PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.
NEXT MEETING: Next meeting is Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019 at 7pm. Program will be on pets, by our own Veterinarian, George Abernathy.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, September 10th, 7pm at the Jacksons’ house.
BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday, September 21st, 8:30 am at Sopa’s in Bosque Farms. Meet at the UNM Pit Parking Lot at 8 am to caravan to the restaurant.
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.
FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is
Breakfast this month will be held at Sopa’s Restaurant at 1700 Bosque Farms Blvd, Bosque Farms. We will leave from the UNM Pit parking lot (Dreamstyle Arena at University & Cesar Chavez) at 8am if you would like to caravan to the restaurant.
The State Fair show will occur Sunday, September 8. As usual, we will gather at Caravan East’s parking lot at 7:30am, and drive into the grounds through Gate 3 at 8:00. No admission fee is charged at the gate. Parking will be in order of age (your car’s — not yours!). Come and have some fun while showing off your Ford to an appreciative public.
September Tour and Train Ride
Our sunset and moonlight train trip excursion will begin at 9:00 am on Saturday, September 14. We will gather then at Smith’s on Tramway and Central and take the back road north towards Santa Fe. Then the bypass will take us through Espanola where we will have lunch, and then on to Chama. As of August 30, the railroad still had over 40 coach seats available, so last minute reservations can still be made.
Howdy folks,
I’ve taken to working only before lunch or evenings outside because of the heat and sun. Now Joe Abbin will say great! That means I should have afternoons to work inside my shop and clean it up. Well, yes and no, I can work inside but the shop is still a mess. Guess that’s the way my mind and body work - I am a mess. Well, I even have a story to confirm that statement. Now beware you should never do this - never! Never ever will I do it again! We purchased a large, great big, huge motor home to travel to races and with the grandkids. We call it “The Beast”. We also purchased a cover for it and after 1.5 hours’ work got the cover over the RV and tied down. However, we needed to get a piece of equipment out from in front of the RV. I thought I had planned parking but one item got hidden. OK - get this vision in your mind. The RV has an automatic 13 speed transmission with a centrifugal clutch. That means there is no mechanical clutch. It means you have to speed up the engine sufficiently for the clutch to engage-that’s fine if you are going to move forward or backward and keep going. It is difficult to move small distances. Backing up to hook up the race car trailer is a trick. Now back to my story. We decided to roll up the cover on the RV so it would not touch the tires but not enough so the driver could see out. Heck, I couldn’t even see the ground. But the cover was blowing in the breeze making it seem like I was going 30 miles an hour. So, Beth calls me on the cell, I put my cell on speaker and she directs me from outside the RV on where to go and when to turn and when to HIT the brakes. This RV is heavy and a front tire had buried itself into some soft sand. I rev it up and yelled to Beth, “tell me when to stop, I can’t see a thing!” She calmly replied, “You aren’t moving yet.” So I rev up again and she yells “STOP!” Apparently when it pulled out of the soft sand it started moving faster than a scared ape. So, I lock the air brakes and she says, “Ok, you are out of the hole and have moved 3 feet.” Darn, I thought I’d done better than that. We had to move the RV about 35’ and out our narrow 14’ wide gate to make room. Then we pulled the hidden trailer out with the skid steer and had to redo the fun of moving the RV back into place. I can assure you that when you lose the sense of sight and can barely feel the vehicle moving (great big Diesel engine makes it feel like you are moving even while standing still) it is nigh on to impossible to drive unless you explicitly trust your phone contact. Beth and I agreed that was the scariest 70’ of driving we had ever been a part of. No more. NO MORE!.
Back to club and sane activities. September is a busy month. The Tuesday, September 3 club meeting will feature a program by the renowned veterinarian, Dr. George Abernathy. Yep, our George. No doubt after his talk he will have to field a million questions from the club because most of us have pets and love free advice. Then September 8 is the State Fair Show, please see the article in this newsletter to confirm meeting times etc. Then Saturday, September 14th we make the trip to Chama to ride the Cumbres Toltec narrow gauge railway at night. Jay’s excellent planning got us a full moon night ride with a meal and live music in Osier. We will sleep in Sunday morning and stop at a museum in Los Alamos on the return trip. Of course, we still have the Saturday, September 21st breakfast at Sopa’s in Los Lunas and we are trying to schedule a tour of old cars and planes in Los Lunas sponsored by Jay. Hopefully we can firm that by our club meeting. Regardless, get your old Flathead out and make the run to Sopa’s with us. And yes, you can drive a modern car if you want to.
That about wraps up September and thank you for not laughing at Beth’s and my story. Get your cars ready for the State Fair, let’s have a great big showing.
Be thinking about what club officer position you are dying to serve as for next year.
