MEETS FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:00 P.M, North Domingo Baca Mutigenerational Center,

7600 Carmel NE, Albuquerque, NM



PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell.  Members are encouraged to bring items to share.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 7 pm at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, 7600 Carmel NE, one-half block North and West of Paseo Del Norte and Wyoming. Program to be announced.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, December 10th, 7pm at Village Pizza in Corrales


CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at   Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.

FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is

EARLY FORD V8 CLUB OF AMERICA WEBSITE:                                                    




The Tumbleweed V8 Club’s annual Christmas Party will be held on Saturday, December 7th starting at 1pm.  This year it will be hosted by George and Jackie Abernathy at the warehouse behind their clinic, Sunrise Veterinary Clinic at 132 Rio Rancho Blvd NE, Rio Rancho.  The cost is $5 a person.  Meat will be prepared by the hosts with side dishes provided by those attending.  Tea, water and coffee will also be provided.  Reservations are required and can be made in several ways:  Email Jackie at ; call 505-771-2113 and leave a message; text Jackie’s cell at 505-269-4010; or drop them a note with your payment to 2113 San Pablo Rd NE, Rio Rancho NM 87144. You may bring your $5 to the party. Please make your reservation by December 3rd.


Requested side dishes are salads, vegetables, desserts and bread. Please note what you intend to bring so we assure there is a variety.  Remember there is no club meeting in December.


Our annual gift exchange will take place during the Christmas Party.  If you wish to participate, bring a wrapped gift labeled male or female, and you will go home with a lovely gift.  Please make the gift something you would like to receive and keep the cost under $20.  We also collect for Roadrunner Food Bank; bring your donation -cash or check- and leave it in the marked box and we will make a donation from the club.


We hope to have a great turnout and another spectacular Christmas Party.



2024 December President’s Message - Joe Abbin

The December meeting will be our annual potluck Christmas dinner/party at the Sunrise Veterinary Clinic event facility hosted by the Abernathy family in Rio Rancho. See announcement elsewhere in this newsletter. Our November meeting included election of our 2025 club officers who will be introduced and installed at our Christmas party. Thanks to all the outgoing and incoming officers. Without you and our enthusiastic members there would be no club.

Our Christmas party has always been a fun event with good food and good cheer, capping another successful year for our club. Merry Christmas to all!

Joe Abbin


The Specialty Equipment Manufacturers Association (SEMA) Show

I was not at the November club meeting because I attended the SEMA show in Las Vegas, NV. Over two million square feet of exhibit space and 2400+ auto-related industry exhibitors make this one of the biggest trade shows in the country. The show is mind-boggling in its size and content. I barely covered one building while walking 9+ miles in one day! I’ll report more in January.

SEMA is consumer oriented while representing most of the auto industry and as such is “technology neutral”, i.e. does not promote one segment against another. However, SEMA is suing the state of California over its legislation barring the sale of internal combustion powered cars in the state after 2035, calling the legislation an over-reach of state regulations which will kill innovation of competing technology and have a devastating impact on the economy and the auto industry. This may be a huge battle in the quest for clean air!

Two of the exhibits at the show featured Porsches fitted and re-powered with all-electric drivetrains. Old Ferdinand must be turning in his grave! See below.

Joe Abbin








Minutes of the November Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Liz. Joe was out of town, and asked Liz to run the meeting. Thanks, Liz! There were seventeen people present, without any guests. Treasurer Amy reported that we are still doing well, that we recently reimbursed Joe for a towing expense, paid for the PO box, and were in the process of reimbursing Beth for the website, etc.

Liz offered birthday and anniversary greetings. There were no additions or corrections to the October meeting minutes. Joe Baird gave a car council report. There are several upcoming events. They are listed on the car council website, including several Veterans Day events. Joe also spoke about the last car council meeting where they honored Joyce for founding the car council and there was an unofficial competition to see who has known her the longest.

The November breakfast will be on 11/09 at 8:30 at the Range Café near the Cottonwood Mall. An email will be sent out as a reminder.

We will not have a club meeting in December.

