am less unpleasant. Or, at the store the rude clerk could have the red button pushed and become friendly again. Maybe Joe and Frank had their reboot button pushed because they agreed to be officers again in our club. Thank goodness for the red reboot button!
November will have another fun filled and busy meeting. Lou is hosting the ‘bring your own model’ program. Jay will host a discussion of the club purpose activity followed by a secret ballot to approve the project. Jeff will host the vote for new officers. Beth will host a discussion of the December Christmas Party. And, this list of fun filled activities doesn’t even include the refreshment break and pre/post meeting discussions.
Many good November activities are kicked off early by our October 31st event which is a tour of the Wheels Transportation Museum arranged by Jay. Our Saturday breakfast is at Milton’s on Candelaria. We hope to follow our Saturday breakfast with a tour of ___UNKNOWN___________ garage. Then on Thursday November 26th we fill up on Turkey and family gathering. Happy Thanksgiving from Jeff and Beth.
Minutes of the October 6th Meeting Secretary, Beth Jackson
The meeting was called to order by President Jeff. There were 19 members present. The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as printed in the newsletter. Treasurer DJ reported a balance of $4670.85 in checking and 1396.03 in savings.
Old Business: Thanks for refreshments to Al Seery and Jan Rothell. For sale/wanted sheet was passed around.
Joyce made a car council report. She said the swap meet went very well with 514 spaces sold. It was well attended with sellers and buyers from several states in addition to New Mexico. Jeff thanked Marvin and Neva Coffee. They attended the swap meet on Saturday only and then left Jeff and Max with the rest of their items to sell. The club is richer by $55 from their donation of the proceeds. Thank you, Marvin and Neva.
Beth provided the recipe of the month for October. She selected Joe Abbin to provide the recipe for November.
There are still a few club patches remaining which are on sale for $10 each. DJ can get nametags for anyone needing one.
The website, which cost $190 a year, is up for renewal in October. Jeff asked for discussion on whether or not the club wishes to keep it. Jim likes it as he says people get much of their information from the internet. Vern stated he felt it is critical to the club for updates and information. Jay said he feels it is important to keep up and important to his club purpose committee’s idea. A motion was made by Jay that we keep the website; it was seconded by Vern and passed unanimously by the club.
The September breakfast at Furrs was enjoyed by a nice group of members. Jeff asked for a volunteer to choose the November breakfast spot and Art suggested we go to Miltons on Candelaria.
The club had 11 cars displayed at the State Fair. It was reported by Joe that the weather was good and the crowd was pleasant. Bob Agnew displayed the Luna car with another club and received 2 trophies for it. Congratulations Bob. Bob suggested that someone ask the state fair committee to have the cars stay longer in the afternoon as the crowds generally get larger as the afternoon goes on and also to come in an hour later. Jeff volunteered to contact Craig Vincil, the State Fair car coordinator.
Jay reported that the Club Purpose Committee, headed by Jay Hertz with members being Bob Payne, Ross Collord and George Abernathy, has come to a consensus on a basic idea to be voted on by the club at the November meeting. They are suggesting that a video is produced with a car from each year that the club encompasses shown in sequential order. It would appear that the car is giving information about itself with a bit of history thrown in. The length is estimated to be about 20 minutes. The videos could be shown at car dealerships, museums, and other locations to be chosen and would finish with encouraging watchers to join the V8 club. Depending on how it is produced, professionally or by volunteers, the cost is yet to be estimated. DVDs could also be sold to help recoup some of the cost. There will need to be an implementation committee established next year if the idea is adopted by the club.
New Business: Saturday, October 17th, we will meet at 8:30am in the Smith’s parking lot at Tramway and Central. We will then drive to Moriarity for breakfast at KC’s and hopefully a tour of Archie Lewis’ Antique Auto and Toy Museum. Jeff asked for a volunteer to call Archie and make sure the Museum will be open. No one volunteered so Jeff offered to call. We will also drive the singing highway. Jeff told everyone to come even if they drive their modern car.
Jay Hertz arranged for a tour of the Wheels Transportation Museum on Saturday, October 31st. Meet at the Museum (1100 Second St SW) at 10 am with lunch at the Barelas Coffee House afterwards.
Lou Mraz has contacted us with information on a tour his Colorado V8 club is sponsoring next September. Tentative dates are September 13 to September 20th and the tour will be S. Colorado and SE Utah. More details are on our website. Joyce said that Lou plans very good tours to very interesting places.
Jeff asked for a volunteer to order a brick from the Ford Foundation to honor our deceased member this year. Joyce agreed to handle that. Jay added that the Ford Foundation is raising money for their new museum and a donation of $150 will pay for one square foot of that building.
DJ reported for the nominating committee and said they had spoken to everyone at the last meeting and there were no volunteers. Jeff then opened it to the floor and quickly received two volunteers, Beth to continue as secretary and Lou as VP, with Joe as a possible presidential candidate contingent on receiving support from a strong board of directors. Election will be held at the November meeting and candidates are still being solicited.
Joyce brought a 1940 Mercury bank made of tin for show and tell. Joe brought pictures of the engines (17) he has for sale. Art brought a parts catalog for ’49-’59 to be given away. Al announced that there will be a car show on the 24th of October in Los Lunas at the Home Depot.
Refreshments were enjoyed and the raffle was held, with $10 going to the club. An interesting video on the “new” 1940 Ford was shown and also one on a driving contest for teens held by Ford in 1940. Thank you, Joe, for an interesting video.
Next month’s program will be a table top model display with members bringing the models.
