PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015, 7 pm. Old Car Garage at 3232 Girard Blvd NE. Refreshments by Leupolds and Glovers. Program by Jim and Joyce Clements, “V8 Club History”.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 7pm. Jackson’s house, 8322 Calle Picaflor NW.

BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday, March 21, 2015, Lunch at Harla Mae’s in Belen. See article for details.

CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at   Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page.

FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is




President: R. Jeff Jackson (

Vice-President: Lou Gorenz (

Secretary: Beth Jackson (

Treasurer: D.J. MacAlister (

Director: Joe Abbin (

Director: Bob Payne

Director: Bill Verant (

Director: Jay Hertz (



Jim & Joyce Clements will present a multi-media program about the history of the Tumbleweed V-8 Club. There will be pictures, articles, newsletters and old rosters from the beginning idea of the club in 1973 to its founding, charter, first meeting minutes, and early events. Anyone who has anything to contribute from the early years of the club is welcome to bring it along.



Harla May’s Fat Boy Grill

710 Dalies Ave, Belen  (505) 864-2211

Located in the historic old Onate Theater in downtown Belen, Harla May’s is a fun restaurant with a 1950’s themed décor.  The walls are decorated with lots of automotive and Route 66 memorabilia.  Join us there for a fun lunch on Saturday, March 21st.  We will assemble in the UNM Pit parking lot and leave from there at 10:30am.  For those who live south of Albuquerque we plan to arrive at the restaurant at 11:30am.  As they used to say:  “Be There or Be Square!”


President’s Letter                by Jeff Jackson

The newsletter editor of this thing does not cut me any slack.  Friday she was preparing newsletter and said she needed a long President’s letter – she had extra space.   Then Saturday at the club breakfast she took pictures and told me to write a short President’s letter.  Whew, guess it is best to do it her way. 

We are making good progress on plans for 2015.  We had a nice February trip to J and R Museum, March will be a trip to Belen and Harla Mae’s; and the big overnight trip to Gallup is planned for late April.    The Gallup trip tentative plan is to leave Friday afternoon April 24th and return Saturday April 25th.   This allows us to spend a full evening and breakfast seeing all the sights at the historic El Rancho hotel and visit the Indian Flea market and still be back in Albuquerque before dark on Saturday.  The Flea Market is not open on Sunday.  We are also making good progress on signing up members for 2015.  Please NOTE, you need to pay your dues for 2015 – yes, time does fly.

The Club Program for March will generate a lot of interest and discussion.  I know many of the new(er) members are interesting in hearing about club history.

Periodically I will add some interesting links here.   They will also be on the web site.


This is a link to a 1932 one-of-a-kind Ford Chassis story.


This is a link to some incredible cars build for fun.   Hint – when you hit the brakes it rolls over.


This is a link to an old Dodge advertisement showing how tough they were.


Minutes of the February 3rd Meeting          Secretary, Beth Jackson

Meeting was called to order by President Jeff. There were 19 members present. Treasurer DJ reported that $225 in dues had been paid so far leaving us with a balance of $5,660.63 in checking and savings. Thanks to Joyce Clements and Dee Patterson for providing refreshments.

DJ brought a piston for Show and Tell.  Jay guessed correctly that it was from the Double Radial Engine, 16 cyl engines that powered the B24 Liberty bomber in WWII.  Jay had a head start on the rest of us because his presentation for this meeting was about the auto industry response to WWII.

Old Business:  Joyce gave the car council report. The May 17th Museum car show will headline 100 years of Dodge. July 11th will be Collector Car Appreciation Day with several activities being planned. August 9th will be the All Clubs Picnic at Oak Flats. Recipe of the month for February was provided by Johanne Glover. She selected Joyce Clements to provide the recipe for March. Joe Abbin is still selling copies of his new book to club members at a 10% discount with half of the cost being donated to the club. Membership renewal time is ongoing. Members were urged to pay their dues for 2015.

New Business:  Saturday, February 21st at 8:30am is the monthly breakfast. The location this month is Wecks at 4500 Osuna NE and was selected by Ross Collord. The club tour will be drive to Bernalillo to the J & R Museum following breakfast. The March breakfast will be a lunch at Harla Mae’s in Belen on Saturday, March 21st.

The second board meeting of the year will be held Tuesday, February 10th, 7pm at Jeff and Beth Jackson’s house. It will be a continuation of the planning session for 2015 activities.

Overnight tour plans for Gallup in the month of April will be worked out at the board meeting. Jeff reported that the Indian Flea Market is not open on Sunday and the club members present seemed to support a Friday night stay in order to attend the flea market on Saturday.

Bob Agnew reported that Spring Thaw is scheduled for April 18th and that reservations will be taken after March 1.

