MEETS FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH, 7:00 P.M, North Domingo Baca Mutigenerational Center,
7600 Carmel NE, Albuquerque, NM
PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 7 pm at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, 7600 Carmel NE, one-half block North and West of Paseo Del Norte and Wyoming. Program by Roger Wilbur on Jewelry Making.
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at www.abqfordflatheadv8.com Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page. More club pictures are on the website.
FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is www.fordv8foundation.org
October 1st Club Meeting
Tuesday, October 1st will be the next club meeting held at 7pm at North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center, 7600 Carmel NE.
Member Roger Wilbur will be giving us a presentation on his jewelry making. Roger is a sculptor, jewelry maker, entrepreneur and car enthusiast. His work is displayed in several top galleries in Santa Fe.
As usual, there will be a raffle with lots of goodies, please bring anything you might want to give away. Refreshments will be provided by Larry and Lorna Azevedo.
October Birthdays & Anniversaries
Linda Frazer (9) Joe & Anita Warren (7)
Amy Joiner (25) Bud Hennessey/Linda Frazer (9)
Gus & Debbie Van de Velde (30)
2024 October President’s Message - Joe Abbin
Roger Wilbur will be the speaker at our October meeting at the North Domingo Baca Multi-generational Center. See announcement elsewhere in this newsletter. Roger is a club member and world class gold and silversmith from Santa Fe. He will bring samples of his tools and classic southwestern jewelry and describe the creation processes. Don’t miss this one!
Last month we exhibited at the state fair. This was a great event for showing off our flatheads and recruiting new members (we snagged two). Only one homicide among half a million plus visitors! We had fourteen cars on Ford Sunday including the debut of Joe Warren’s golden 1940 Deluxe Coupe. Several trucks showed up including Paul Beck’s 1932 and Gus and Debbie’s 1946 one ton versions. Lighter duty trucks included Chris and Amy’s 1935, Al Edwards’ 1936, and Don Gutierrez’s 1939. Wow, truck city! Thanks to all exhibitors and friends.
Speaking of trucks, former members Lou and Melodie Henckel (now living in TX) were high bidders on the club’s 1951 F-1 parts truck donated by Eli Contreras. The Clements were high bidders for the 8BA/8RT engine also donated by Eli. Thanks to all involved.
Lou and Melodie Henckel
Flathead weather (cool) is here! See info on Durango tour this month elsewhere in this newsletter!
November is election of officer’s month and we have an enthusiastic slate of candidates. See board meeting minutes elsewhere in this newsletter. Additional candidates can be nominated at this month’s meeting. The ballot will be included with the November newsletter.
See you in October……I think that is a famous song? Be there!
Joe Abbin
Minutes of the September Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Joe. There were twenty-seven people present. Included in that were four guests, who are all Model A club members, and our speaker, John Taylor. Treasurer Amy reported that there wasn’t much to report other than the club purchased new business cards.
Joe offered birthday and anniversary greetings. Thanks to Max & Johanne Glover for our delicious refreshments. There were no additions or corrections to the August meeting minutes. Joe Baird gave a car council report. There are lots of upcoming events. They are listed on the car council website. However, two to make note of are the State Fair on 9/08 and the Sock Hop Cruise In on 9/21.
Joe talked about the offer the club has received regarding the pickup that has been donated to the club. It turns out the couple who now live in Texas are the highest bidders for that. The Clements are buying the engine. The total for the two items will be $1100 for the club. Joe asked Amy to produce a receipt for Eli Contreras to acknowledge the donation of the truck and engine.
Our club breakfast this month will be at the State Fair, once we get the cars all set up.
Joe announced that our day at the State Fair is Sunday, September 8th. The west side/Corrales people will meet at Lowe’s on Alameda at 7:00am. They will then meet everyone else at Fair Plaza to drive into the fair at 8:00am.
Joe Warren asked about having Tumbleweed license plates for the front of cars. Joe Abbin showed off one he previously got at the fair and suggested members look there to see what they can find.
Tuesday, October 1st will be our next meeting. Roger Wilbur will give an informative presentation on jewelry making.
The 9/14 drive to Chimayo got cancelled because it will be too early to see the fall colors. Joe suggested doing that drive on 9/28 and asked for a show of hands of those interested. There were several hands raised, so hopefully we can make that happen and have a good turnout.
