PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 7, 7:00 p.m., Old Car Garage, 3232 Girard Blvd NE. The meeting will be a sharing of automotive related memorabilia. Refreshments by Larry & Meg Williams and Bob Payne.
BREAKFAST GROUP: Saturday, October 18th, 10 am, Tram ride and lunch.
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at www.abqfordflatheadv8.com Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page.
FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is www.fordv8foundation.org
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Jeff Jackson, President
Howdy folks! Well here it is early in the month of October and I am brain dead. Not to be confused with the normal state of forgetful or absent minded. Brain dead is the place you reach when you realize summer is over and you didn’t finish those promised projects or all the honey do list. In my case I still have a 1952 Wagon on a lift that Beth keeps asking me about. Also, there is a mailbox out front I was supposed to replace this summer and didn’t (yet). To overcome the grief I remind myself what I got done this summer –jeez the list is short – hence the term brain dead. What about you? A good summer of meaningful projects completed I hope. For me, September ended with three days of people watching. I was exhausted watching Joyce keeping everything organized. With encouragement from Max and Lou the three of us spent time at the big Los Lunas swap meet and I did manage to sell a few things and make some space. Then wham bam thank you Dee and Tom, I ended up bringing home a bigger item then I sold. Oh, well.
I think next month I will focus on get up and go. You know the thing that got up and went last week?
At the Directors meeting we decided the October meeting would be BYOB – bring your own brochure. For the October meeting we are asking that you bring a sales brochure or other Ford literature or memorabilia that you would like to share with the group. Any items that would be special or specific to the women in the group would be great! The history of the brochure, what was happening to Ford at the time, how you acquired the item would all be interesting topics for discussion.
The October tour/breakfast is planned as a combined activity of a Tram trip and lunch either at the top (where sandwich prices are reasonable) or back near the base of the tram at County Line BBQ. We will discuss at the meeting who is interested in this trip or what alternatives do you suggest. Please be prepared to discuss options.
President: R. Jeff Jackson (jbjaxun@gmail.com)
Vice-President: Bob Quirici (bjq1985@aol.com)
Secretary: Larry Williams (l-m-williams@comcast.net)
Treasurer: Lou Gorenz (lmgorenz@comcast.net)
Technical Director: Joe Abbin (roadrunnerengr@msn.com)
Touring Director: John Shelton (john.shelton33@yahoo.com)
Club Purpose & Membership Director: Larry Azevedo (dribblebit@comcast.net)
Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter. Please be aware we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so please try and submit typed and proofed articles, minutes and comments and new want ads (for sale items will continue to be updated at the meetings). The deadline for submissions is the 24th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-890-2704, or email: JBJaxun@gmail.com
Neva Coffee, Acting Secretary
Welcome to all members and guest David Swope.
No corrections to minutes needed.
Treasurer’s report from Lou, as of 9/2/14 beginning balance of 4,604.92 with deposits of 73.00. New balance of $4,677.92.
Thank you for wonderful refreshments from the Sheltons and the Leupolds. October is Larry and Meg Williams and Bob Payne and November will be the Coffees and Jacksons.
Old business included our recent activities, the picnic was well attended and loads of fun. Update on swap meet preparations was given.
Car council report from Jim was concerning swap meet as well and Joyce can always use help for the event, please see her if you are interested.
October recipe of the month will be from Ray Calderon.
Patches for jackets are on sale, and new name tags for sale from D.J. MacAlister. Bob Agnew has info on a 54 Merc engine and Joyce has info on a 35 Ford for sale in Ruidoso. There is going to be an auction on Sept 19 in Roswell, Jim has the info.
While the Clements were on their trip, they ran into Grant Fleming, who had come through Alb in a past trip and remembered us as a great club with great people.
President Jeff reminded members that our club is a volunteer club. He then had all members draw a number. Those members drawing the number 2 are the nominating committee for this year. Those lucky members were Joe Abbin, Neva Coffee, Art Leupold, Marvin Coffee. They will present their recommendations for new officers at the October meeting and the election will be in November.
Art wanted to remind folks that if anyone needs any of the collectable quarters from each state he has them all. He is offering a great price $1.00 each with a 75 cent rebate. Art can make even change interesting!
David Swope spoke about the Cruise & car show.
