Our speaker for the July 2nd meeting will be Bobby Roy, known to many of you as an avid old car
enthusiast and a professional in the area of applied coatings. Bobby’s business, Team Synergy,
specializes in applying ceramic coatings, powder coatings, thermal dispersant, dry film lubricants, and
even firearm coatings. You can get a preview of his work by checking out his website at
www.coat-this.com. Bobby will bring examples of his work so you can see how it can be used on your
restoration projects.
PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, July 2, 7:30 p.m., Old Car Garage.
SHOW & SHARE: Bob Quirici will be showing his '36 Ford truck.
BREAKFAST/LUNCH GROUP: Saturday, July 20, at 9:00 a.m., we will try to beat the heat by taking
a short drive to an early lunch. We will meet at the McDonald’s at San Mateo and Academy and then
drive north to the Range Café in Bernalillo.
Saturday, August 17, at 8:00 a.m., we will meet at the Smith’s
at Tramway and Central to take another short drive, this time to Moriarty. There are several restaurants
in Moriarty to chose from.
JUNE ACTIVITY: Saturday, June 29, at 11:00 a.m., we will meet at the Smith’s at Tramway and Central
to caravan to Bob Payne’s place in the east mountains. See the June/July Activities article for more
JULY ACTIVITIES: Fourth of July, Corrales Parade & Picnic. July 13, NMCCC Collector Car
Appreciation Day in Los Lunas. See the June/July Activities article for details.
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at http://abqfordflatheadv8.com/.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, September 10, 7:30 p.m., Jay Hertz’ home, 8704 La Sala Del Sur,
NE. Jay’s home phone number is 296.3137. See article in this newsletter for details. Members are
July Bob & Joan Quirici August Jeff & Beth Jackson / Art & Betty Leupold
September John & Betty Shelton October Bob Mathes / Bob Payne
November Larry & Meg Williams December Holiday Party
We need refreshment volunteers. Your help would be appreciated.
From the Club bylaws: The general purpose of this Regional Group shall be to preserve and authentically maintain Ford motor cars of the years 1932 through 1953 inclusive.
Jay Hertz, President
Hello, All.
I recently had the pleasure of inspecting a 1934 Ford roadster in northern New Mexico. Although it was
a left-hand drive car, closer observation showed it had been converted from a right-hand drive model,
likely assembled in South America or Argentina or exported to South America or Argentina in 1934. I
remembered that a fellow named Dr. Mario Kaplan used to export Fords (primarily roadsters and
phaetons) from Argentina to the United States in the 1980s and 1990s, using Hemmings Motor News to
advertise them. I wondered whether the Fords he sold were originally assembled there, or assembled
in this country and exported to South America. In turn, that got me to thinking about Ford Motor
Company’s activities in foreign countries generally. Finally, I wondered why we see so many right hand
drive Fords coming back to this country. Here is what I have learned about the subject.
Before World War I, Ford cars intended for export were made either at Highland Park in Detroit or at Ford
of Canada’s factory in Walkerville, Ontario, across the river from Detroit. In those days, Model Ts were
also assembled in Manchester England. Of these, only the Highland Park plant was truly a
manufacturing facility; the others merely assembled parts made at Highland Park.
In the Model T era, Europe was thought to be a better candidate for sales of Fords than South America.
This was due to better roads, wealthier populations, lack of labor problems and presence of stable
governments. Ford saw the opportunity in England and the Continent and opened several sales agencies
there before World War I. But Ford early on recognized the potential in South America. In particular,
Henry Ford saw that very few competitors operated there or sold cars there. Most that did were
European, not American. Accordingly, Ford selected a top salesman in New York, Ellis Hampton, to
survey the prospects in South America. Hampton embarked in 1913. He found not only good locations
for sales agencies, but also excellent managerial talent. Having been given full authority to proceed,
Hampton established large sales agencies in Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and São Paulo, and smaller
agencies in Chile and Venezuela. Because Model Ts were adept at negotiating rough roads and terrain,
sales were brisk. In 1917, the Argentine branch sold almost 7000 cars. The timing of Ford’s entry into
South America was fortunate because the impending world war shut down European car exports to the
Americas, leaving Ford with something close to a monopoly during the war years. By the end of 1917,
Ford opened an assembly plant in Argentina. This accomplished a savings in shipping costs, since it was
cheaper and easier to export all of the sub-assemblies for assembly in the South than it was to ship
assembled cars. These circumstances helped set the stage for even greater market penetration into
Latin America for the V8 models beginning in 1932.
The most definitive book on the subject of Ford’s foreign activities is “American Business Abroad: Ford
on Six Continents,” by Mira Wilkins and Frank Earnest Hill (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1964).
It is part of my lending library in case you want to read it. These authors report that Latin America in the
1930s was in political disarray, with dictators in virtually all countries. Additionally, none of those
countries other than Mexico had any significant coal or steel factories, so could not manufacture complete
cars. Thus, in the early years of the V8 era, which were Depression years there too, cars in Latin
America were either imported or assembled in Latin America from imported parts. Ford sales in South
America in the 1930s reached a peak in 1937, with sales of about 53,000. This may have been due in
part to the absence of significant import duties or sales restrictions (quotas), both of which were imposed
later. All of these factors resulted in Ford achieving net profits from Latin America of almost $31 million
for the years 1930 through 1939, compared to net losses in the U.S. of almost $63 million over the same
Although no figures are known to me, it seems that the survival rate of South American Fords was also
very high compared to North America. V8 cars were passed along from one owner to another. Their
sturdy construction and high ground clearance made them valuable in South American rugged terrain.
South American assembly plants were not greatly impacted by World War II, so that sales in the Southern
Hemisphere continued at comparatively high levels. Suppliers began to appear in many of the South
American countries, leading eventually to independent automotive manufacture there by the end of the
1940s. These suppliers made not only parts for current models, but also made parts to fit the aging
populations of flathead Fords, leading to their higher survivability there. Most of us have had the
displeasure of buying reproduction parts made in Argentina. As inferior as those parts were, they helped
a lot of flathead Fords stay on the roads and out of the junk piles. These days, we would be glad to come
across a flathead-era Ford that survived the decades, whether it was assembled in the U.S. or elsewhere.
The good judgment and good timing of Henry Ford in expanding to other countries is part of the reason
some good cars continue to become available.
by Jay Hertz, President
1. We completed the list of speakers for the 2013 meetings, subject to contacting them as to availability
and dates. They are:
June: Ed Boles from the City, to discuss Albuquerque landmarks (Jeff Jackson responsible)
July: Bobby Roy from Team Synergy will talk about applied coatings (Jay Hertz responsible)
August: Joe Abbin to discuss correct Ford engine components (Joe Abbin responsible)
September: Bob Hunter to discuss VIN inspections, titling, registration (Joyce Clements
October: preserving archives and historic buildings (Dee Patterson responsible, using family
resources in Santa Fe)November: elections and women’s night (Joyce Clements to contact Lorna Azevedo to host women’s night presentation)
2. We decided to recommend against the motion made at an earlier meeting to reduce the regional
group’s annual dues to $15. Although the motion will be put to a vote and the recommendation of the
directors could be overruled, the rationale of the directors is that the regional group should be
self-sustaining, and this can be accomplished best by avoiding a deficit budget. Annual expenses
approximate $1050, and annual income from dues approximates $1000. Thus, unless additional
members join the group to increase the income, the current level of dues is necessary to fund current
operations and avoid an ongoing deficit. As to attracting additional members, the directors continued the
discussion, led by committee chairman Joe Abbin, to explore uses of the group’s $5000 reserves which
are calculated to attract new members while fulfilling our Club’s stated purposes.
3. Frank Corey will be asked to handle the purchase of a plaque insert honoring Marvin and Neva Coffee
and their 1935 Ford, to be added to the Dick Precit memorial trophy.
4. Unless issues arise, the directors will likely dispense with their scheduled July meeting.
June 29, Bob Payne’s Car Barn
4th of July, Corrales Parade & Picnic
July 13, NMCCC Collector Car Appreciation Day, Los Lunas
On June 29, a Saturday, we will caravan to Bob Payne’s place in the east mountains. The meeting place
will be the Smith’s at Tramway and Central, at 11:00 a.m. Bob has recently made big improvements to
his car barn (which is huge) and wants to show us his handiwork and his auto collection. Bob will provide
hamburgers or hot dogs, but you should plan to bring a side dish or dessert. Maps to the property will
be distributed when we’re at Smith’s, although we shouldn’t get too lost unless Joe Abbin leads us. Note
that Bob has a new phone number which replaces the one in the roster. His new number is 850-2290.
