PLEASE NOTE: All meetings include Show & Tell. Members are encouraged to bring items to share.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, August 5, 7:00 p.m., Old Car Garage. The program will be a discussion by the club on shop safety. Refreshments by Eli Contreras.
Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m.
NEXT BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, September 9th at 7pm at Jackson’s House. Everyone is invited.
BREAKFAST GROUP : Saturday, August 16th, 8:30 am at Furr’s Fresh Buffet, 2004 Wyoming NE.
CLUB WEBSITE: Be sure to check out our website at Updated “current Information and calendar” is on the current information page.
FORD V8 FOUNDATION WEBSITE: Another interesting website to check out is
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Jeff Jackson, President
July was a relatively quiet car month. Our club big activity was a tour of the Albuquerque Botanical Gardens and the Aquarium and lunch. The Jacksons and Quiricis apparently had the least busy July schedule and met and enjoyed the tour. But where did the rest of July go? Don’t know for sure but the rumor is that time goes faster as we get older. For sure at our house time flies when we’re having fun and I hope the same is true for you. Specially that you have fun! Whether fixing your old car, driving your old car, or just meeting and sharing stories, time spent with friends helps the time fly.
The dog days of summer are upon us – whew, I had this picture I needed to useJ. The black pooch is Basil, our Australian Shepherd/reindeer and the little white one is Toby, Beth’s poodle. While July was pleasant with showers on many days leading to cool evenings, August will likely be hot. Still, August is a big month for our club. The All Clubs Picnic is on the 12th and we will have breakfast Saturday, August 16th at Furr’s on Wyoming brought to us by a mystery person. Note, Dee has deferred the breakfast in Belen until September when it is cooler and we might all drive our club cars.
The August meeting program will be as interesting as we, as club members, make it. We will have an open discussion on garage safety. Everyone should participate by sharing “short safety tips” and help each of us be safer in our garage. I expect we will have some great stories and lessons learned from this discussion.
One last item, jumping ahead to September. Joe sent me an article about an auction in Roswell New Mexico on September 20th. An auto supply and recycling facility is auctioning over 400 cars from the ‘30’s to the ‘70’s and many pallets of parts. I know auctions are hit and miss, nevertheless this could be an interesting trip for us and we could also visit the Roswell UFO Museum and other sites on the trip. Not sure if this is good for old cars but being together as a group would always be a fun time. Let’s discuss at the August meeting.
President: R. Jeff Jackson (
Vice-President: Bob Quirici (
Secretary: Larry Williams (
Treasurer: Lou Gorenz (
Technical Director: Joe Abbin (
Touring Director: John Shelton (
Club Purpose & Membership Director: Larry Azevedo (
Members are encouraged to submit articles, ads and photographs for inclusion in the newsletter. Please be aware we have a volunteer Newsletter Editor so please try and submit typed and proofed articles, minutes and comments and new want ads (for sale items will continue to be updated at the meetings). The deadline for submissions is the 24th of the month. Beth Jackson, 505-890-2704, or email:
Larry Williams, Secretary
The July meeting was called to order by President Jeff Jackson. There were no guests. New member Bill Verant was not present for this meeting.
The members did receive the minutes from the last meeting, however there were no corrections or additions suggested.
Lou’s treasurer’s report: The balance in the checking account is $4718.92, and the savings account has $1395.71.
Happy Birthday to Beth Jackson (12), Max Glover (15), Don Gorenz (25), and Jim Kontney (26). Happy Anniversary to Jay and Helen Hertz (3), Harvey and Marka Catchpole (21), and Mark and Kara Williams (25).
Thanks for bringing refreshments went out to Beth and Jeff Jackson and Tom & Dee Patterson.
Old Business:
Car Council report by Jim and Joyce: Car show went well with 360 cars entered.
Recipe of the month was provided by Meg Williams. She picked Larry Williams for August.
For Show and Tell, Max Glover brought a door latch from a 1940 Mercury.
An award presentation was made to Tom and Dee Patterson. They received the Dick Precit Memorial Award of 2014 for their 1953 Ford convertible. This award was selected at the Memorial Day Club picnic.
New Business:
The July 4th Corrales Parade and Picnic event will be hosted once again by Larry and Lorna Azevedo. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided please bring a side dish or desert.
Collector car appreciation day is Friday, July 11th with activities planned for Saturday, July 12th.
Saturday, July 19th is a tour of the Albuquerque Botanical Garden and the Aquarium. This will replace the Saturday breakfast with coordination by Bob Quirici.