Another month another story,
Cheers to all, Jeff
Minutes of the August 6th, 2019 Meeting
By Beth Jackson, Secretary
President Jeff called the meeting to order. Twenty-four people were present, including guests Amy & John Melek (Bob Mathes’s daughter) and Don Gutierrez. Don met the Clements this past month and they invited him to the meeting. He joined at the end of the meeting – welcome, Don! Amy invited the club to an open house to see the cars and parts of her dad’s that they are now ready to sell.
Treasurer Dave reported that the budget remains on track.
Birthday wishes were extended to Jeannine Kontny, Bud Hennessey, Pat Willan and Jim Clements. Anniversary wishes went out to Roger Wilbur and Bobbie.
Refreshments were provided by Beth. We are still looking for a volunteer for September’s meeting. The For Sale-Wanted Ads were circulated for additions, deletions and corrections.
Old Business: Joyce, reporting for the New Mexico Car Council, said the All Clubs’ Picnic was not as well attended as usual, but was very nice. The Route 66 Car Show took some participants away. The Swap Meet on September 27-29 is accepting registrations only until September 14th. There will be no registering at the gate. There is a swap meet next weekend (August 10-11) at the Albuquerque Dragway. Monday, September 2nd, Power Ford is hosting a car show, see Larry Bost for details. The National Street Rod Association is holding their first Albuquerque show at the Expo on August 23-25.
The recipe for the August newsletter was submitted by Debbie Jones. Jeff appointed Beth to provide a recipe for September’s newsletter.
Tonight’s program will be presented by Jay Hertz on his map collection. Because of the inclement weather, the program comparing Jeff’s 32 Ford and Jay’s 33 Ford will be postponed to a later date.
You can still make your reservations for the September tour and Cumbres Toltec moonlight train ride.
Because the Jacksons’ will be in Texas next week, the board meeting scheduled for August 13th has been rescheduled for Tuesday, September 10, 7pm at the Jackson’s house.
Joe reported that he attended the National Street Rod Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, and it was a huge event with 50,000 people attending.
New Business: August’s breakfast will be held on Saturday, August 17th at Monica’s El Portal on Rio Grande Blvd. David suggested driving to Sopa’s in Bosque Farms for our Saturday, September 21st breakfast. It was suggested that we find a garage to tour after breakfast.
Our day at the state fair will be Sunday, September 8th. We will meet as usual at the parking lot of the old Caravan East on Central and drive together to enter the fairgrounds.
September’s program will be a presentation by George Abernathy, DMV, on pets.
The Dick Precit Memorial Award plaque was presented to Larry Bost. This is an award presented to the most popular club car at the Memorial Day Birthday Party and Picnic.
Joe Abbin shared a story of a mishandled 911 call. The Police Department rates 911 calls as to priority but he called with a possible shooting and the call was lost and the department got back with him 2 months later. Good that it was a false alarm!
The member of the month of August was Richard Polk. Bob Quirici will be interviewed for the September newsletter.
Refreshments were enjoyed, the raffle was held and all enjoyed hearing about Jay’s collections of road maps and touching, feeling and looking at many of them. Thank you, Jay.
Teacher, teacher can I go to the bathroom? A question Bob and also Joan answered for many years as teachers in the Albuquerque public school system. Alas, upon semi-retirement that question has passed. I say semi-retirement because Bob has worked for a company for 19 years where he grades junior high and high school State Standard Achievement Tests for locations all over the US.
Bob was born in Albuquerque and attended University of Albuquerque and received a Master’s in Elementary Education from University of New Mexico. He chose to remain as a teacher in Albuquerque where he met Joan at Pope Middle School. Bob wasn’t t sure for a few minutes during our conversation when he met Joan. Then he firmly said I met her in 1984 and we were married in 1985 and honeymooned in Hawaii. This shows once he makes up his mind he gets the job done!
Bob bought his Ford pickup in 1976 and restored it and first displayed it at the 1980 State Fair. He said, “I had to get it done because I was Chair of the State Fair event for the Albuquerque VMCCA”. He purchased his second Flathead in 1978, this was the Cabriolet. Bob said a fellow named David Crook was selling two cars at the Scottsdale Auction. Bob quickly noted that Dave was not a crook. “Dan Maurer bought the nice one and I bought the poor car.” I’m sure we all agree Bob’s car is not the one in poor shape now. Bob restored the car, taking his time and completing it in 1995.
Bob joined the Tumbleweed club in about 1976. He recalls making a trip with the club to Los Alamos and returning via Jemez. He says “my car vapor-locked at Jemez so I put a wet rag on the fuel pump.” Now here is where Bob proves two things - he is honest and he is a hoarder. Bob said he forgot to take the rag off and on the drive home it caught fire. With smoke coming from the engine compartment he hopped out and put out the fire. And, he still has the burned rag at his house.