Larry Icerman announced that he is opening his garages for those interested on 9/21.
There will be a board meeting on Tuesday 9/10 at Village Pizza in Corrales at 7pm.
Chris announced that the Aspen Tour will be taking place October 11-13. The deadline to make hotel reservations is 9/16. Flyers will either be sent by email or at the fair.
October 19 is a benefit car show in Grants. The connection to Tumbleweed club is Jeff and Beth’s classmate.
October 19 is also Philip Lovato’s “Feed the Kids” show.
Max Glover announced that he has a ton, or two, or ford parts. He asked if anyone would be willing to take them to a swap meet and sell them for him.
Larry Bost brought an interesting item for show and tell. We then had an exciting raffle, with a few prizes, and refreshments.
John Taylor gave an informative presentation on the USS New Mexico Battleship. This spring marked the 107th anniversary of the launching of the battleship, called by many The Queen of the Sea. The magnificent warship witnessed the end of both World War I and World War II and earned six battle starts for her participation in the Pacific Island Campaign. It was one of the country’s largest naval vessels.
Amy Joiner
Newsletter Note
Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads, and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter. Please understand we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so try and submit typed and proofed articles, comments, and new want ads. The deadline for submissions is the 20th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-908-7564, or email: JBJaxun@gmail.com
President: Joe Abbin (roadrunnerengr@msn.com) 505-263-1946
Vice-President: Chris Joiner (amy2001tweety@hotmailcom) 505-382-8723
Secretary: Jackie Abernathy (docszoo22@gmail.com) 505-269-4010
Treasurer: Amy Joiner (amy2001tweety@hotmail.com) 505-382-8724
Director: George Abernathy (docszoo22@gmail.com) 505-771-2113
Director: Joe Baird (clanbaird@gmail.com) 505-263-5329
Director: Larry Bost (LBost111@gmail.com) 505-379-7891
Director: Jeff Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com) 505-908-7565
Liz Johnson (diesel_buster@yahoo.com) 505-281-5747
Director: Bill Joiner (joinerenterprise@cs.com) 505-238-1794
Director: Roger Wilbur 505-603-5031
Fall Aspen Tour 2024
Million Dollar Highway
The plan is to meet on Friday, October 11th, 9am at Bernalillo Walmart and head out for Durango. Saturday we will drive the Million Dollar Highway to Silverton, have lunch, then return to our hotel in Durango. We plan to leave Durango Sunday morning, traveling through Pagosa Springs, Espanola, Santa Fe and Madrid to come home. We have a block of rooms reserved at the Hampton Inn in Durango. The rate is $235/night. It is the lowest rate we were able to negotiate. October is still their busy time, so hotels are either booked up or ridiculously expensive. To book a room, please go to https://www.hilton.com, put Durango, Colorado in the "where to" field, enter the dates of 10/11 to 10/13. Next, click the "special rates" box and enter TCC (Tumbleweed Car Club) in the Group Code Box. The negotiated price will then populate. The deadline to book is 9/16. If you have trouble booking, please let Chris or Amy know.
Jokes of the Month
One Sunday the pastor was talking about prayer during the children’s sermon. One precocious six-year-old piped up and said, “My mommy prays with me every night!” “That’s wonderful,” said the pastor. “What does she say when she prays with you? Do you use a certain prayer?” “Oh, no,” the boy replied, “She just says, ‘Thank you, God. He’s in bed!’”
A businessman ordered flowers to be sent to the opening of his friend’s new branch office. When the businessman got there, he was shocked to see the flowe3rs with the inscription, “Rest in Peace.” He was so outraged that he stopped at the florist to complain. “It could be worse,” the florist said. “Just think: Today someone was buried beneath a floral arrangement with the inscription, ‘Congratulations on Your New Location!’”
Sept. 10 Board Meeting Minutes
1. Club budget, cash flow, and dues
Review 2023 &2024 budgets/P&Ls
Amy brought club P&L handouts for everyone. It was determined that most of the time we are not “making money” but just holding money that has been in our accounts for 24 years. It was decided that we would not lower our dues. We would, however, try to come up with a beneficial way to spend some of the reserve we have to fulfil our educational mission.