Frank Corey had received a phone call from a former member, Carl, who has V8 Times from 1995-2010 to give away. Frank has the phone number to call if anyone is interested.

Joe Abbin has been nominated by Mayor Berry to be part of the Civilian Police Council. He will accept comments and complaints to report to the council.

Refreshments were enjoyed and the raffle was held. After the raffle, Jeff conducted an auction to sell the “Balloon Ride for 2” tickets that were generously donated by Frank Corey. After some spirited bidding, Beth Jackson was the winning bidder and the club treasury was increased by $150. Thank you, Frank.

Jay Hertz then gave a fascinating talk on Ford Motor Company’s response to WWII and what they did for the war effort. Thank you, Jay.

Minutes of the February 10th Board Meeting

Secretary, Beth Jackson

The board met to continue planning activities and meetings for 2015. Eight members were present. The treasurer was asked to develop a simple budget so we can determine how much money is available to do the club purpose.

DJ volunteered to organize the March lunch at Harla Mae’s. We agreed to meet at the Pit parking lot at 10:30 am on March 21st to drive to Belen. Joe volunteered to arrange Paintless Dent repair presentation for April in conjunction with Lou. It was agreed that Joe would speak on superchargers at the July meeting. Several other topics were suggested that will be firmed up when possible presenters have agreed to present. It was suggested and agreed that we will have a table top model display in November along with the officer election.

April 24th and 25th was selected for our overnight tour to Gallup. The tentative plan is to leave Albuquerque at 2:30pm on Friday and to attend the Indian Flea Market on Saturday morning, returning to Albuquerque by dark on Saturday.

Joe Abbin is considering having an all Ford swap meet at his shop some Saturday morning. June 13th was selected for our charity event at a nursing home. DJ will coordinate this. It was suggested that we schedule a tour of Sam Griego’s garage, and Jeff offered to find out the details. It was agreed that we would add a ride on the “singing highway” in October when we drive to Moriarity. The suggestion was made to add a tour of Dave Dawn’s garage after breakfast in November. The idea was suggested to compare and contrast a 1940 Chevy and a 1940 Ford on a Saturday at a park. No definite plans were made. Jay suggested a club fishing trip and Jeff volunteered his property north of Ojo Caliente, approximately 135 miles away. No further plans were made.

The Memorial Day Club Birthday Party was discussed. It was decided to have an ad in Craigslist and not the newspaper this year. Joe proposed having a trunk sale/swap meet, only automotive items, for members and friends only. It was discussed whether we try to attract lots of people, whether we feed them all, or whether we do a schedule such as meet at 11, eat at 12, invite public to car show at 1 and have our raffle at 2.  Further discussion will be held.

The meeting was adjourned with plans to meet on Tuesday, April 14th.     



RECIPE OF THE MONTH by Joyce Clements



1 Pillsbury yellow cake mix                  1/4 cup soft butter

1 lb can apricot halves                          3 eggs

2/3 cup reserved apricot syrup           1 Tbsp grated orange peel


1/2 cup apricot preserves                     1-2 tsp apricot syrup


Grease 12-cup Bundt pan with solid shortening. Sprinkle greased pan

with sugar. Drain apricots; reserve syrup. Measure 1 cup apricots.

Combine cake mix, apricots. apricot syrup, butter, eggs and orange

peel.* Beat 2 minutes at high speed, scraping sides of bowl. Pour

batter into prepared pan and bake 40-50 minutes at 350 degrees, or

until toothpick comes out clean. Cool upright in pan 45 minutes. Turn

out onto serving plate and cool completely. Mix glaze ingredients,

adding just enough syrup to drizzle nicely. Spoon over cake.

*Above 5200', add 3 Tbsp flour to cake mix and bake at 375 degrees

35-40 minutes.





Happy Birthday to:                                            Happy Anniversary to:



Larry Azevedo (6)                                                  Al & Geri Gallegos (7)

Bob Payne (15)                                                    Frank & Dorothy Hammond (29)

Frank Corey (26)

Frank Hammond (28)                                                                                                                          

February Breakfast at Wecks

Thanks to Ross Collord we had a reserved room at Wecks for the February breakfast.   It allowed us to have nice conversation and we were all able to sit around a single large table area. There were 16 folks at breakfast and about 6 club cars made the tour.  I believe everyone enjoyed the fine Wecks food before leaving for a drive to J and R Museum.  We left Wecks and took 2nd to Alameda then had a nice calm drive through Corrales. Lots of folks in Corrales honked and waved as our old car caravan drove through.  Joyce, Jim and Will met us at the museum bringing the total to 19 who either had breakfast or made the tour.  Let’s get an even bigger group for the March lunch in Belen – we may plan a surprise activity after the March lunch.