Reminder about future events:
Next meeting will be at the Old Car Garage on August 5th with a program on shop safety. Volunteers are needed to help with this!
All Clubs Picnic is on Sunday, August 10th.
Breakfast on Saturday, August 16th with location to be announced.
The Fly-In at Double Eagle Airport will be on September 6th. They need more old cars to come out.
Ford and Friends California want to share with our members that they have waived the late registration fee for their event in early September.
The program for this meeting was provided by Larry Azevedo with a discussion on Henry Ford. Larry gave us an enjoyable overview of the early days of his life up to the building of his first car.
August Breakfast
Saturday, August 16th, we will meet for breakfast at the Furr’s Fresh Buffet at 2004 Wyoming NE at 8:30 am. This is brought to us by a mystery person this month. Please join us.
July 19th Tour of Botanical Gardens and Aquarium
By Bob Quirici
The July activity took us to The Albuquerque Botanic Garden and Aquarium. The four of us who took part in this activity got quite a deal – it was half priced Saturday! Yes, the weather was warm but starting at 10:00 the stroll through the botanic garden was quite enjoyable. For those of you who only go for the Festival of Lights in December the gardens are quite impressive in the summer, too. The greenery and the blooming flowers - roses, anthuriums, rose of sharon, and hibiscus are a sight to see. As you enter and walk through the Spanish – Moorish Garden and the Ceremonial Garden sets the mood of what the garden is all about. We continued the stroll through the conservatories and proceeded to the farm house. The farm house is a replica of the earlier days with adobe walls and a tin tile ceiling. Behind the farm house were the orchards and crop field. From there we headed to the Japanese Garden. Plenty of greenery and a pond with plenty of water flowing from the water fall made this an awesome site. As we headed back the trains are always fun to watch and a walk through the butterfly pavilion was just as colorful as all the flowers. It was time for lunch at the Aquarium café. The food hit the spot and the conversation included talking about old cars. Our last stop was a walk through the aquarium. Plenty of colorful fish, sharks, and stingrays made the aquarium a pleasant stop. As you look toward the entrance on the second floor you even get to see a front end of an older car sticking out of the wall. How appropriate!
Recipe of the Month
By Larry Williams
Pork Chops in Foil
Spray foil with Pam or spray with butter.
1. Sauerkraut, rinsed
2. Pork Chops
3. Apples
4. Brown Sugar
5. Raisins
Layer #’s 1-5 on foil and wrap well.
Bake at 375 for 1 hour.
What is a Brewster?
By Joe Abbin
The Ford deal and the End-from Wikipedia
Brewster & Company was an American coachbuilder, active from 1810-1937. Their first known bodywork on an automobile was in 1896, on an electric car, and a gasoline powered car in 1905, on a Delaunay-Belleville chassis. Eventually they would use chassis from a variety of makers. From 1915-1925 and 1934-1935 they produced their own line of opulent and expensive automobiles at their plant in Long Island City.
In 1934 a Brewster employee, J.S. Inskip, who had taken control of operations to save Brewster from the Depression, purchased 135 Ford V8 roadster chassis and designed a body for it, identified by its swoopy fenders and a heart-shaped grille. 15 were made with the 1935 Ford grill. Stylish and sold for only $3,500, it was a hit at the 1934 New York Auto Show. The bodies were worth more than the chassis. These cars were registered as Brewsters and sold at Rolls-Royce showrooms, and were not branded as Fords.
Edsel Ford acquired the first shipped example. A 'one off' custom on a stretched 127-inch wheelbase, a 1934 Brewster Town Cabriolet DeVille (chassis number: 18-802233; engine number: 49493; Brewster build number 9002), which was the third Ford Brewster and the only that did not use the normal Brewster front end. Instead (at Edsel's request) 1934 Ford grill was installed. It is also the only example made with a Brewster dash instead of the standard Ford dash, 16 inch wheels in place of the standard 17s, and a banjo steering wheel. Edsel Ford kept it at a New York Ford Dealer, where he and his family could use it while in New York. In 1939, he had it retrofitted with a 239 Mercury flathead V8 engine that produced nearly 100 horsepower. It is one of Edsel Ford's few personal cars and still survives today in remarkable condition, unrestored. It was presented by RM Auctions at Automobiles of Amelia in 2008 where it sold for $198,000.[1]
Inskip marketed the car to New York celebrities (see Notable Owners), with whom it became popular. The Ford Brewster project was initially profitable. Soon Brewster was taking losses and its bondholders and directors would claim something needed to be done. They insisted on closing down the firm and in July 1935, bankruptcy proceedings were instituted.