Our speaker for the evening was Larry Azevedo who continued with the second part of his talk on Henry Ford. It was interesting as always with many new things we didn’t know about Henry.
The board met to finalize the 2014 calendar. The October meeting program has been changed to a show and tell format, with an emphasis on items especially appealing to women. Beth offered to head up the Tram ride and lunch excursion. The November meeting program will be “Comparing and Contrasting the 1939 and 1949 models”. The garage tour and lunch in November was shifted to Saturday, November 15th and will start with breakfast at the Jacksons at 9am, followed by tours of the Jackson garages and Jay Hertz’s warehouse. The Christmas party will remain at the Cooperage and Mary Gorenz will be asked to coordinate again this year.
Several other program ideas were discussed and we will compile a log of these for next year’s officers. Joe Abbin is a member of the nominating committee and will see that their work is done.
The problems encountered at the state fair were discussed (primarily parking location and coordination of the vehicle carrying the stanchions) and Jay offered to talk to Craig Vincil as he was going with another club to the fair that weekend.
Joe Abbin asked if the club would consider donating some copies of his new book to the Ford Foundation Museum. The board discussed and will make a recommendation to the club to do so and will ask for a vote at the next meeting.
Jeff Jackson stated that the website is up for its yearly renewal and ask the board if they wanted to recommend keeping the website and renewing for another year. The board agreed that they all felt the website is useful and important to keep.
Some of the suggested meeting topics/activities to be thinking about were: Ford Commercials over the years, Art Leupold speaking on starters, generators and/or carbs, Joe Abbin discussing blowers or his new book, a meeting at Unser’s Museum, discussion of Regional Club and National Club history, a night at the Motiva Speedway to display our cars, continuation of Larry’s series on Henry Ford, paintless dent repair, Jay discussing the conversion of auto plants to war materials, and Ed Boles and a tour of the Railroad Yard.
By Beth Jackson, acting secretary.
If you are interested in ordering a new name tag, DJ MacAlister has a contact that will make you one for $7.50. Please contact DJ at 505-884-1687 or at the next meeting. Several people ordered theirs at the September meeting and are already wearing them. Thanks for arranging this, DJ.
Saturday, October 18th we will meet at the Tram parking lot at 30 Tramway Rd NE at 10am. There is a $1 entrance fee per vehicle. We will purchase tram tickets and ride to the top to enjoy breathtaking views of Albuquerque and beyond. Tram tickets are $20 for adults or $17 for those of us 62+. High Finance is the restaurant at the top and we will have lunch there about 11:30. They serve a variety of sandwiches in the $9-15 range. After lunch we will catch a tram for the descent. Hope you will join us on this adventure, whether it has been years or months since you have experienced a tram ride. I would like to make reservations for lunch so I am asking you to call me (Beth Jackson) at 505-908-7564 by Thursday the 16th at noon if you are going to join us. We will confirm attendance and/or options at the October 7 meeting.
Springfield Meet 2014
By Joyce Clements
The Clements drove the renewed 1949 Tudor to the Central National Meet in Springfield, IL, in August. Going there, the weather was moderate, and the car behaved nicely. We enjoyed taking Route 54 out of Tucumcari all the way to Pittsfield, IL. It's a nice drive through lots of small towns, including Louisiana, Nevada, and Mexico, MO. Yes, all those are real towns.
The meet was well-planned, and the host club, Northern IL RG, had a great staff of members making sure we were all well taken care of. The heat and humidity were quite intimidating, but the tour organizers had golf carts with cold water on regular cruises; if you really wanted to cool off, you just stepped inside the hotel lobby – instant goose bumps.
We got to tour a Frank Lloyd Wright house, the Dana Thomas home, a spectacular study in design with original furniture, lamps, woodwork, and art glass windows that added up to a fine art piece inside and out. This was in the middle of a downpour, so we all got cooled off. The house had been built as a party place for a lady who liked to entertain. One odd thing was that a business firm bought the house after the lady passed away, and converted it for their use. They tried to auction off the furniture, but no one wanted it, so it got put in storage. When the house was restored for public tours later, most of the original fixtures were still there. It was an interesting tour, but you wouldn't want to live there – too fussy a design.