    Rosie the Riveter was not a real person; she represented the women who worked in factories during World War II. She originated in a song written in 1942 by Red Evans & John Jacob Loeb. It was originally sung by the Four Vagabonds, and it was later featured in two movies, "Follow the Band" in 1943 and "Rosie the Riveter" in 1944.


While other girls attend a favorite cocktail bar,

Sipping dry martinis, munching caviar;

There's a girl who's really putting them to shame –

Rosie is her name.

All the day long, whether rain or shine

She's a part of the assembly line.

She's making history, working for victory,

Rosie the Riveter.

Keeps a sharp lookout for sabotage, sitting up there on the fuselage.

That little girl will do more than a male will do.

Rosie's got a boyfriend, Charlie;

Charlie, he's a Marine.

Rosie is protecting Charlie, working overtime on the riveting machine.

When they gave her a production "E",

She was as proud as she could be.

There's something true about, Red, White and Blue about,

Rosie the Riveter.

   When asked, Loeb's widow, Janet Loeb, said the song was not based on an actual person, but that "Rosie the Riveter" was chosen because of its alliteration

     The May 29, 1943, issue of the Saturday Evening Post, featured a Norman Rockwell portrait of Rosie on the cover. His model was Mary Doyle, a 19 year-old telephone operator from Arlington, Vermont. "Rosie" wore goggles and a face visor and had a rivet gun in her lap as she ate a sandwich. Her lunch box was labeled "Rosie." In 1943, J. Howard Miller painted "We Can Do It," a poster for Westinghouse, trying to entice women into the work force. In the 1970's, this poster was mistakenly labeled, "Rosie the Riveter," and since, she has appeared on posters, mugs, and various other articles. Even the Smithsonian has items with this picture as Rosie.

     Several companies have tried to claim Rosie as their own. Ford Motor Co. had a Rosie. The March, 2015 issue of Hemmings Classic Car says Rosie originated at the Kaiser Liberty shipyards in Richmond, California. The same article stated that Henry J. Kaiser insisted on welding seams on the ships he built. He thought welding made a stronger seam and was less work than riveting. There was a postcard from Kaiser Shipyards showing Janet Doyle in overalls and holding her lunchbox; she was named, "Wendy the Welder."

     On June 8, 1943, Rose Bonavita and her partner Jennie Piorito drove a record 3,345 rivets into the wing of a Grumman Avenger torpedo bomber during the 8-hour night shift. They were employed by Eastern Aircraft in Tarrytown, NY. Rose's hometown named her "Peekskill's Rosie." This was 5 months after the song had been aired. Years later, Rose was quoted as saying, "I wasn't the Rosie the Riveter, and I never claimed to be."

     Briefly, the Great Depression was plagued with a shortage of jobs. Many men and women felt that one income per family was enough; men wanted to provide for their families, and women thought their place was at home. When duty called the men overseas to fight, they needed equipment and supplies. Women were needed to fill jobs at home. The government and industry came up with ads, posters and articles encouraging women to overcome their reluctance to work outside the home and take jobs men would otherwise fill. Many of the jobs were involved in war materials production, and women were hired to take over. Training was a part of the contract. Many who had done only household chores up to this time were now learning to weld, install rivets, use machines, do mechanical work, drive heavy equipment and trucks, and fly finished aircraft to their destinations. An attitude of "We Can Do It" developed as ladies began to put their all into helping their men win the war. Thus Rosie represented all the women in the work force, not just a single girl.

     Soon after the war ended, many women got their severance pay. The men would be returning soon to reclaim their jobs, and war materials needed to be manufactured no longer. "Rosie" went back to her pre-war life. She had done her job, and now it was time to retire.

     Because of the War, women took their place as part of the industrial and business world and now they play an important role in the world of work. Rosie has become a sort of symbol of this transformation. She lives on in stories and legends, many of them largely made up.

     You can google "Rosie the Riveter" and listen to the Vagabonds sing it on your computer.

     Most of the material in this story came from Rosie the Riveter by Penny Colman, published in 1995. It appears to have been fairly well researched. It's a good read with lots of photos.                             Submitted by Joyce Clements



Joke of the Month

A man and his wife were having an argument about who should brew the coffee each morning.  The wife said, “You should do it because you get up first, and then we don’t have to wait as long to get our coffee.”  The husband said, “You are in charge of cooking around here and you should do it, because that is your job, and I can just wait for my coffee.”  Wife replies, “No, you should do it, and besides, it is in the Bible that the man should do the coffee.”  Husband replies, “I can’t believe that, show me…”  So she fetched the Bible and opened the New Testament and showed him at the top of several pages that it indeed says, “HEBREWS”.



Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2015


Tuesday 3rd Club Meeting 7pm  V-8 Club History by Jim and Joyce Clements. Refreshments Leupolds and Glovers.