At the end of our conversation Bob said he needed to get back to work on a table he and Joan are restoring. I noted that he must be quite talented restoring cars and furniture. He humbly noted “I am a jack of all trades but a master of none”. After seeing his cars, I think we would argue he is pretty good on cars.
Beth’s Parents
Zucchini Cake
2 cups all purpose flour
2 tsps baking soda
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp baking powder
3 tsps ground cinnamon
3 eggs
1 cup vegetable oil
1 ½ cups white sugar
2 cups grated zucchini
2 tsps vanilla extract Beth’s Parents in 1946
1 cup chopped walnuts
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease one 13x9 inch baking pan.
Combine eggs, oil, sugar, grated zucchini, and vanilla. Beat until well mixed. Stir in the flour, baking soda, salt, baking powder, and cinnamon and mix until just combined. Stir in the chopped nuts. (If making for someone allergic to nuts (Joe) use chocolate chips instead. Pour batter into prepared pan.
Bake at 350 degrees F for 45 minutes.
The Code of the West
Stand by the code, and it will stand by you. Ask no more and give no less than honesty, courage, loyalty, generosity and fairness. You don’t need decorated words to make your meanin’ clear; say it plain and save some breath for breathin’. Don’t never interfere with something that ain’t botherin’ you none. If you find yourself in a hole, stop diggin’. Never grumble; it makes you about as welcome as a sidewinder in a cow camp. Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day. If you’re ridin’ ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still there. It don’t matter so much how long a ride you have, as how well you ride it. Always drink upstream from the herd. The first thing to do when you get up in the morning is put on your Stetson. Don’t worry about bitin’ off more than you can chew; your mouth is probably a whole lot bigger’n you think. When it comes to cussin’, don’t swallow your tongue; use both barrels and air out yer lungs. Don’t get mad at somebody who knows more’n you do; it ain’t their fault. Talk low, talk slow, and don’t say too much; generally, you ain’t learnin’ nothin’ when yer mouth is a-jawin’. If you want to forget all your troubles, take a little walk in a brand-new pair of high-heeled ridin’ boots. The wildest critters live in the city. Trust everybody in the game, but always cut the cards. The quickest way to double yer money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket. No matter who says what, don’t believe it if it don’t make sense. Don’t let so much reality into your life that there’s no room left for dreamin’. Makin’ it in life is kinda like bustin’ broncs: you’re gonna get thrown a lot; the simple secret is to keep gettin’ back on. Never miss a chance to rest your horse. Go after life as if it’s something that’s got to be roped in a hurry before it gets away. Don’t squat with yer spurs on!
Source unknown. – Joyce
Peace is that brief glorious moment in history, when everybody stands around reloading. Thomas Jefferson
You never appreciate what you have till it’s gone. Toilet paper is a good example.
The best part about getting older is… Nothing. Getting older sucks.
I think senility is going to be a fairly smooth transition for me.
When I was a kid, my parents would always say, “Excuse my French” just after a swear word…I’ll never forget my first day at school when my teacher asked if any of us knew any French.
You drop something when you were younger, you just pick it up. When you’re older and you drop something, you stare at it for a bit contemplating if you actually need it anymore.
I’ve found that growing up in the sixties was a lot more fun than being in my sixties.
If you’re paying $3 for a bottle of smart water, it isn’t working.
President: R. Jeff Jackson (
Vice-President: Jay Hertz (
Secretary: Beth Jackson (
Treasurer: David McLain (
Director: George Abernathy (
Director: Demetrio Lee (
Director: Roger Wilbur (
Director: Joe Abbin (
September Birthdays and Anniversaries
Joyce Clements (4) Tom & Dee Patterson (11)
Jeff Jackson (8) Larry & Lorna Azevedo (21)
Mary Gorenz (15) Max & Johanne Glover (23)
Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2019
Tuesday 3rd Club Meeting 7pm – Program - George Abernathy on Pets.