On August 18, 1937, the company was sold at public auction.
By Joyce Clements
The 2013 Swap Meet in Los Lunas was the biggest ever! 450 spaces were sold, enough so that the soccer fields were filled and vendors moved into a baseball field for more room. Vendors were here from Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Texas, Wisconsin, Indiana, and 52 New Mexico communities. Several National V8 members were here from out of state, and some flathead Ford parts changed hands. Talking to vendors and customers that were at the swap meet, this is the biggest meet in all the surrounding states except for some in Texas. The event has grown to be a big deal! The part we can really be proud of is that we do it with volunteers. Many, many club members, Car Council reps, and personnel from Los Lunas were out there on their own time doing all the work to set up, run, take down and clean up after the swap meet. There are not words enough to thank all the people who pitched in and helped. Helpers expressed that meeting and greeting all the vendors and customers was fun. Then there were all the cars, parts and miscellany for sale. The Village of Los Lunas officials and the local businesses are very supportive of this event and supply advertising and amenities.
The good news is that we will be doing it all again, September 26-28, and a large crowd is expected. Reservations are coming in already. If you want to buy a space, it's time to get your money in. If you had a space last year and want the same one again, the deadline is August 8 to so specify. If you need an application or more information, call Joyce at 884-7912 or e-mail If you want to just come shop and visit, it's free. You will be positively impressed.
Happy Birthday to: Happy Anniversary to:
(1) Jeannine Kontny (19) Larry & Meg Williams
(3) Bud Hennessey
(24) Harvey Catchpole
(26) Kara Williams
(27) Pat Willan
(29) Jim Clements
All Clubs Picnic
This year’s picnic is Sunday, August 10, 2014 from 10:00am to 3:00pm. It will be held at the Oak Flat Picnic Area. We are making this a club activity and encourage everyone to attend. Those who would like to caravan should meet at the Smith’s on Tramway, just off I-40, at 9:30am. A flyer with more details is included with this newsletter.
Joke of the Month
A man and his wife walked into a dentist's office. The man said to the dentist, "Doctor, I'm in one hell of a big hurry! I have two buddies sitting out in my car waiting for us to go play golf. So forget about the anesthetic and just pull the tooth and be done with it-- I don't have time to wait for the anesthetic to work!" The dentist thought to himself, "My goodness--this sure is a very brave man, asking me to pull his tooth without using anything to kill the pain." So the dentist asked him, "Which tooth is it, sir?" The man turned to his wife and said, "Open your mouth, Honey, and show the doctor which tooth hurts."
Tumbleweed Early Ford V8 Club Calendar for 2014
Tuesday 5th Club Meeting 7:00pm Discussion on shop safety.
Sunday August 10 – All Clubs Picnic will also be our tour activity. This is a great picnic and nice drive.
Saturday August 16 – Breakfast at Furrs on Wyoming, 8:30am
Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7:00pm Larry Azevedo presents the second part in the series on the life of Henry Ford
September 9th Board Meeting at the Jackson’s
September 14th State Fair
Saturday September 20th Breakfast by Dee
September 26-28 – NMCCC/Los Lunas Swap Meet
Tuesday 7th Club Meeting 7:00pm
Saturday 18th A ride on the Sandia Tram and lunch (replaces Saturday Breakfast)
Saturday Nov 1st Garage Tour Jay Hertz and Jeff/Beth Jackson with a lunch at the Jackson’s. Drive your old car on the tour.