Happy Birthday to: Happy Anniversary to:
Jay Hertz (5) Vern & Pat Willan (7)
Betty Shelton (9) Marvin & Neva Coffee (21)
Leslie Montgomery (22) Jim & Joyce Clements (30)
Ray Calderon (30)
By Joe Abbin
SWAP MEET by Joyce Clements
The Swap Meet was the largest we've had yet. We sold 514 spaces, yet took in barely more money than last year; vendors didn't want to get caught without a space this year and pre-registered by the dozens at the lower rate. Expenses were up a bit also, so our profit margin will be smaller. The Village of Los Lunas and the Park Director were extremely happy with the turnout and complimented us on leaving a clean field. The Los Lunas Police were very helpful, and they commented on the good behavior of our group. I heard a lot of positive comments from vendors and customers. Several vendors declared ours to be their favorite swap meet, largely because of its organization and the helpfulness of the volunteers. We have quite a reputation to live up to. Special thanks to V-8'ers Frank & Dorothy Hammond, Bud Hennessy, Jeff & Beth Jackson, Al Seery, and Jim Clements for helping out on the field. Joe Abbin, Bob Agnew, Jim Clements, the Coffees, Max Glover, the Hammonds, and the Jacksons bought spaces; other V-8'ers were out there shopping. All contributed. And I bought a vintage fur coat. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who helped put this show on the road. Plan on same time, same place in 2016 – September 23-25 in Los Lunas.
CUTTING CORNERS by Joyce Clements
In 1951, the Employee Information Service of Ford Motor Company published a small booklet, Cutting Corners: For Ford Homemakers. This is a collection of over 1,000 helpful hints to make housework easier or better. The ideas came from the wives, mothers, sisters and daughters of Ford employees. For the previous four years, the Ford Rouge News had published them in a column on the women's page of the newspaper, then put the suggestions into a book. These hints covered cleaning, laundry, cooking, sewing, painting, gardening and decorating. Each contribution named its author and the location where the relative worked. Examples:
A leather purse will remain soft and free from cracks if you rub a cloth over it that has been dipped in milk; let the milk dry on the purse and then wipe with a clean cloth.
Make mittens for children by using an old faded sweater. Draw a paper pattern a little larger than the child's hand and place it on the sweater so that the ribbed portion will make the cuff. Cut and stitch two or three times on the sewing machine.
I'll bring the book to the next meeting.
There is a proposed National Tour for September 2016. It will tour southern Colorado and Eastern Utah. It is proposed for
5 days with distances between 50 and 225 miles per day. We will discuss locations in more detail at the meeting. They are looking for feedback from us.
Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter. Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads (for sale items will continue to be updated at the meetings). The deadline for submissions is the 24th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email:
Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2015
Saturday 31st Tour of the Wheels Museum and lunch following.
Tuesday 3rd Club Meeting 7pm Officer Election and Table Top Model Display. Refreshments Ray Calderon and Leupolds.
Saturday 21st Breakfast 8:30am at Miltons Family Restaurant, 3351 Candelaria NE.
Saturday 5th 1pm Club Christmas Party at the Jacksons.
Saturday 19th Breakfast 8:30am
Jokes of the Month
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what in the tarnation happened!
Bad news rides a fast horse.
When I married Mr. Right I did not know that his first name was Always.
October 30-31 – Golden Gears Annual Last Chance Fun Run – Friday Pre-party, White Sands Mall, Alamogordo – 6pm – Saturday Fun Run, 9am starting at the mall, remainder of event at Alameda Park until 3 pm – call Jack Harris for details. (575)491-9804 or e-mail
Oct 31 – 15th Annual Halloween Trunk or Treat Fun Night – Old Tyme Shop, 10786 Hwy 337, Tijeras
(10 miles south of I-40) – 6:30pm-9:30pm – Wear a costume, decorate your car, hand out candy, cake walk, games, hot dogs, prizes – (505)281-3892
Oct 31 – 21st Annual “Spooktacular Halloween Show” at Hooters East – San Mateo – Setup 6am-10am –
Show 10am-5pm, Open to all spooky and creepy makes and models, Entry $20 – 40 classes – 50 Special Haunted Awards, Creeper Races, Costume Contest for Cars, Kids and Adults, 50/50 drawing and raffle supporting the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Music by: Steve's Cruisin with the Oldies – 505-269-0496 or 505-332-9222 for info
November 1 – 41st Annual Swap Meet – Boose Chevrolet, 575 Arlington Rd., Brookville, OH (13 mi w of I-75, Exit 21 from I-70) – Automotive only, all makes models – 10'x10' inside space $15 or unlimited outside $15, $3 spectator entry – Dayton Model A Ford Club – (937)335-9353
November 7 – Veterans' Day Car Show – NM Veterans' Home, T or C – Sam Shannon (575)894-4222
Nov 7 – 21st Annual Charity Car Show at Hooters East – San Mateo – Supporting the Leukemia Lymphoma Society – Setup 7am-10am – Show 10am-4pm, Open to all years, makes and models – Entry $20 – 30 classes – 25 Special Awards, 50/50 drawing and raffle. All proceeds supporting the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Music by: Steve's Cruisin with the Oldies – 505-269-0496 or 505-332-9222 for info
November 7 – Cops & Rodders Car & Cycle Show – Hi Corbett Field, Tucson, AZ – (520)207-2878 or
November 9 – Driving Divas Regular Show – Fastino's, 2600 Juan Tabo NE, Albuquerque – 5-9 PM, yes on a Monday – Open to women-driven cars only
November 20-22 – 18th Southwest Nationals – Westworld, Scottsdale, AZ – Pre'73 – Goodguys – (925)838-9876 or
November 21 – "Just for the Hell of It" Car Show – Body Works, Las Cruces – Open to all – Mike Garcia (575)541-5772
November 22 – ASR Drags– Arroyo Seco Race Track, Arroyo Seco – Open – Roger (575)494-4794 or