Liz mentioned this year’s Christmas party. It will be on Saturday 12/07 at 1:00. It will be a potluck at George Abernathy’s warehouse behind his clinic. The cost is $5, and reservations are requested. There will be an email sent out with all the information.

Joe Baird mentioned the upcoming Christmas parades. Madrid and Corrales have theirs on 12/07 and Albuquerque (Twinkle Light) has theirs on 12/14.

Liz read through the for sale/wanted stuff. She also had an item for show and tell. She brought a license plate plaque from Chilili car show that was on 10/26. They had handmade trophies, and it was a nice event. Club members suggested getting together sooner with the organizers of that show and helping to get it advertised better.

Liz read the nominations for officers and directors. No additional nominations were made, and the slate was voted to be accepted.

We took a break for the raffle. We did not have refreshments this evening, as those who signed up were not present.

Will Clements gave a great presentation about the trip he and his parents recently took to New York in their 1940 Standard Coupe to participate in the Eastern National V8 Meet. He showed a lot of interesting pictures. He also told us about all the trials they faced on that lengthy road trip. There were lots of repairs to be made along the way, and the trip home took a lot longer than it did to get there. They did win a couple of awards and have lots of stories to tell. It sounds like the trip was well worth it. Thanks, Will!



Newsletter Note

Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads, and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter.  Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads.  The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email:


President:  Joe Abbin ( 505-263-1946

Vice-President: Chris Joiner (amy2001tweety@hotmailcom) 505-382-8723

Secretary: Jackie Abernathy ( 505-269-4010

Treasurer: Amy Joiner ( 505-382-8724

Director: George Abernathy ( 505-771-2113

Director: Joe Baird ( 505-263-5329

Director: Larry Bost ( 505-379-7891

Director: Jeff Jackson ( 505-908-7565

 Director: Liz Johnson ( 505-281-5747

Director: Roger Wilbur 505-603-5031



President: Joe Abbin ( 505-263-1946

Vice-President: Debbie Van de Velde ( 505-225-9488

Secretary: Liz Johnson ( 505-281-5747

Treasurer: Amy Joiner ( 505-382-8724

Director: George Abernathy ( 505-771-2113

Director: Jackie Abernathy ( 505-269-4010

Director: Joe Baird ( 505-263-5329

Director: Larry Bost ( 505-379-7891

Director: Jeff Jackson ( 505-908-7565

Director: Anthony Wagner ( 505-270-5015

Director: Roger Wilbur 505-603-5031



December Birthdays & Anniversaries


                              Corrine Lovato (3)             Bob and Joan Quirici (21)

                              Dee Patterson (4)              Jeff and Beth Jackson (26)

                              Bobbie Benzaquen (11)     Bob and Nancy Agnew (30)

                              Jackie Abernathy (18)        Jim and Joyce Clements (30)

                              Joan Quirici (31)                         