Tuesday 4th Club Meeting 7:00pm Election of Officers and a Ladies night
Saturday 15th - Breakfast
Tuesday 2nd Club Meeting 7:00pm – Christmas Party
Discussed but not confirmed: Ed Boles and a tour of the Railroad Yard, probably an afternoon activity
Saturday 20th - Breakfast
July 25-26 – DeFoeller Specialty Car Auction – Denver Merchandise Mart, CO – Info (817)343-4966 or
July 25-27 – Rt. 66 Freedom Flight & Cruise, Car, Truck & Street Rod Show – Gallup Courthouse Square – Balloon mass ascensions, motorcycles, live music, food, vendors, beer garden – Steve Gurley (505)870-7405 or or (505)722-4430 or
July 29-August 3 – Hot August Nights – Reno, NV
July 30 – National Drive Your Antique Tractor Day
July 31-August 2 – Barrett-Jackson Auction – Reno, NV – In conjunction with Hot August Nights
August, 2014 and Later – Seeking host homes in Albuquerque and other towns in New Mexico for Foreign Exchange High School Students with an interest in automobiles – Call Michele Avila (505)702-1548 or
August 2 – Pit Rally Hill Climb – Central City Parkway (from I-70 to Central City), CO - Hwy will be closed to regular traffic – $350 - $500 entry fee for competition racers, no charge for spectators – Safe areas along road for spectators, free parking in Central City for events – For info
August 9 – 50's Fever Classic Car Show – Pacifica Santa Fe, 2961 Galisteo Rd, Santa Fe – Benefit to NM Honor Flight – 10am-2pm – Dash plaques, goodie bags to first 50 cars, trophies, 50's games, entertainment, dance demos, Bingo, food – Entry $5 – (505)438-8464
August 9 – LANL Employee Family Picnic Car Show – Los Alamos – Free food, music, activities for all ages – Each vehicle will have 19ft wide space for ample walk space between cars – Limit of 70 vehicles – Setup 8:00-9:30am – Picnic starts at 10:00am and ends at 3:00pm – Due to traffic volume we ask that registered vehicles not leave until 3:30pm
August 13-16 – AACA Vin-Tin Round-Up Tour – Amarillo, TX – Gene Smith (806)358-4970
August 15-17 – Nationals Car Show & Parts Swap Meet – Dove Creek, CO – Poker Run on 15th, Car Show & Swap Meet on 16th & Swap Meet on 17th
August 16 – Farmington Boys and Girls Club Show – Farmington – Chuck Melazzo (505)326-0076
August 16 – Wine & Shine Classic Car Show – San Juan Winery, Blanco – Brittny (970)903-4177 or (505)632-0879 or
August 16-17 – Harvest Festival & Tractor Show – Wildlife West Nature Park, Edgewood, NM – 10am-6pm – Parade, tractor games, blacksmith demos, wildlife exhibitions, chuckwagon supper, live music – 281-7655 or 1-877-981-9453 or
August 16 – Chillin' on Beale Street – Historical Downtown between 4th & 6th Sts, Kingman, AZ – 4-9pm – Free – Dash plaques, music by KZKE, 50/50 raffle, street vendors, Sponsor awards, Redneck's Southern Pit BBQ – Pauline Rowe or Ralph Bowman or (928)681-2361 for more info
August 16 – Woodward Dream Cruise – Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI –
August 22-23 – Notorious Blair Street 2nd Annual Car Show and Waffle Breakfast – Silverton, CO – Entry $12 includes dash plaque – Pre-register Casey at (970)387-5090 or John Miles for vehicles at (505)215-0924 –
August 22-23 – 23rd Run to Copper Country – Gough Park, Silver City – Pre-'79 – Doug Colgan
(575)388-3468 or
August 23 – 8th Donate for Life Car Show – Young Park, Las Cruces – Open to all – Susan Brown (575)496-2627
August 24 - 22nd Annual Make A Wish Classic Car Show – Reliable Chevrolet – Sponsored by Rio Grande Corvette Club and Camaro Club of New Mexico – For More information contact Pat Salerno 440-5675 or Ed Eubanks 934-8827."
August 24 – 3rd Annual Del Norte Boys & Girls Club Show & Shine – Big Lots, 3140 Cerrillos Rd., Santa Fe – Car & Bike Show fundraiser for Santa Fe Del Norte Boys & Girls Club After School Program – Donations welcome – Entry $30 vehicle, $20 motorcycle – Admission $5 14 & over, under 14 free – Music, raffle – Brenda Sandoval (505)920-1028 after 5 & weekends or
August 30 – Brandon's Cause 3rd Annual Car Show & Motorcycle Rally – Balloon Museum parking lot – Food, family fun, live bands – Registration 8am – Entry $20 cars, $15 bikes – Pete
410-9725 for bikes, Richard 559-3925 for cars, victims and other non-profits
All the meets will be honoring the 75th Anniversary of 1939 model Ford products. Entry forms, costs, and schedules for all the meets can be found at Joyce will have sample entry forms at the meeting if you are interested in any meet.
August 19-22 – Central National Meet in Springfield, IL – "V-8ing Joy in Illinois" closer to home. Visit for information. Jay has entry forms and raffle tickets for this meet.
September 2-5 – Western National Meet in Ventura, CA – "Fords & Folks in Thousand Oaks" in sunny California. Visit for more information.
September 7-12 – 2014 National Driving Tour in Upper Peninsula, MI – "Say yah to da U.P., eh". For details, Keith Johnson (906)249-3262 (eastern time zone) or
For Sale: Rebuilt generators, starters, carburetors, distributors, water pumps, clutches, etc. for your
flathead. Best deal in town. Also parts. What do you need? Art Leupold, 505-299-7154.