We had a tour of old Route 66 segments, including a section that was brick. It was an interesting drive around corn and soy bean fields, where the route had not been replaced with freeway. A portion of the old highway is at the bottom of Lake Springfield. The small towns provided great photo ops for the cars. One of the stops on the tour was a very nice antique car collection that featured as upcoming projects a Sportsman convertible and a Lincoln K Brunn convertible.
The show was super, with plenty of top quality cars, about 150 I think. It was a hot, sunny day and we got nice warm dark blue judge shirts. Next time we should hand out sombreros. The three Clements judged the Lincoln class, two 1941 Zephyrs – nice cars. We also spent some time visiting with Grant Fleming, the Canadian who drove his 1936 Ford to Albuquerque last year and attended the burger fry at Bob Payne's house. He remembers that tour well, and wishes to say thank you and hello to the Tumbleweeds for their hospitality. Grant's '36 didn't make it to the meet, so the meet chairman, Ken Bounds, let him drive his '36 cabriolet to the events.
We drove about 2,500 miles, 3 days up and 3 back, and got just over 20 miles per gallon. We fixed two flats, both in hotel parking lots. Saturday afternoon on the way home, we were plugging along nearing our overnight goal of Nevada, MO, and passed a temperature clock that said 104 degrees. We had just acquired a rock chip in the windshield when the speedometer cable broke. Bruce Nelson, national director, was at the meet. He drives a black original '49 Fordor and says his wife calls it the toaster; they did not come with much insulation and left out the dear old cowl vent. His '49 didn't make it to the meet, as his new electronic replacement ignition system failed on the way. William remembered a cartoon movie from a few years ago and decided our car was The Brave Little Toaster. On to the next adventure!
First aid kits should be customized for whatever trip you will be on or if it is for home. Examples would be a first aid kit for a car tour would be slightly different than one for hiking but there are some items that should be in all kits. Below is a list of must haves and below that is a list of other really great things to have in general.
Aspirin Advil Benadryl
Small scissors A needle Tweezers
Some sterile 4x4 dressings One small roll of gauze An ace wrap
Small roll of Duct tape Bottle of water
Aspirin should be kept for pain and heart attack symptoms and stroke symptoms as well as bringing down fever. Most people can take it. Advil should be used as pain killer and anti-inflammatory. It has much better anti-inflammatory properties than aspirin and would be best to use for sprain, break, cuts/ contusions. Benadryl is an antihistamine. It can be used for any allergic reaction to bug bites, food, poison ivy etc. Scissors are self-explanatory. A needle to dig out splinters, tweezers for same or, stingers, or something you don’t want to pick up with your hands like a scorpion out of your hair. Sterile dressings in case of a deep laceration or puncture can be used as a pressure dressing if applied with an ace wrap or duct tape. You would apply pressure to anything bleeding and not stopping. Ace wrap allows you to support a sprain, make a sling, apply pressure, and even make a tourniquet. Duct tape does many of the same things an ace does plus you can make a splint for a fracture, patch a hole in your canoe or even your car radiator for a short time. Bottle of water gives you fluid if dehydrated, something clean to wash out an eye, or wound, and can also be used as a splint in a pinch.
Other goodies to have are;
Small flashlight, CPR micro shield, so you’re not swapping spit if you render help to someone, Ipecac, in case you need to empty someone’s stomach, ingesting a poision, Pepto or diarrhea meds, people can dehydrate very quickly with diarrhea or vomiting, Some kind of tape adhesive, Vaseline, you can make an occlusive seal over a wound if this is applied to the 4x4s, can keep mucous membranes moist, Instant cold pack, for heat stroke along with fluids, reduce swelling on a sprain etc, Bandaids, Matches, you may need heat or fire or to boil water for drinking, Small mirror, you may need that to signal if you are immobilized.
State Fair 2014
Kathleen won the State Fair Commissions award with her 1934
Bob's 1951 beside Joe's black merc and Al Griego's maroon merc
The maroon car is Lou and Mary's 1940. The cream cart is Jeff and Beths 1941. And the blue car is Jim Kontney's 1946 Merc
Ron and Marylin '34
When not talking about cars, several members (Joe in particular) attended the duck races just behind us.