Durango Tour

Friday 10/11, we met at the Walmart parking lot in Bernalillo. We had four model As (Mac & JoAnn, Steve & Antoinette, Deane & John, and Buzz), two v8s (Chris & Amy, and George & Jackie), and a modern vehicle (Jackie's sister and brother-in-law (Donna and Mark)) pulling an empty trailer. From Walmart, we headed to Cuba, where we stopped at El Bruno's for lunch. Dale & Linda met up with us there, in their modern vehicle. We all enjoyed lunch and then continued to Ignacio, then through Bayfield on the way to Durango. It was a beautiful drive on a road where few had been. Everyone got checked into their rooms. Then we walked to Serious Texas BBQ for dinner. Saturday morning 10/12, we had breakfast at the hotel. We had a member of the group sick so that couple did not join us Saturday. Also, George and Jackie did not drive their v8, as they did not trust their brakes and their fans were not working. They rode in the truck. Our first stop was the Pinkerton Hot Springs right off highway 550, just outside Durango. Several members of our group mentioned that they'd previously seen this landmark but had never stopped. It was very cool to see. We continued to Silverton. There were a couple of cars that had trouble with the steep grades, but everyone who left Durango eventually made it to Durango. We stopped at the visitors center as soon as we got to town. There was a photographer there who sells calendars inside the visitor center. She gave out a few free train calendars and talked to some of our group about going to the train depot to park near the tracks. Turns out they were expecting two trains to arrive within about the next 30-45 minutes. We all happily obliged. The lady was at the train depot when we arrived, and she got us parked in the most advantageous positions. First came a diesel-powered train, then a little later came a steam powered one. There was supposed to be a third train, but it was delayed quite a bit. By this point, everyone was getting hungry. We got restaurant recommendations from a gentleman working for the railroad. We found it, but they were too busy for us. We eventually just went on to Ouray to eat. Those two small towns were busy! We finally found parking and Maggie's Kitchen was able to accommodate us in Ouray. Lunch was either really good or we were really hungry. There were a couple of little hiccups on the way back to Durango from Ouray, but we all made it. The Million Dollar Highway is quite precarious, so thank goodness there were not any serious issues. We just reminded ourselves how old the cars are that we were driving. Once back to the hotel, a few of us decided to go meet the train at the tracks in Durango since we had passed it on the way back. We met it and got a couple more pictures. Downtown Durango was super busy that night, so we opted for Applebee's for dinner, in hopes of avoiding crowds. They were slower than Christmas and did not have the best service, but we enjoyed each other's company while we waited. Sunday 10/13, all but Dale & Linda headed back home, the scenic way. They stayed behind to visit a friend. We drove through Bayfield and Pagosa Springs. We enjoyed the back country. Again, they were not the roads most traveled but were very scenic. We stopped in Chama for gas and decided it was lunchtime, instead of waiting till Espanola as originally planned. We ate at the Elk Horn Cafe. They were so nice and friendly, and able to accommodate a large group of people easily. It was not a quick stop, but it was very enjoyable with tasty food. It was in Chama that George decided to just load his car on the trailer because he was continuing to have problems. We continued to Espanola and stopped there for gas and a stretch break. Deane and John left us there and continued to their destination. George noticed the tires on his trailer were low and was unable to get them filled like they should be, so he, Jackie, Donna, and Mark took off and passed us to get home quicker. We took the bypass around Santa Fe, and that's where Mac & JoAnn left us for their destination. The three cars left then went through Cerillos and Madrid. We stopped in Cedar Crest for a stretch break. Buzz left us after that, but the final two cars decided we had to eat dinner anyway. We had a great meal with Steve and Antoinette at Trail Rider Pizza. All in all, it was a great weekend, and everyone was back home by eight that evening.


Chris and Amy Joiner









Jokes of the Month


Did you hear about the first restaurant to open on the moon?  It had great food but no atmosphere.


What’s the difference between a hippo and a zippo?  One is really heavy , and the other is a little lighter.


Why should you never trust stairs?  Because they are always up to something.


When does a joke become a “dad” joke?  When it becomes apparent.




For Sale:  Radiator for 1953 Ford P.U. - very good $150.  Gary McGlasson 505-250-1586

For Sale:  1936 Ford Cabriolet, $30,000. Tan exterior, LeBaron-Bonney interior and top.  Working radio in box with correct controls is included.  Extra parts go with the convertible.  Bob Quirici 505-821-1646 or 505-350-2454

For Sale: Three disassembled 1940 Ford Trucks, with two titles and one flat head V-8 engine and transmission. Items sold as a package and not individually. $9500 or OBO. Contact Nick at 505-980-0841 or

For Sale:  1940 Mercury Sedan Coupe.  Call Max Glover for more information. 505-249-7344 Cell or 505-792-2011 Home.

For Sale:  1936 Ford Phaeton, $40,000. Call Chris Joiner 505-382-8723.

For Sale:  1940 Willys. Former gasser. All steel. 468 BBC, TH350 transmission, Ford 9” rear end, disc brakes all around, straight axle, Mustang steering box, Custom grey ultra leather interior, Kenwood stereo, alarm.  No A/C, PS, or PB. $79,000. Joe Abbin,, 505-263-1946. NM

Storage:  Outdoor $25/month, secure yard.  Joe Abbin 505-296-7678

Wanted:  1957 Ford ½ Ton Truck, Don Gutierrez 951-241-4959

Services Offered: Vintage engine rebuilding, any make, any model. Stock or modified. Dynamometer testing available. Results guaranteed. References available. Gary McGlasson, 505-250-1586.


Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2024


Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7pm North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center - Program Ford Service Manuals & Info by Joe Abbin, Refreshments Amy & Chris Joiner and Joe Abbin.

Saturday 13th Breakfast 8:30am Dave’s High Desert Grill.


Tuesday 6th Club Meeting 7pm North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center – Program by Jay Melin who will present a brief history of NM License plates.  Refreshments by the Clements.

Saturday 10th Breakfast 8:30am at Golden Corral


Tuesday 5th Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center - Program – Liz Johnson on the 1937 Ford.     Refreshments Jeff & Beth Jackson

Saturday 8th 8:30am, Breakfast at Sopa’s with a Tour of Frank Brown’s Collection following at 10am.


Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center - Program – Joe Baird on Ford Specials. Refreshments Joe Warren

Saturday 13th Breakfast 8:30am at Golden Corral

Sunday 28th Cruise & Schmooze at Sonic on San Mateo


Tuesday 7th Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center - Program – Joe Abbin on Grand National Roadster Show Slide Presentation & Rust Prevention Demo, Refreshments Liz Johnson

Sunday 19th Museum Car Show, 7:30am – 3pm - “The Roarin’20’s”, breakfast following set-up

Monday 27th 11 – 2, Club Birthday Party


Tuesday 4th Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center – Meeting was cancelled due to building maintenance.

Saturday 8th Breakfast 8:30am, Vick’s Vittles on Central –


Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center – Program by Gus and Deborah Van de Velde on Sheep Farming in Corrales, Refreshments Don Gutierrez

Thursday 4th Parade in Corrales and Picnic at Azevedo’s

Saturday 13th Breakfast 8:30am at Range Café 10019 Coors Blvd NW


Tuesday 6th Club Meeting 7pm – Program by Joyce Clements on Flathead Era Fashion, Refreshments Gary & Laurel McGlasson

Sunday 11th All Clubs Picnic at Oak Flats


Tuesday 3rd Club Meeting 7pm – Program by John Taylor on USS New Mexico Battleship.

Refreshments Max & Johanne Glover

Sunday 8th State Fair Car Show includes breakfast.


Tuesday 1st Club Meeting 7pm – Program by Roger Wilbur on Jewelry Making, Refreshments Larry & Lorna Azevedo

Friday – Sunday 11th – 13th - Trip to Durango to view the Aspens. Joint trip with the Model A’s.


Tuesday 5th Club Meeting 7pm Officer Election – Program by the Clements on attending the Eastern National Meet in Clayton, NY. Refreshments Rich & Barbara Polk

Saturday 9th Breakfast 8:30am Range Café at Cottonwood


Saturday 7th Club Christmas Party 1pm Potluck at George’s Warehouse

Tuesday 10th  Board meeting with new and old officers and directors plan for 2025, 7pm at Village Pizza in Corrales.

January 2025

Tuesday 7th Club Meeting 7pm North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center


Businesses Used by Members

(Send us names of businesses you have used)


1.     Starters and Alternators of New Mexico, 3711 Franciscan St NE, Albuquerque NM 87107, 505-344-5025, Eldon.

2.     Skinners Carburetor & Distributor Service, 3100 Pan American Fwy NE, Unit 6, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505-344-3704, Albert & Nic.

3.     McBride’s Springs & Welding, 1010 2nd St NW, Albuquerque NM 87102, 505-242-2174.

4.     Old Car Garage/World Wide Automotive, 3232 Girard Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 505-881-2722, Bob.

5.     The Santa Fe Detail, 7512 Avenger Way, Unit 2, Santa Fe NM 87507, 505-204-5120, Luis.

6.     Auto Glass Now, 8201 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 87110, 505-897-9000.  Also at 8301 San Pedro NE, Albuquerque NM 87113, 505-445-7022

7.     Wild Heart Ranch Texas, 3120 FM 1995, Van TX 75790, 505-908-7565