Saturday 21st Harla Mae’s Tour and Lunch


Tuesday 7th Club Meeting 7pm   Refreshments Ross Collord and Jay Hertz.

Tuesday 14th Board Meeting 7pm at the Jacksons, 8322 Calle Picaflor NW.

Saturday 18th Breakfast 8:30am

Saturday 18th Spring Thaw, Worldwide Automotive

Friday/Saturday 24th & 25th  Overnight trip and tour to Gallup.  Overnight at El Rancho and visit to Indian Flea Market.


Tuesday 5th Club Meeting 7pm  Compare and Contrast 1936 and 1953 Automobiles. Refreshments Ray Calderon.

Saturday 16th Breakfast 8:30am

Sunday 17th Museum Car Show

Monday 25th Club Birthday Party at Los Ranchos


Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7pm  Refreshments Mary & Lou Gorenz.

Saturday 13th Charity Event @ Nursing Home

Saturday 20th Breakfast 8:30am


Saturday 4th Parade in Corrales and Hopefully Picnic at Azevedo’s

Tuesday 7th Club Meeting 7pm  Joe Abbin on Superchargers.  Refreshments Beth & Jeff Jackson.

Saturday 18th Breakfast 8:30am


Tuesday 4th Club Meeting 7pm  Comedy Night. Refreshments Bob Quirici.

Sunday 9th All Clubs Picnic

Saturday 15th Breakfast 8:30am


Tuesday 1st Club Meeting 7pm Tentative program Paint & Body Shop

Sunday 20th (tentative) State Fair

Saturday 19th Breakfast 8:30am

Fri - Sun 25-27 Los Lunas Swap Meet


Tuesday 6th Club Meeting 7pm  Ladies Night

Saturday 17th Breakfast and tour of Archie Lewis’ in Moriarity with a drive on the singing highway.


Tuesday 3rd Club Meeting 7pm  Officer Election and Table Top Model Display

Saturday 21st Breakfast 8:30am with a tour of Dave Dawn’s garage following.


Tuesday 1st Club Christmas Party

Saturday 19th Breakfast 8:30am



March 7 – NSRA Appreciation Day – Adult Toy Factory, Las Cruces – Open – Bob Nall (575)382-5742

March 13-15 – 6th Spring Nationals – Westworld, Scottsdale, AZ – Pre-'73 – Goodguys (925)838-9876 or

March 14 – Rich Ford Show – Rich Ford, Lomas & Wyoming – 10am-3pm – All makes, models, years welcome – Free – Food, music, fun – Bruce Shaffer

March 14 – Test N Tune – Arroyo Seco Race Track, Arroyo Seco – Open – Roger (575)494-4794 or

March 15 – ASR Drags Season Opener– Arroyo Seco Race Track, Arroyo Seco – Open – Roger (575)494-4794 or

March 18-21 – AACA Annual Grand National & Western Spring Dual Meets – Tucson, AZ –

March 20-22 – 5th Spring Lone Star Nationals – Texas Motor Speedway, Ft. Worth, TX – Pre-'73 – Goodguys  (925)838-9876

March 21 – Wheels of Dreams 2015 – Field of Dreams, Las Cruces – Cindy Torres (575)649-1646

March 21 – Worth Hearing Center Cruise-In – Penn-Mont Professional Plaza, 7520 Montgomery NE – Community Appreciation Event for patients and car enthusiasts – 10am-2pm – Open to pre-'72 hot rods, muscle cars, classics – Free BBQ and prizes – Lots of parking – Anale or (505)872-4327 or (505)814-1403 for more information

March 27-28 – Artesia 18th Annual Main Event, Show & Cruise – Heritage Plaza, Downtown Artesia –

Cruising for the kids – Friday Registration 1-6, and Cruise 6:30; Saturday Registration & Setup 7-11, Show 9-4, with professional judging – Entry $25, free T-shirt if registered by March 14 – "The Babe", 1948 Lincoln Continental of Babe Ruth's will be there collecting  donations for St. Jude's Children's Hospital – Frank or Dorothy Hammond (575)746-9477 or Gene or Dolores McCaskill (575)746-4796 – Entry form from or

April 10-12 – 42nd Annual Texas Tour 2015, Abilene – Sponsored by Big Country Early Ford V8 Club – Holly Hoemke (325)672-5774, (325)428-9550 or for registration information

June 8-11 Early Ford V-8 Club Eastern National Meet – Concord, NC – Includes NASCAR Race Shop Tours, Charlotte Motor Speedway, Swap Meet and Concours – or 

July 12-16 – Early Ford V-8 Central National Meet– Cragun's Resort, Brainerd, MN – Pontoon boat rides, Concours, Surprises – for registration






Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter.  Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads (for sale items will continue to be updated at the meetings).  The deadline for submissions is the 24th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-890-2704, or email: