Hello, Tumbleweed V-8’ers,
It’s membership renewal time. Please send in your annual dues and renewal form by February 27, 2022, so you don’t miss out on any newsletters or activities. Please make your $25.00 check payable to Tumbleweed RG and hand to or mail to:
Tumbleweed Regional Group
PO Box 21538
Albuquerque, NM 87154-1538
Don’t forget to also pay your National dues. The cost is $35.00 per year, which includes the V-8 Times, worldwide roster of members, umbrella liability insurance for club activities, and ballots to vote for directors and changes. If you choose not to receive the magazine, you may send in $5.00 for your membership without the V-8 Times. You will receive all membership benefits except for the magazine.
We look forward to your participation in the coming year! Happy V-8-ing.
Please let us know any changes you’ve made so we can update the Club roster. If there are no changes, all we need is your name.
Name: __________________________________ Spouse: ____________________________
Birthday: ____________Spouse’s Birthday ____________ Anniversary __________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________________
Telephone number(s): ____________________________ Email: _______________________
(Use reverse side for additional vehicles)
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