Discuss non-profit status, whether we should reduce dues, major project suggestions
Change banks to generate more income?
Joe A did some research as far as Tumbleweeds being a 501c3 or 501c4 organization. We are listed by the state as a non-profit corporation but not as a 501c3 or 501c4 as determined by the IRS. Regardless, we are a nonprofit, educational, community beneficial organization and contributions to the club are generally tax deductible. Amy will provide a receipt for Eli Contreras for the truck and motor that was donated to the club. Joe A will help with wording.
The board brainstormed major projects and other options to productively spend some of our money reserve. Jeff and Joe will investigate local auto shop class options for possible donations to support those programs.
Joe visited Sandia Lab Credit Union to find out charges and interest rates for business accounts. They appear to pay much higher dividends than our present Bank of America accounts that only pay us pennies each month for all the money we have there. Amy will do more research on whether it would be worth switching banks.
2. Nominations for 2025 officers. We are the nominating committee.
President – Joe Abbin
VP – Debbie Van De Velde (agreed after board meeting)
Secretary – Liz Johnson
Treasurer – Amy Joiner
Directors – George Abernathy, Jackie Abernathy, Joe Baird, Larry Bost, Jeff Jackson, Roger Wilbur, and Anthony Wagner (agreed after the board meeting, and will replace Bill Joiner)
3. Programs and tours etc. for rest of year.
October – club meeting presentation by Roger Wilbur on SW Jewelry Creation. The planned activity is a trip to Durango with the Model As.
November – meeting presentation by Joe A on flathead lubricants, a model car show, and election of 2025 officers.
December – Christmas party at the Abernathy’s December 7 (confirmed with George and Jackie)
4. Anything else
George mentioned being disappointed in the lack of interest in the upcoming tour to Durango. He wishes tours would be promoted more than they are. Joe A clarified that it is up to the people sponsoring the tour to promote it. Amy will send out a flyer by email, before 9/16 registration deadline for the Durango tour.
Amy Joiner
There was a time when ladies, especially the elite social set, received callers wearing “pajamas” created and specially made for entertaining guests. I do not know when this fad started, but it was very popular in the 1920s and continued into the 1930s. I think it ceased by about 1940. If you read stories written in that era, you will find mention of female characters lounging on a long couch and hosting tea or cocktail parties – very romantic!
The picture to the left is from an April, 1932, catalogue from Jean Robert Inc, “Exclusive prints and fine fabrics,” 469 Fifth Avenue, New York. It was addressed, “To our distinguished clientele.” Much of the lingerie was made in the Philippines. Labor was cheap there, and the ladies did some of the finest hand needlework in the world. They were very clever with their work, but not in designing. Items were designed for them in New York, and they would duplicate them in beautiful handwork and for a reasonable price. If you check labels on lingerie and baby clothes from that era, you will find many that are “Made in the Philippines.” Note the suggested fabrics above each design.
Joyce Clements
State Fair Photos
Amy with prize winning afghan
Amy’s Afghan
Amy’s Sweater
Jackie’s First Prize Ammonite
For Sale: Radiator for 1953 Ford P.U. - very good $150. Gary McGlasson 505-250-1586
For Sale: 1936 Ford Cabriolet, $30,000. Tan exterior, LeBaron-Bonney interior and top. Working radio in box with correct controls is included. Extra parts go with the convertible. Bob Quirici 505-821-1646 or 505-350-2454
For Sale: Three disassembled 1940 Ford Trucks, with two titles and one flat head V-8 engine and transmission. Items sold as a package and not individually. $9500 or OBO. Contact Nick at 505-980-0841 or nick.s.bakas@gmail.com
For Sale: 1940 Mercury Sedan Coupe. Call Max Glover for more information. 505-249-7344 Cell or 505-792-2011 Home.
For Sale: 1936 Ford Phaeton, $40,000. Call Chris Joiner 505-382-8723.