On July 4, we will participate in the Independence Day parade at 10:00 a.m. in Corrales, followed by a
BBQ and potluck at Larry and Lorna Azevedo’s home on Hansen Road in Corrales. Meet behind the
Corrales Elementary School on the east side of Corrales Road (diagonally across from the Catholic
Church), and be in line by 9:30 a.m. Bring a side, salad or dessert to share at the Azevedos’ after the
parade. They provide hot dogs, hamburgers, water and lemonade. Larry says, “I have registered the
Club under my name already. I have requested that we are near the front of the parade but no
assurances that this will happen. Water is not allowed this year and candy is also not allowed.”
July 13 is the NMCCC Collector Car Appreciation Day at Los Lunas. Open house at Mild to Wild with
hot dogs and a long cruise with ice cream afterward. All clubs are invited.
By Jay Hertz
Hello, All. This is to let you know that we will be holding our September directors’/officers’ meeting on
Tuesday, September 10, at my house, 8704 La Sala Del Sur, NE (phone 296.3137) beginning at 7:30
p.m. It is near Wyoming and Candelaria. From that intersection, go east and take the second left-hand
turn bay, which is General Stillwell. Go to the end of General Stillwell, which is only about four blocks.
Where it ends, the house on the right is mine. It is a corner house with a stop sign on the property. The
entrance is on General Stillwell even though the address is on La Sala Del Sur. I will serve refreshments.
All members are welcome at our Board meetings.
President: Jay Hertz (jdhhag@comcast.net)
Vice-President: R. Jeff Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com)
Secretary: Neva Coffee (marvin.coffee@comcast.net)
Treasurer: Larry Williams (l-m-williams@comcast.net)
Directors: Joe Abbin (roadrunnerengr@msn.com)
Dee Patterson (patdcar@aol.com)
Max Glover (mfgjlg1995@aol.com)
Happy Birthday to:
12 Beth Jackson
15 Max Glover
26 Jim Kontny
Happy Anniversary to:
3 Jay & Helen Hertz
21 Harvey & Marka Catchpole
25 Mark & Kara Williams
Members are encouraged to submit articles and ads for inclusion in the newsletter, but please remember
we have space limitations. Article submissions may be reformatted for newsletter purposes, but they will
not be edited without the author’s approval. The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Micki
Hughes, newsletter publisher, 505.359.3227, or email: tumbleweednewsletter@gmail.com.
By Joyce Clements
From Ford Times, June 11, 1943:
June 16, 1943, marks the fortieth anniversary of the incorporation of the Ford Motor Company. These
40 years have been epochal. The first 40 years of the Ford era have no counterpart.
In no previous period of world history have so great changes been effected in living habits. Largely
responsible for the changes have been the birth and growth of the automotive industry, which Ford Motor
has pioneered and led.
From Henry Ford’s conviction that automotive transportation should be available to all, not just to a few,
spring many of the benefits of this 1943 world – the benefits now suspended while we fight for the right
to continue them peacefully.
Because Henry Ford’s motivating idea was to provide transportation for all, he had to bring it within the
reach of all. This he did with mass production methods. But perhaps of greater lasting importance than
accessibility of automotive transport for all, is the accompanying benefit.
To produce quality cars in quantity at an attainable price, Henry Ford lightened the burden of labor; he
placed labor-serving machinery at the service of the ordinary worker, thus reducing the strain of toil while
enabling the worker to earn more with less effort by producing more in less time.
That perhaps is the most valuable contribution to the world resulting from these past 40 years. The
products of the era may in time prove of only transient value, a necessary step toward better things. But
the intangibles – the shorter hours, the greater leisure, the higher wages, the improved conditions of labor
– these are real, these are the benefits of value. For having pioneered the road to these the Ford Motor
Company in the past 40 years has made a substantial contribution to world progress.
by Joyce Clements
For those who enjoyed Dee Patterson’s apple cake at the last meeting, here is the recipe. Thank you
Combine 2 c. granulated sugar, 3 eggs, and 1½ c. cooking oil. Beat well. Add 3 c. white flour, sifted with
1 tsp. soda and 1 tsp. salt. Add 3 c. chopped apples, 1 c. chopped pecans and 1 tsp vanilla. Grease pan
& flour. Bake 45-60 min at 350 F.