Happy Birthday to: Happy Anniversary to:
Eli Contreras (4) Bob & Sue Mathes (2)
Linda Frazer (9) Bud Hennessey & Linda Frazer (9)
Larry Williams (21) Don & Joyce Gorenz (19)
Jenny MacDonald (23)
Al Seery (30)
Joke of the Month
Brought to you by Mary Gorenz
This morning on the Interstate I looked over to my left and there was a Woman in a brand new Cadillac doing 65 MPH – with her face up next to her rear view mirror – putting on her eyeliner! I looked away – for just a few seconds – to continue shaving, and when I looked back she was … halfway over in my lane, still working on that makeup! As a man, I don’t scare easily. But she scared me so much; I actually had to put on my seat belt, and I dropped my electric razor. This knocked the donut out of my other hand and in all the confusion of trying to straighten out the car – (using my knees against the steering wheel) it knocked my cell phone away from my ear; it fell into the coffee – between my legs! Splashed and burned Big Jim and the Twins, ruined the darn phone, soaked my trousers, and disconnected an important call. Darn women drivers!
Maryland Corn Pudding submitted by Ray Calderon
1 can creamed corn 2tbs sugar
1 lg can evaporated milk 1/2 tsp salt
1 lg egg 2 tbs butter
2+ rounded tbs flour
Preheat oven to 350. Whisk together the egg and milk. Whisk in flour gradually, then whisk in sugar and salt. Meanwhile, melt butter in 8" square glass baking dish. Once butter is melted, pour mixture into melted butter, add corn and stir. Bake until thick, about one hour. This recipe doubles well in 3 qt rectangular glass baking dish. A nice addition to the Thanksgiving table for color and flavor.
Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2014
Tuesday 7th Club Meeting 7:00pm Memorabilia Sharing
Saturday 18th A ride on the Sandia Tram and lunch (replaces Saturday Breakfast)
Tuesday 4th Club Meeting 7:00pm Election of Officers and compare and contrast the 1939 and 1949 Fords.
Saturday Nov 15th Garage Tour Jeff/Beth Jackson and Jay Hertz starting with breakfast at the Jackson’s. Drive your old car on the tour. Come to the Jackson’s at 9am.
Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 6:00pm – Christmas Party at the Cooperage.
Saturday 20th - Breakfast
October 3-4 – 27th Run to Ruidoso Downs – Ruidoso Downs Racetrack, Ruidoso – Pre-'78 – Ron Duscha (915)598-0621 or www.zianet.com/rtrd
October 3-5 – 22nd Lone Star Nationals – Texas Motor Speedway, Ft. Worth, TX – Pre-'73 Goodguys – (925)838-9876 or www.good-guys.com
October 5 – 14th Annual Fiesta of Wheels – Balloon Fiesta Park – Line up at Los Ranchos Journal Center Rail Runner Station between 2nd & Edith at 7:30am – Ribbons or dash plaques for first 200 vehicles in line – Officials will call when field is ready for us; this might mean we stay at the staging area until 9am due to safety of Balloon Fiesta road access – Obey all traffic laws and give right of way to buses – More info www.fiestaofwheels.com
October 5 – 3rd Annual Bombardiers' All Car & Kustom Motorcycle Show – Stumbling Steer Restaurant, 3700 Ellis NW – Pre-1974, $15 Entry – Music, trophies – 1-6pm, setup starting at 10am – Sponsored by Bombardiers Car Club – (505)839-7087 or (505)263-4408 or see us on Facebook
October 10-11 – SE NM Swap Meet & Car Corral – 1802 W. Main St., Artesia – Dorothy or Frank Hammond (575)746-9477
October 10-11 – 27th Cars in the Park – Veterans' Memorial Park, Sierra Vista, AZ – Gary Skogheim
(520)803-1678 or www.sierravistacarclub.org
October 11 – Los Leones Car Show – Town Hall, Mesilla – Open to all – Brian Crawford (575)644-0534
October 15-19 – 37th Run to the Sun – Nautical Inn, Lake Havasu, AZ – Pre-'73 – (928)855-0933 or www.relicsandrods.com
October 18 – 8th Annual Classics Car Show – St. Gregory Prep School, Tucson, AZ – (520)440-4503 www.tucsonclassicscarshow.com
October 18 – Test N Tune – Arroyo Seco Raceway, Arroyo Seco – Roger (575)494-4794 or www.arroyosecoraceway.com
October 19 – ASR Drags – Arroyo Seco Raceway, Arroyo Seco – Roger (575)494-4794 or www.arroyosecoraceway.com
October 19 – Wounded Warrior Car Show – 141 Roadrunner Pkwy, Las Cruces – Junior 575-644- 5774
October 24-25 – Golden Gears Car Club Last Chance Poker Run & Show – Alameda Park, Alamogordo – Jack Harris (575)491-9804
October 25-26 – CHVA Annual Swap Meet – Tucson, AZ
October 27 – 1st Annual Ghouls Gathering Halloween All Woman's Car Show – Presented by Driving Divas – Fastino's, 2600 Juan Tabo NE – 5-10pm – Open to all makes & models woman driven – Costume party, Trick or Treat, door prizes, awards – Melinda 401-2994 or Karen 620-5278
October 30-November 1 – Grand Ole Tour, 2014 – Clarion Hotel, San Angelo, TX – Info at (325)223-8377 or malohse@suddenlink.net
For Sale: Rebuilt generators, starters, carburetors, distributors, water pumps, clutches, etc. for your
flathead. Best deal in town. Also parts. What do you need? Art Leupold, 505-299-7154.
For Sale: Sealed beam bulbs, headlight or fog, clear or amber, 6 or 12 volt. Spotlights, 6 or 12 volt. Art Leupold, 505-299-7154
For Sale: Flathead Ford Parts; 1 '46-'48 crank shaft w/main and rod inserts and caps; 1 pre-'46 crank shaft; 1 good '46-'48 oil pan; 2 flywheels; 1 intake manifold; 12 water pump cores; 1 intake manifold; 2 oil pumps; 3 oil filters; 2 fuel pump cores; 2 air filters; 6 starter &
generator cores; 4 distributor cores; cam shafts; 1 set rods from '46-'48. Call Max, 505-249-7433.
For Sale: Call Lou, 505-450-1789: 1 pr exhaust manifolds for duals, 292-272-239 $75.00. 1 pr hood side emblems 1960 Ford PU, excellent shape $100. 1 ea. 2010 Ford F150 chrome used grille $100.
For Sale: Two 1941 Merc sedans w/8 new tires, $1500 for both, 95% complete. Two V8 60 engines, $500 each. Larry Azevedo, 505-410-1909.
For Sale: 1950 Merc Coupe, project car. Lots of new parts and lots of extras. Body in great shape, new paint. Bob Mathes 505-507-6995.
For Sale: 1946 Ford 59A-B motor, complete with all accessories including air cleaner, carb, fuel pump, water pumps, exhaust manifolds, heat riser, generator, starter, clutch, pressure plate and flywheel for $200. Engine is stuck and will need to be rebuilt, but should be good candidate. Also have other new and used flathead parts. Bud Hennessy budhennessy@comcast.net
For Sale: Atlas 6 inch Metal Working Bench Lathe, Variable Speed Motor. Completely rebuilt, rewired, and powder coated. Mounted on rolling wooden cart with drawers full of accessories. Hundreds of extra parts. Original Owner’s Manual, many parts lists, and service records. $1,000. D.J. MacAlister 505-884-1687
Wanted: 1933-36 Ford dropped axle. Joe Abbin, 505-296-7678.
Wanted: For 1940 Mercury Fordor: Dash plastic, nice hubcaps, grill parts. Jim Clements 505-884-7912.
Wanted: 1940 used Speed-O-Meter (Ford, of course) call Lou 505-450-1789.
Wanted: Any old Ford hubcaps (not in great condition) for wall art. Please no caps that are overly rare or expensive. Mark 505-315-1494
Services Offered: Vintage engine rebuilding, any make, any model. Stock or modified. Dynamometer testing available. Results guaranteed. References available. Gary McGlasson, 505-250-1586.
Services Offered: Frank Corey, who has made a meeting presentation about the mechanical aspects of Ford overdrives, is available to consult on the electrical aspects as well. Frank has a supply of overdrive parts for sale, for those who may be interested. Frank can be contacted at 505-299-5168 or (frankford4@aol.com).
For Rent: Indoor Car Parking Space. $75/month. Jim Clements 505-884-7912
More State Fair Photos
Lou said Mary made me eat the ice cream
Jim and Sam relaxing
Bob listens to the NASCAR races during the State Fair.