For Sale: 1940 Willys. Former gasser. All steel. 468 cu.in. BBC, TH350 transmission, Ford 9” rear end, disc brakes all around, straight axle, Mustang steering box, Custom grey ultra leather interior, Kenwood stereo, alarm. No A/C, PS, or PB. $79,000. Joe Abbin, roadrunnerengr@msn.com, 505-263-1946. NM
Storage: Outdoor $25/month, secure yard. Joe Abbin 505-296-7678
Wanted: 1957 Ford ½ Ton Truck, Don Gutierrez 951-241-4959
Services Offered: Vintage engine rebuilding, any make, any model. Stock or modified. Dynamometer testing available. Results guaranteed. References available. Gary McGlasson, 505-250-1586.
Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2024
Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7pm North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center - Program Ford Service Manuals & Info by Joe Abbin, Refreshments Amy & Chris Joiner and Joe Abbin.
Saturday 13th Breakfast 8:30am Dave’s High Desert Grill.
Tuesday 6th Club Meeting 7pm North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center – Program by Jay Melin who will present a brief history of NM License plates. Refreshments by the Clements.
Saturday 10th Breakfast 8:30am at Golden Corral
Tuesday 5th Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center - Program – Liz Johnson on the 1937 Ford. Refreshments Jeff & Beth Jackson
Saturday 8th 8:30am, Breakfast at Sopa’s with a Tour of Frank Brown’s Collection following at 10am.
Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center - Program – Joe Baird on Ford Specials. Refreshments Joe Warren
Saturday 13th Breakfast 8:30am at Golden Corral
Sunday 28th Cruise & Schmooze at Sonic on San Mateo
Tuesday 7th Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center - Program – Joe Abbin on Grand National Roadster Show Slide Presentation & Rust Prevention Demo, Refreshments Liz Johnson
Sunday 19th Museum Car Show, 7:30am – 3pm - “The Roarin’20’s”, breakfast following set-up
Monday 27th 11 – 2, Club Birthday Party
Tuesday 4th Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center – Meeting was cancelled due to building maintenance.
Saturday 8th Breakfast 8:30am, Vick’s Vittles on Central –
Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7pm N Domingo Baca Center – Program by Gus and Deborah Van de Velde on Sheep Farming in Corrales, Refreshments Don Gutierrez
Thursday 4th Parade in Corrales and Picnic at Azevedo’s
Saturday 13th Breakfast 8:30am at Range Café 10019 Coors Blvd NW
Tuesday 6th Club Meeting 7pm – Program by Joyce Clements on Flathead Era Fashion, Refreshments Gary & Laurel McGlasson
Sunday 11th All Clubs Picnic at Oak Flats
Tuesday 3rd Club Meeting 7pm – Program by John Taylor on USS New Mexico Battleship.
Refreshments Max & Johanne Glover
Sunday 8th State Fair Car Show includes breakfast.
Tuesday 1st Club Meeting 7pm – Program by Roger Wilbur on Jewelry Making, Refreshments Larry & Lorna Azevedo
Friday – Sunday 11th – 13th - Trip to Durango to view the Aspens. Joint trip with the Model A’s.
Tuesday 5th Club Meeting 7pm Officer Election – Program by Joe Abbin on Flathead Lubrication, Refreshments Rich & Barbara Polk
Saturday 9th Breakfast 8:30am
Saturday 7th Club Christmas Party 1pm Potluck at George’s Warehouse
Tuesday 3rd (tentative Board meeting with new and old officers and directors plan for 2025
Businesses Used by Members
(Send us names of businesses you have used)
1. Starters and Alternators of New Mexico, 3711 Franciscan St NE, Albuquerque NM 87107, 505-344-5025, Eldon.
2. Skinners Carburetor & Distributor Service, 3100 Pan American Fwy NE, Unit 6, Albuquerque, NM 87107, 505-344-3704, Albert & Nic.
3. McBride’s Springs & Welding, 1010 2nd St NW, Albuquerque NM 87102, 505-242-2174.
4. Old Car Garage/World Wide Automotive, 3232 Girard Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 505-881-2722, Bob.
5. The Santa Fe Detail, 7512 Avenger Way, Unit 2, Santa Fe NM 87507, 505-204-5120, Luis.
6. Auto Glass Now, 8201 Menaul Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM 87110, 505-897-9000. Also at 8301 San Pedro NE, Albuquerque NM 87113, 505-445-7022
7. Wild Heart Ranch Texas, 3120 FM 1995, Van TX 75790, 505-908-7565