TOPPING: Mix 1 c. lt. brown sugar, 1/4 c. evap. milk and 1 stick margarine or butter. Bring to boil and
boil 2½ min. Pour on cake while cake is still hot.
by Joyce Clements
As you are all aware, the Tumbleweeds are hosting a National Driving Tour, October 14-18, in northern
New Mexico. This tour is being advertised in the V8 TIMES, and we expect people from several nearby
states to join us. Jay, Jeff and Beth have been working hard on setting up a schedule, and fun driving
routes for us and our guests. The Denver RG, who have been here before, have given us a nice write-up
in their newsletter encouraging their members to come drive in New Mexico and ride the Chama steam
train. One quote from the Denver article was, “The world is best viewed thru Ford script glass!”
The tour starts in Chama with tours of the train yards and a ride on the train. Then it is on to Taos via
a scenic route, to visit that historic town. There will also be an opportunity to drive some lesser-travelled
roads out of Taos. The final destination is Santa Fe, from which trips to Bandelier National Monument
and Los Alamos are planned. It’s time to get one of your flatheads ready to hit the road. It’s a wonderful
chance for us to take a National Tour close to home. There will be no show field or judging of cars, just
driving V8's, visiting with fellow enthusiasts, and seeing New Mexico through the Ford script glass. See
Jeff and sign up to go.
by Joyce Clements
The Rotunda sign was purchased by a Ford dealer in Rochester, MI after fire destroyed the building. He
donated it to the school district in Utica, MI, who used it to advertise school and community events. They
were going to restore the sign, but an estimate of $250,000 put a crimp in that idea. The Foundation
made a deal and purchased the sign in 2010. With a lot of donated time and materials, the sign is now
restored. After all, if a bunch of guys can restore old Fords, what could be so hard about restoring a rusty
sign made of plastic, metal and electrical wiring? It was even on wheels. The sign is now in place near
the Museum, where it can be seen by passing traffic. It lights up from dusk to 10:30pm each day. The
cost was considerably less than the original estimate. But it can’t be called a “sign” any more; signs are
taxed. It is now the Rotunda Monument, and tax-free. We owe a big load of thanks to the volunteers
who did the work, and to the donors who supplied money and materials. It’s a great accomplishment!
You can help with such projects, and help yourself, by shopping at the online store. All the restoration
books are available there, as well as books detailing the histories of Ford and the Ford dealerships. A
commemorative coin celebrating the 150th birthday of Henry Ford has been designed and manufactured
by the Foundation. It is designed by Don Rogers, comes in a card designed by Ken Burns, licensed by
Ford Motor Co., made in the USA, and Ford has waived all royalty rights on the coin; they support the
goals of the Foundation. Souvenir Rotunda gearshift knobs are also available for 1934, 1935, and 1936.
Go to the web site, and check out the “Ford Store” to see all the neat “stuff” and books for sale.
Find out more about the Foundation at www.fordv8foundation.org. There is a donation page now on the
web site where you can make a donation or buy a brick in memory of a fellow enthusiast. Support your
local V8 Ford Foundation.
June 29 – Carapolooza Car Show – Zenith Park, James Canyon Hwy, Cloudcroft – Music, Food, Pie
Auction, Trophies, Cash Prizes – 11am to 3pm – Entry $15, Free public admission – Tom Belverud
tom@cloudcroft.net or www.cloudcroft.net or (575)682-2733.
July 4 – Freedom 4th Car Show & Celebration – Balloon Fiesta Park – Free – Live entertainment, food,
micro-brews, fireworks, music – 3:00pm-10:30pm – Call 311 or see www.cultureABQ.com.
July 5-6 – Santa Rosa’s BOZO and the Crew 8th Annual Rod Run – Santa Rosa – Friday: Registration,
Cruise, Burger Burn, Music by Fat City, 3pm-11pm – Saturday: Rod Run, Door Prizes, Show w/Trophies,
Live Music – Pre-'85 – Entry $35 – Bozo Cordova (575)472-3368, (575)472-1966 or (575)760-4949.
July 13 – Collector Car Appreciation Day – Mild to Wild Classics, 1300 Third St. NW, 11am-2pm, lunch
served 12pm-1pm (hot dogs) – Cruise Albuquerque 3pm – Ice Cream in Los Lunas 5pm.
July 13 – Los Lunas Ice Cream Cruz – Wells Fargo Bank, Bosque Farms – In conjunction with Collector
Car Appreciation Day – Bill (505)565-2105, David (505)550-8415, or vintagegasser@aim.com.
July 13 – Mopar Challenge Race – Abq Dragway, Albuquerque – 4pm – No Bull Races also –
July 13 – Grand Opening Car Show – USNMFCU on Coors S. of Montaño,
July 19-20 – 31st Annual Northern New Mexico Street Rodders “Land of Enchantment Rod Run”
– Civitan Park, Farmington – “Rat Fink” and “Trixie” Roth will be here with merchandise, artists and
pinstripers – Info: Dennis Hahn 505-947-1797 or Bob Fuller 562-760-1091.
July 20 – Neon Cruise by Old Route 66 Car Show – Central Avenue, Nob Hill Area – Enter Washington
& Copper starting at 1pm – Live bands, dance, food, vendors – Cruise Central at 8:30pm – Entry fee $10
at event, no pre-registration – Bruce bcougar67@msn.com or www.oldrt66.com.
July 20 – Flea Market Under the Canopy – PJ’s Classic Stop, 6022 2nd St. NW – Old car/truck parts,
auto-related items and accessories – $20 for 10'x12' space, $25 for auto space – Setup 6am, open 8am
to 2pm – 268-4100 or pjsclassic@qwestoffice.net.
July 20 – 7th Donate for Life Car Show – Young Park, Las Cruces – Susan Brown (575)496-2627.
July 20 – Gals, Guys & Grills Retirement Home Show – Las Colinas Retirement Village, 500 Paisano
NE – 10am-2pm – Live music, prizes, food for sale – Entry fee $5 – Proceeds to benefit Alzheimer’s Assn
– Need 25-40 cars – Call if you can come – Trish Reamy 291-0600 or lcvprograms@seniorstar.com.
July 21 – Southwest Drag Racing Association Car Wash & Car Show – Yearwood Performance
Center – Proceeds to benefit their charities – http://www.nmswdra.com/.
July 23 – Hodgin Elementary PTA Car Show, 50's Night & Pie-Eating Contest – Village Inn, 2017
Menaul NE – Free entry – 5pm-8pm – 60s and earlier cars – 10% of restaurant proceeds go to support
the PTA – Teresa Rohn-Penn 881-9855 or hodginelementarypta@hotmail.com.
For information/flyers about area events: http://nmcarcouncil.net/events-2/
August 28-31, 2013
There will be a Motorfest in Sauder Village, Archbold, OH this summer. The tour will include a caravan
to the V8 Museum in Auburn. Get a registration form at http://fordv8foundation.org/mf5.html, or contact
Pat Fenner (937)382-1678 or pfenner@cinci.rr.com.
7/2 Applied Coatings: Bobby Roy, Team Synergy
Hertz 7/4 4th of July Parade & Picnic, Corrales Azevedo
7/9 No Board Meeting 7/13 NMCCC Collector Car Appreciation
Day. Open house at Mild to Wild with hot dogs, long cruise with ice cream in
Los Lunas. All clubs invited.
8/6 Ford Engine Components:
Joe Abbin Abbin 8/11 All Clubs Picnic NMCCC
9/3 VIN, Titling, Registration: Bob Hunter
Clements 9/?? State Fair
9/10 Board Meeting, 7:30, Jay Hertz’ house
Board 9/27-29 Swap Meet Clements
10/1 Preserving Archives and Historic Buildings: Dee Patterson
Patterson 10/14-18 Western National Tour Abbin
11/5 Elections & Women’s Night
Presentation: Lorna Azevedo
Board, Lorna Azevedo
11/? Picnic at Jacksons’ Jackson
11/12 Board Meeting, 7:30, Jay Hertz’ house
12/3 Holiday Party Board
If you can help with any of the activities, please don’t hesitate to volunteer.