Sunday 8th State Fair Car Show
Tuesday 10th Board Meeting 7pm at the Jacksons
September 14th Moonlight ride on the Cumbres Toltec Railway, overnight tour
Saturday 21st Breakfast at Sopa’s in Bosque Farms
Thursday-Sunday 26-29 Annual NMCCC Auto Swap Meet @ Isleta Casino
Tuesday 1st Club Meeting 7pm, Refreshments Amy & Chris Joiner
Saturday 19th Breakfast
Tuesday 5th Club Meeting 7pm Officer Election, Refreshments Bob Payne
Saturday 16th Breakfast
Saturday 14th Club Christmas Party (tentatively pot luck)
Tuesday 17th (tentative Board meeting with new and old officers and directors plan for 2020)
Saturday 21st Breakfast
Upcoming Events
September 2 – Power Ford Labor Day Show – Power Ford, Montano & Renaissance – Free food, drinks,
games – Entry $20 (Confirm by July 31 for free entry) – Stipends for clubs if pre-arranged – 40+ trophies, prizes, games for all ages – Contact Mercedes Mares to enter your club (505)977-3616 or (505)449-1411 or
September 6-8 – 22nd Colorado Nationals – The Ranch Events Complex, Loveland, CO – Open to pre-’88 – Goodguys (925)838-9876 or
September 7 – WB Resurrection Swap Meet – Mayfield HS, Las Cruces
September 7 – Cars-N-Coffee – The Owl Cafe, Lomas & Eubank– 7:30-10:00 AM. Join us for hot coffee, free donuts, hot cars!! (505)291-4900
September 7 – Women’s Veteran Car Show – Mayfield HS, Las Cruces – Open to all – Karen Woods (575)639-1265
September 13-14 – Southeast NM Regional Swap Meet & Car Corral – W Hwy 82, 2307 W Main St (former K-Mart Parking lot), Artesia – Sponsored by Artesia Car Club & VVMCC of Roswell – 15’x30’ space $20 pre-reserved, $25 at gate – Motorized vehicles & parts – 8am to dark – Dorothy Hammond (575)746-9477 or Kenny or Nancy Forrest (575)622-4350
September 13-15 – Collector Car Weekend Cruise In, Swap Meet, Car Show – Farmington
September 13-14 – Car Show – Santa Rosa
September 14 – Cars & More Show & Expo – NMSU-A Campus, Tays Center Parking Lot, 2400 N. Scenic, Alamogordo – Open to all – Registration $20, free public admission – 9am-5pm – Raffles, food, live music, 50/50 raffle – Burnout, sound system & glow competitions – John Hurt (575)442-9237 or (575)439-3741
September 20-21 – Antique Truck Show – Riverside Park, Aztec
September 21 – Low Classics 3rd Annual End of Summer Bash Car Show – Wooden Nickel, Bloomfield – Jody Gonzales
September 21 – Benson Car & Motorcycle Show – Lions Park, 435 N. Adams St, Benson, AZ – Prizes, trophies, 50/50 drawing, Pony Express mail run, tractor pulls, antique engine display, food, live music, T-shirts, dash plaques, vendors – Pre-entry $20, day of show $25 – Register 9-10am, show 10am-4pm, prizes awarded 2:30pm – Cindy Allen (520)631-5507 or on facebook
September 22 – 6th Wounded Warrior Car Show – 141 Roadrunner Pkwy, Las Cruces – Open to all – Jr. Adams (575)644-5774
September 27-29 – 41st Annual NMCCC Auto Swap Meet – New location: Isleta Casino, south of Albuquerque on I-25 – New Director – Same Date – Limited number of discounted rooms available at Isleta during swap meet at following booking link – Rooms include many amenities plus a discount card for dining, spa, shopping at Isleta – Cost per night is $119, a savings over 40% of standard rate – =1& child1=0 for hotel reservations or use code NMC0919 when making your reservation – Registration & info at or – SPACES AVAILABLE ONLY IF PRE-PAID BY SEPTEMBER 14 – NO SPACES WILL BE SOLD AT GATE
September 27-29 – 29th Annual Rio Grande Valley Regional Rendezvous – Elephant Butte Inn, Elephant Butte – Open to British cars – Tour the area, kick tires, dine with friends, fun for all – For information Steve Keppler or (915)549-6859
September 27-29 – Run to the Pines – Pine Top, AZ
September 27-29 – 27th Lone Star Nationals – Texas Motor Speedway, Ft. Worth, TX – Open to pre-’88 – Goodguys (925)838-9876 or
September 28 – 4th Annual Convertible Cars to the Crest Cruise – Meet at Smith’s, Tramway & Central 10am – Open to all makes, models of convertibles, Jeeps welcome – Mike (505)228-3346
September28 – Vets’ Hall of Fame Car Show – Borman Autoplex, Las Cruces – Rich Lewis (575)650-7074
Go to Early Ford V-8 Web Site for More Information.
September 14-20 – National Parks V-8 Driving Tour – Grand Junction, CO, Western Colorado and Eastern Utah – Sponsored by Hi Country RG
June 15-18, 2020 – Eastern National Meet – Morgantown, PA – for information.
Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter. Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads (for sale items will continue to be updated at the meetings). The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email:
Joe, Kathleen and Gary with Kathleen’s tanker
Joe’s pictures from the National Street Rod Association show at the New Mexico Expo