For Sale: Sealed beam bulbs, headlight or fog, clear or amber, 6 or 12 volt. Spotlights, 6 0r 12 volt. Art Leupold, 505-299-7154
For Sale: 62 Jaguar MK2, 58 Jaguar XK150, Jaguar SS100 Replica, 70 Toyota Land Cruiser, 2 – Range Rovers, Jeep Wagoneer. Estate Sale, call John Shelton, 243-9877
For Sale: Flathead Ford Parts; 1 '46-'48 crank shaft w/main and rod inserts and caps; 1 pre-'46 crank shaft; 1 good '46-'48 oil pan; 2 flywheels; 1 intake manifold; 12 water pump cores; 1 intake manifold; 2 oil pumps; 3 oil filters; 2 fuel pump cores; 2 air filters; 6 starter &
generator cores; 4 distributor cores; cam shafts; 1 set rods from '46-'48. Call Max, 249-7433.
For Sale: Call Lou, 505-450-1789: 1 pr exhaust manifolds for duals, 292-272-239 $75.00. 1 pr hood side emblems 1960 Ford PU, excellent shape $100. 1 ea. 2010 Ford F150 chrome used grille $100.
For Sale: 1995 Taurus, sun roof, leather, very low miles, great condition, SHO. Needs A/C charged. One time sale, $2700. Call Lou, 505-450-1789.
For Sale: Two 1941 Merc sedans w/8 new tires, $1500 for both, 95% complete. Two V8 60 engines, $500 each. Larry Azevedo, 410-1909.
For Sale: 24-foot V-nosed enclosed trailer, new tires, nice. Robby Clauss 991-4672
For Sale: 1950 Merc Coupe, project car. Lots of new parts and lots of extras. Body in great shape, new paint. Bob Mathes 507-6995
For Sale: 2004 Ford Thunderbird, owned since new; mint green. Jay Hertz, 235-8235.
For Sale: 3 – 91A-16796/7 SS 1938/40 Passenger Car Hood Hinges Stainless Steel
3 – 91A-16802/3 SS 1939 Deluxe, 1940 Std., 1940 Deluxe Hood Arm & Spring Supports
2 – 78-8100-B 1937-48 Passenger Radiator Cap 2 – 01A-7004690-K 1940 Deluxe Dash Trim
2 – 91A-5034 SS 1939 Dlx, 1940 Pass, & 1941 – 1941 PU Front License Plate Bracket
2 – 01A-13406 SS 1938-1948 Passenger Rear License Plate Bracket 4 – 91A-16789 SS 1939-48 Hood Arm Springs SS
8 – 78-6038-K 1937-1948 Front Motor Mounts 10 – 40-17758 1933-1940 Bumper Bolts
2 – 01A-16009-K 1940 Rear Fender to Body Clip Kit 2 – 91A-8219 1939-1940 Hood Ornament Hardware
2 – 78-17481 1937-1940 Wiper Arm Nuts 2 – 48-9735 1935-1948 Gas Pedal
2 – 01A-17526 1937-1940 Conv., Sta Wagon, All 1940 Closed Windshield Wiper Arms
3 – 78-16746/7 1937-1940 Hood Hinge Pads 4 – 91A-7002330 1939-1942 Pass and PU Cowl Vent Gasket
These are all new Bob Drake parts. Parts for sale at 50% discount from current and no shipping fee. Call Jeff Jackson at 505-908-7565 for details or to make an offer.
Wanted: 1933-36 Ford dropped axle. Joe Abbin, 296-7678.
Wanted: ’51 Ford 3-speed OD transmission case. David McLain, 334-782-3521.
Wanted: For 1940 Mercury Fordor: Dash plastic, nice hubcaps, grill parts. Jim Clements 505-884-7912.
Wanted: 1940 used Speed-O-Meter (Ford, of course) call Lou 450-1789.
Services Offered: Vintage engine rebuilding, any make, any model. Stock or modified. Dynamometer testing available. Results guaranteed. References available. Gary McGlasson, 505-250-1586.
Services Offered: Frank Corey, who has made a meeting presentation about the mechanical aspects of Ford overdrives, is available to consult on the electrical aspects as well. Frank has a supply of overdrive parts for sale, for those who may be interested. Frank can be contacted at 505-299-5168 or (
For Rent: Indoor Car Parking Space. $75/month. Jim Clements 884-7912.
PO BOX 21538
ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87154-1538